
Plugins BodyLanguage

Whenever I load in to specific scenes, this error keeps spamming me on loop and I can't undo it without restarting VAM. Then it will happen again as soon as I load said scnences. Any help would be appreciated

item.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> Syst


!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
The player is the fallback target if nothing else is visible. There is no way around that except to make sure there's always some visible target around (e.g. the environment).

Setting the Focus Target to "None" wouldn't make sense.
Thanks, the first bit is indeed the solution to problem A.
A workaround to that issue then, is to ensure there is always a target in sight besides the player face, for example a random empty atom that is parent linked right in front of the person's eyes.

Just to comment on this further though, the "regular/original" gaze/glance plugin does not have this same behaviour as it's capable of selecting "nothing".
I think it refers to it as "spacey state?". Where it simply looks around at nothing when no target is in sight.
Because of this, not having a target means that it does not force itself to start looking at the player, if not desired.

The issue about the focus target UI remains however.
When you first load this plugin on a person atom, the focus target UI has nothing selected.
It is this same state I assumed we should be able to go back to, instead of always having something in that pull down menu selected.

Unless the selection in that drop down menu is irrelevant to any usage of it?
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for example a random empty atom that is parent linked right in front of the person's eyes.
No, an empty is not a valid target because it doesn't have a mesh to look at. You could use an invisible cube though, but I think this kinda puts my system ad absurdum.

Just to comment on this further though, the "regular/original" gaze/glance plugin does not have this same behaviour as it's capable of selecting "nothing".
I think it refers to it as "spacey state?". Where it simply looks around at nothing when no target is in sight.
Because of this, not having a target means that it does not force itself to start looking at the player, if not desired.
The original Gaze snaps the eyes to stare straight forward as soon as nothing interesting is in the cone. I hated that snap. Plus the frustrum settings didn't have any effect for me, so she was almost always staring at nothing like a puppet, unless I'm literally right in front of her. An inch further? Snap.

You always have to look at something. That's the general rule of my Gaze. Again, add your environment or any kind of asset(built in furniture with a mesh to the target list.

However, v72 will let you select "Person Faces" as the fallback target instead of the player. This means that she'll constantly try to turn around if there's only a male behind her back though.

It is this same state I assumed we should be able to go back to, instead of always having something in that pull down menu selected.
Why do you want to go back to this state? The focus target chooser only has an effect when you trigger "Focus Now". If you don't want her to look at the selected target, don't trigger Focus Now. And no, you can't use it to focus on nothing.
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Will v72 have the option to turn off Use Mirrors in Gaze and have it stay off?
I've already answered you this question, didn't I?
Dear Cheesy, I love BL and wonder if you could let us know when V72 will be released ? I´m really lookign forward to it. Many thanks for your work !
Hey there! Love bodylanguage! Was wondering if there was a document somewhere which outlines everything this does, how to turn things on and off, and how to configure stuff. There have been a few things i've wanted to do (such as turning off the females gaze towards the player, and turning off the auto-thruster so I could animate stuff Myself), But I havent been able to figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Whenever I load in to specific scenes, this error keeps spamming me on loop and I can't undo it without restarting VAM. Then it will happen again as soon as I load said scnences. Any help would be appreciated

item.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> Syst


!> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMe
Hey there! Love bodylanguage! Was wondering if there was a document somewhere which outlines everything this does, how to turn things on and off, and how to configure stuff. There have been a few things i've wanted to do (such as turning off the females gaze towards the player, and turning off the auto-thruster so I could animate stuff Myself), But I havent been able to figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Si, eso me ocurre a mi también en las escenas por defecto!
Translation - Spanish -> English or your language ;-)
Same here, its scrolling this error endlessly. Even after I uninstall it from the persons.
Hi, I have a couple of questions about the plug and another more general one about an aspect of the game that I still don't master. 1. In the scene to be created, I install the plugin on the female, but then if I try to put it on the man I get an error continuously. I would like both to have reactions and orgasms. 2. Is the Plugin more valid as a session plugin? And 3. Could someone give me some guidance on teaching about the triggers? In the scene I want learn about how I can do to increase the speed of the penetration and more deeper.
Thank you.
You must not put BL on a male. Put both into a pose and add select add pose and the male is stored automatically.
Do not add it as a sesion plug in.
For orgasms you need to go into "read my lips". You can also add an orgasm as an action in a pose. The actions are very powerful and you can set certain morphs, clothes etc. for each pose. Take some example scenes from the hub and learn from how they did it.
Good luck ;-)
One thing I do is use a trigger in Read My Lips so that when she has an orgasm, so does he. I put a copy of VamMoan on him in Manual mode. When the "on orgasm start" trigger fires, he makes some noise too.
You must not put BL on a male. Put both into a pose and add select add pose and the male is stored automatically.
Do not add it as a sesion plug in.
For orgasms you need to go into "read my lips". You can also add an orgasm as an action in a pose. The actions are very powerful and you can set certain morphs, clothes etc. for each pose. Take some example scenes from the hub and learn from how they did it.
Good luck ;-)
Actions and Triggers... ok, i remember that. Thank you, @oppai500. And for doing the male moaning to? How I can do it? With VamMoan only no? The Orgasm trigger/action don't silence the male moaning/grunts no?
Dear Cheesy, I love BL and wonder if you could let us know when V72 will be released ? I´m really lookign forward to it. Many thanks for your work !
Hey Oppai,
sadly, I can't give an eta because some issues are still unresolved. And as always when solving problems, you never know when the idea comes in.
Hey there! Love bodylanguage! Was wondering if there was a document somewhere which outlines everything this does, how to turn things on and off, and how to configure stuff. There have been a few things i've wanted to do (such as turning off the females gaze towards the player, and turning off the auto-thruster so I could animate stuff Myself), But I havent been able to figure it out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi! No, there isn't a complete guide I'm afraid. The best info you could get is by reading through the update posts. I did my best to explain every new feeature added, including its options.

The "animation" can be toggled in FillMeUp. Go to the Forces tab of the orifice in question.
To disable gazing on the player go to PoseMe/Gaze/Interests and set the CameraRig interest to 0. But be aware that persons will always look at the player if nothing else is visible. The player is the fallback target.
Tell me what you're doing to provoke this.

Not possible, really.
Not to be rude, but: Yes It does happen. And its pretty regular (more often than not, the plugin can spiral out of control, and can't be killed even after removing it).

I still like it though. I'm just noting what I'm seeing here.
Not to be rude, but: Yes It does happen. And its pretty regular (more often than not, the plugin can spiral out of control, and can't be killed even after removing it).

I still like it though. I'm just noting what I'm seeing here.
You still need to tell me how to reproduce this. The persistent errors never ever happened for me, and I spent far more time with it than anyone else. You may be doing something wrong/incompatible.

Anyway, the error you were referring to
item.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
can't be persistent, because FillMeUp isn't going to be updated at all if not present on a person. You either forgot an instance or the error was something else, most likeley related to a native VAm routine.
Please help...
Hi, I need help. I need some detailed tutorial on how to increase the speed and depth of penetration in poses with triggers/actions. With the Body Language plugin I'm very close but I'm finding it impossible to understand the trigger and action system and I'm getting desperate.
Between my English being very basic and me getting confused with the controls... I'm gonna going crazy.
Finally, the solution for desktop users and it should be default feature in VaM.
I would love to see this plugin to expand even more such as gentle, rough or hardcore animations.
Please help...
Hi, I need help. I need some detailed tutorial on how to increase the speed and depth of penetration in poses with triggers/actions. With the Body Language plugin I'm very close but I'm finding it impossible to understand the trigger and action system and I'm getting desperate.
Between my English being very basic and me getting confused with the controls... I'm gonna going crazy.
You have to create force presets for the different states. Then later on you can apply them via triggers.
Finally, the solution for desktop users and it should be default feature in VaM.
I would love to see this plugin to expand even more such as gentle, rough or hardcore animations.
See the above post. You can adjust the animation in the "Forces" tab of the orifice.
Hi there,

Sorry if this was already asked - if there's a search function in this forum I could not find it.

Anyway Bodylanguage sure is a banger AFAIC *but* there are 3 important things I miss (and if they're there, it's not for lack of searching)

1) saving expressions and cloth state per pose.
Cloth... could be handled with triggers as they don't typically change a lot in a scene... but expressions? It's quite odd bc BL pose me does store all the poses BUT facial expression. And this one need to change at every pose

2) sparse "playlist" control for going to one pose from another. One simple solution would be to have a "random to level" option for the pose navigation. In general the way timeline handles this looks powerful enough to me. But I don't want to use the two at the time - the whole point (well, one of them) of BL is that it's agile.

3) sync of forces. With the randomisation it makes it impossible to sync most forces between one another. This severely limits practical use case for them.
You *can* sync the fill me forces to the female thrust but nothing of the sort for the general movement offered in "pose me". What if one want to girate hips while there's a thrust?
Now I understand this last point is super tricky on how to tackle it. One could consider torque.. circular etc option has to be added in fill me for instance. But as I understand it now, I don't see how to make it work

Anyway, thanks again for the phenomenal work.

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