Yes yes... you already told me about that but it looks so much as a "pussy drip" that I've forgot your answer. I love it... too sad that sometime I have to disable particles to avoid going in slowmo... (i need to update my hardware... -.-).No problem mate, this is just something I don't see a real problem and if it was, the problem might be caused by VAM itself. Did you try how it looks without BL?
Q1: I think I explained this to you before but here we go: The males (and dildos) have a stimulation and they can cum. If they cum inside the particles will drip out of the orifice. So, if you want to invoke it you should press Q or trigger a male orgasm.![]()
About the gap I totally agree with you, it's not a real problem and yes, I can confirm that it's look-related (with other models all works good). Don't misuderstand me, I'm not focused so much on this because I think that it's a big problem, I'm just trying to understand if there is some sort of easy workaround because I really like this look and I'm reporting my steps only to have some feedback from you. You already said that modding these colliders brokes BL internals. The point is, I'm not seeing big problems and, since I try to make my scene the more stable possible, I'm reporting my steps so that you may point me to the things that I have to pay attention to if I keep these colliders modded.
And now that you say that, no... I've not tested if the gap happen even without BL...
Anyway... I want to say that I started with the idea of modding my setup to make use of BL... now, after a bunch of sessions, I'm beginning to think that, instead, it could be better if I rethink all my setup from zero, all around BL! There are so many things that I love of these plugins...
Uh... one last thing: The Dynamic Stim Regression going to zero seems to be a concrete problem (you said it should never set to zero). It keeps happening. Not sure of what trigger this but it may be have something to do with slapping\slaps triggers and\or time you leave the girl untouched. I'll report if I found a repeatable scenario.