Wow, where did you download so many VARs from?Currently I've 19K vars in total and almost 2TB vam files.
Wow, where did you download so many VARs from?
how do you clean up Saves and Custom
Thanks for the can install it multiple times. you can even run multiple instances at the same time. It's probably not recommended but I didn't notice any issues with it.
I have it intalled twice: the big vam where i download stuff and develop my plugins and a clean vam where I test my .vars before I release them so that to not mess up dependencies
Just wondering...
Currently I've 19K vars in total and almost 2TB vam files.
It's just crazy that this is not even half of all the vam content on internet. In this case soon i'll need more space for my ssds lol
How the fuck is your vam even running with that many, my testing found 1000vars in the db = 10-15 fps loss
Been on a mission to clean up my install an pare back the var count significantly.
I'm on 19 11900k, 3080, 32 gb 3600 ddr4 using macgrubers benchmark to quantify the results
1000 vars removed = approximately extra 10-15 fps
Started with 5800 vars and now down to only 1800 (only lulz) but I have gained 70fps
Any var with morphs and the preload morphs option active will double slow down your vam but the bigest killer is sheer var count. So far i have unpacked all my non sharable clothing vars to the local install as I tested and local clothes cost 0 fps but clothing vars leech fps.
The other upside to this is everything is much faster to load now, still not a patch on my clean build but compared to what it was daymn!
So if you extract clothing vars and load vam it will not affect fps? Same for other vars too?
There's a way to just that. No need to kill anybody, really.What id kill for right now is a scan hub for missing dependencies for just the scene I wanna run!