Thank you for your great plugin. I use it a lot to have the girls talk to me.
But at the moment this is only possible with a collision trigger.
The structure you have build with your plugin is excellent for including voice recognistion with keywords to trigger a keyword playlist and play a random soundfile as a result.
You could make a next step to a virtual girlriend script with this implementation into Audiodub.
I have nearly no unity knowledge and can hardly understand the script lines. Just found out that there is a unity "KeywordRecogniser"
Find it under UnityEngine.Windows -> UnityEngine.Windows.Speech -> Classes -> KeywordRecogniser
Maybe the PhraseRecogniser is also helpful and could be run too ?
They use the Windows 10 build-in speech recogniser. Language depends on your Windows installation. I think it will be usable offline (important).
I had a working girlfriend software in german language with
PiAUISuite on the Raspberry Pi. But VAM is another level.
My idea of how it could work:
The KeywordRecogniser or PhraseRecogniser should always listen, after activated with a toggle.
Example sentences input with microphone:
"How are you today sweetheart ?"
"Do you know what time it is ?"
"I had a bad day at work today."
"Darling, I would like to have sex now."
"I would like to have a beer."
I have a lot more conversation files ready. We could work together. I could create english or german girl voice files when I have a list with text examples.
The azure.microsoft.com text-to-speech is really good with the neutral voices. Could record sentences there with the free version.
In Audiodub I have made several lists named by keyword (example lists: How, Do you, bad day, sex, time and so on) or phrases (How are you, Do you know, I would like). Overall it would be 120 lists for now.
Each list contains several mp3 files with girl voice recordings and answers randomly to the keyword or phrase.
If possible it should make also an if descision and could choose a different list because two words/phrases were recognised ("I would like" AND "sex")
And it would be cool if the girl can ask questions after a reply too.
"I had a bad day at work today." -> reply from girl to the statement: "Oh that's terrible. Should I give you a hug or suck your dick to make you feel better ?"
Do you think you can make that possible please ?
Thank you very much.
EDIT: I have just seen that you are from Germany too.