zoidberg submitted a new resource:
Blender templates to convert OBJs exported from VAM into OBJs that use UDIM - Why do all the work when a script can do it ?
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Blender templates to convert OBJs exported from VAM into OBJs that use UDIM - Why do all the work when a script can do it ?
1. Unzip the File.
2. Load the blendfile/template for female or male model.
3. Import the OBJ.
4. Click on the "Run script" icon (the "Play button" icon) in the text window (the window showing
the script) titlebar to run the script.
5. Export the OBJ, but disable "Materials" in the "Geometry Export" settings on the exporter (else you get
your UVs sorted into UDIM tiles, but still split per material in Substance Painter).
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