Heilsa! Naemnaee Heilga Rekkrsdottr, geirmaer, skalm lae!
Hail! Greet Heilga Rekkr's daughter, spearmaiden, swordsbane!
Hail! Greet Heilga Rekkr's daughter, spearmaiden, swordsbane!
(Scene and appearance included in VAR.)
This robust, powerful woman has been a loyal best friend and battle sister to Hilde -- who is now her jarlskona (countess, or petty queen) -- since they were children. She helps Hilde rule the petty kingdom with wisdom and strength (Hilde provides the ruthlessness and cunning).
(Scene included in VAR.)
Together, they are unstoppable on the battlefield - her unwavering blocks and mail-rending thrusts keep her skjalddamme from harm, while Hilde loses herself to rage and bloodlust, countering every blow with two until there is no-one left to fight.
"Spearmaiden" needs no explanation, but Heilga got her name "Swordsbane" from her first fight: when she was twelve, a man insulted her healthy figure and ruddy hue with an unflattering comparison to a terracotta pot. As Rekkr's daughter, of course she broke his nose; humiliated, he drew his sword, but she was unimpressed and wrested it from him, bent it double over her knee, and hurled it clear over the longhouse and into the lake.
Nobody doubted her strength thereafter and it only grew with the years, alongside her womanliness.
Strangely enough, it seems that Heilga's strength transcends generations, and has manifested again in the modern day!
(Scene included in VAR.)
Special instructions
If you add makeup of any kind, you'll want to make her eyelashes black.
Contortionist plugin helps her boobs sag (see scenes).
She's very expressive. Try lots of expressions. I've had a lot of them work on her pretty well.
What's she (the VAR) got?
Original sculpt based on a very old morph I made in the early VAM days; 8k custom textures based on Wendy's skin.
Custom eyelash texture to help her light lashes look OK.
Zoom in for details:

3 static scenes: Heilga Guard, Barbarian Court, and Heilga Flex (includes custom bicep flex morph) (see pics above).
Appearance - Guard and Modern
Hair - Helmet Hair, Wild, and Short Modern
Clothes - Heilga (full outfit), Casual, and Yoga
Skin - Light Eyelashes and BattleEyes (it only adds a sloppy eyeshadow decal; use F Eyelash Material tab to make her actual lashes black)
Morph - Heilga, Heilga Sportsbra (MERGE LOAD this to add breast pose morphs to fit her bra).
CUA Manager (Session plugin) preset - Hilde's gear (spear, helmet, shield)
Huge thanks to all the creators whose dependencies I used - especially the clothing creators, who add so VERY much to every character in VAM, and make it possible for me to try to bring my characters to life in whole new ways. Thanks to the amazing hair creators too, another thing I rely on for quality, because of my lack of skills in the area. And helper/expression morphs, I don't know what I would do without Ash, Kemenate, Jackaroo, etc...
I had a great time making this big girl (yes, she's taller than default), I hope you like her as much as I do! Thanks for looking!!

(Literally the first of my models that looks good with the "wide lip bite" morph. I think it's the dimples.)