BrowserAssist (Free)

Plugins BrowserAssist (Free)

JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.6 Update

New Local Folder Features:
  • Local resources (i.e. non VAR packaged) can now be filtered by a specific folder. Optionally you can include resources in sub-folders or not.
  • Popup tree browser allows easy navigation and selection of folders. Options allow renaming, deleting, moving and creating of folders. (Requires the SymLinks bat file to be run first - see main hub page for instructions).
  • Selected local resources can be moved between folders.
New resource info tab...

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Just leaving this here for anyone else who can't get the .bat file to work. Make sure that everything is not read-only. I forget what security or folder access does this but I had it enabled so everything is read-only. So I just went to the vam root folder properties->untick read-only->then ran the .bat file->hey it works now!
P.S. JayJayWon you are the sex. Thanks for taking the time to create these plugins!
@JayJayWon I'm having a weird issue after adding a bunch (few hundred) of scene vars at the same time. I added them with the game closed and when I open the browser I don't see them in the scene tab, I only see what I had before adding all those vars. However, if I filter by package creator and choose the creators of the vars I just added they are all there and I can see them.

Is there a reason why they don't appear if I don't have creator filters active ? I've already tried restarting several times and reloading the plugin. I also tried "rescan for new VARS".
@JayJayWon I'm having a weird issue after adding a bunch (few hundred) of scene vars at the same time. I added them with the game closed and when I open the browser I don't see them in the scene tab, I only see what I had before adding all those vars. However, if I filter by package creator and choose the creators of the vars I just added they are all there and I can see them.

Is there a reason why they don't appear if I don't have creator filters active ? I've already tried restarting several times and reloading the plugin. I also tried "rescan for new VARS".
It would be easier to dignose with some screenshots. Can you join my Discord channel?
JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.7 Update

New Features:
  • Additional Order/Sort by filter options. Sort by New or Update dates and reverse date order. Note that (due to VAM security constraint) for local (non VAR packaged resources) the New and Updated dates are always the same. For packaged resources, an Updated date is the date that a new version of a VAR package was detected by BA.
  • Last Resource Page navigation button added
  • Separate 'Number of Resources per page' settings for VR & Desktop modes
  • Usability...

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JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.8 update

New Features:
  • Existing tags can now be renamed and deleted from the Plugin UI
  • Tags can be configured as 'Hide' tags - any resources marked with that tag will be treated as if they are hidden.
  • New Combi-tags feature. Combi-Tags apply themselves to resources based on a combination of other tags, allowing automatic tagging of resources based on user specified criteria. Combi-tags can also reference other combi-tags allowing nested logic criteria to be specified.
  • Extensive...

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JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.9.2 Update

New Features:
  • PATREONS ONLY: Filtering by multiple tag combinations can now be applied on the main resource Browser.

BA Tag Filters2.jpg

  • Creators filter now sorts the list of creators by the quantity of resources so the most prolific creators are listed first. An option in the Plugin Settings UI allows switching back to alphabetical order. Some performance improvements to...

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Hi, @JayJayWon

Thank you for another groundbreaking plugin.
I'm using BrowserAssist, latest version, and I'm seeing scenes that don't exist anymore. I often delete scenes files inside VARs that I don't need, but when VaM is restarted they continue to show up in Browser Assist with a white thumbnail, and as expected they don't load because the VAR doesn't have them anymore.

Typical scenario:
  • I get a new VAR with a scene
  • Load VaM and it shows up in Browser Assist
  • I edit the VAR by removing the scene files and keep the VAR in AddonsPackages
  • I close VaM
  • Load VaM again and Browser Assist shows again the scene for that VAR, even though it's not in the VAR anymore, with a white thumbnail.
I guess there's some sort of cache you use and this may be the origin for the scene that isn't there anymore? I only started using the plugin, so these ghost scenes are bound to increase quickly.

Thank you and looking forward to your thoughts on this.
Hi, @JayJayWon

Thank you for another groundbreaking plugin.
I'm using BrowserAssist, latest version, and I'm seeing scenes that don't exist anymore. I often delete scenes files inside VARs that I don't need, but when VaM is restarted they continue to show up in Browser Assist with a white thumbnail, and as expected they don't load because the VAR doesn't have them anymore.

Typical scenario:
  • I get a new VAR with a scene
  • Load VaM and it shows up in Browser Assist
  • I edit the VAR by removing the scene files and keep the VAR in AddonsPackages
  • I close VaM
  • Load VaM again and Browser Assist shows again the scene for that VAR, even though it's not in the VAR anymore, with a white thumbnail.
I guess there's some sort of cache you use and this may be the origin for the scene that isn't there anymore? I only started using the plugin, so these ghost scenes are bound to increase quickly.

Thank you and looking forward to your thoughts on this.
Yeah editing VARs to remove resources is going to break BrowserAssist. It does scan new VARs once and then cache the important information. Fundamentally this is a significant part of the reason why BA is more responsive than the native scene browser.
I'm not really sure that editing VARs this way is "good practice" in any case. VARs are intended to be immutable and editing them risks all sorts of potential dependency issues. I'd seriously challenge whether there is not a better workflow to achieve what ever drives you to do this. Have you considered making the edited version of the VAR a higher version number. If you say, always name your edited version to be "xxx.100.var" then that is a new version (with less content). As long as the original author never releases something as high as this, then you should avoid referencing conflicts also.
All that being said, I could potentially put a button in BA to allow the user to force a manual rescan of a specific VAR.
I'm not really sure that editing VARs this way is "good practice" in any case
No worries, I keep a deeply customised VAR collection but I'm aware of the cons in doing this and keep things tight. It's amazing how bad people can be at packing stuff ? and I prefer the manual touch over the VAR managing tools around.

Anyway, what I do around this is to copy to somewhere else the VAR and delete it from within Browser Assist. Then I copy it back and is all good.
Mainly I wanted to let you know about this. Few will end up seeing this as only the weirdos like me that edit the VARs will see it ;)

Thaks for another game changing plugin ?
No worries, I keep a deeply customised VAR collection but I'm aware of the cons in doing this and keep things tight. It's amazing how bad people can be at packing stuff ? and I prefer the manual touch over the VAR managing tools around.

Anyway, what I do around this is to copy to somewhere else the VAR and delete it from within Browser Assist. Then I copy it back and is all good.
Mainly I wanted to let you know about this. Few will end up seeing this as only the weirdos like me that edit the VARs will see it ;)

Thaks for another game changing plugin ?
Yeah, I do occasionally edit VARs myself where they have broken dependencies that cant be sourced anywhere. In any case, sounds like you have a viable work around for now at least.
I'll add a feature to manually rescan individual VARs to my backlog. In fact, it could trigger automatically if it detects a resource is missing when you try to load or select it.
Hi @JayJayWon,
Your BrowserAssist is wonderful !
I just set up FasterVaM, a plugin that move VAR files to another directory so that VAM is launching very quickly; but as in BrowserAssist we can't choose which directories can be managed, the VAR doesn't appear anymore in BrowserAssist.
An idea for a next version should be to be able to choose directories for VAR scanning in BrowserAssist.
Keep doing the excellent work you make !
Hi @JayJayWon,
Your BrowserAssist is wonderful !
I just set up FasterVaM, a plugin that move VAR files to another directory so that VAM is launching very quickly; but as in BrowserAssist we can't choose which directories can be managed, the VAR doesn't appear anymore in BrowserAssist.
An idea for a next version should be to be able to choose directories for VAR scanning in BrowserAssist.
Keep doing the excellent work you make !
I'll think about it. But making it compatible with a paid plugin that I dont have access to is not likely to be easy or even possible.
Ha, sorry. Those aren't meant to be instructions. They are a list of new features that the plugin can now do. I've hopefully made it a bit clearer now, but essentially there are new options to be able to delete files and VARs directly from the BrowserAssist UI.
@cmramlow - apologies, somehow I responded to the wrong message there! Must have been studying your system specs too hard!
@Pentheus - above response was aimed at you.

Meanwhile, I have the latest version. But after the updates the old versions files are still present in Addons Folder, Cache and Saves/Plugindata. Do I need to delete them manually? Or am I doing something wrong?
Meanwhile, I have the latest version. But after the updates the old versions files are still present in Addons Folder, Cache and Saves/Plugindata. Do I need to delete them manually? Or am I doing something wrong?
I’m not entirely sure I understand you. What “old versions files” are you referring to?
To be clear, there is no need to delete anything for the BrowserAssist plugin to work.
I’m not entirely sure I understand you. What “old versions files” are you referring to?
To be clear, there is no need to delete anything for the BrowserAssist plugin to work.

I am referring to these files in my VAM folder:
BrowserAssist Files.png

I thought every new version would delete old files automatically. Do I need to delete these files manually?
JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.10.0 Update

  • Option to bulk delete multiple resources. This feature needs to be enabled in the plugin UI first. When enabled, an additional 'Delete All' button will become available on the Action tab when multiple resources are selected. Requires the SymLinks bat file to be run (see warnings and instructions on VAMHub pages).
  • Includes functionality to provide an integration with UIAssist (and potentially other plugins in the future).

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JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.11.3 Update

New features:
  • Option (in plugin setting) for Tag data (and other meta data) of Packaged resources to be maintained even when the containing VAR is missing. This is intended to support VARManager plugins which remove VARs temporarily and then re-instate them later. Manual deletion of VARs using the BrowserAssist delete function will purge meta data, even if this setting is enabled.
  • BrowserAssist now reads the created and modified dates of files directly which give a mores...

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JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.12.1 Update

  • (PATRONS ONLY) Introduced additional Preset Resource Types for all non-Person Atoms e.g. CUAs, Lights, Empty, AnimationPatterns etc.
  • Each Resource Type can now be optionally concealed - allowing the removal of any resource types that are not used from the Resource Type dropdowns.
  • Minor improvement to the scrolling of the tags window - it no longer resets every time a resource is selected.

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JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.13.2 Update

New Features:
  • Introduced support for SubScenes as a new resource type (Patreons only).
  • Added the ability to set Tags as 'Preferred Tags' in the PluginUI settings. Preferred tags will be listed at the top of the Tags filter drop downs.
  • Usability improvements to the Tags tab for resources. Includes the ability to expand the tag window area to show more tags without scrolling.
Bug fix:
  • Fixed issue with Desktop Scaling not persisting between BrowserAssist...

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