"Strong-willed, manipulative, and incomparably beautiful, Azshara possessed far more magical talent than almost any other night elf in her time. Ten thousand years ago, she and the other Highborne brought Azeroth dangerously close to complete destruction when their meddling with arcane magic caught the attention of the Great Enemy, Sargeras. Corrupted by the influence of the fallen titan, Azshara set in motion a plan to bring the Burning Legion to Azeroth, a plan that caused the War of the Ancients and the Great Sundering of Azeroth. Beautiful, cruel Azshara was swallowed by the seas, never to be seen again... or so it was believed. The naga revere Azshara as a demigod, one who is still very much alive. How she could have survived the Sundering, and at what cost, remain mysteries that not many would dare to probe. "
Here is another look from Warcraft, night elven queen Azshara - before her corruption by N'zoth into the queen of the serpentine Naga.
Included are an appearance preset and a scene showcasing the look. It might be a bit performance heavy as always, since it's mainly meant for screenshots.
Jackaroo for Water Lily Temple & Water Rigs
Hunting-Succubus for Enhanced Eyes
SupaRioAmateur for Eye Reflections
RenVR for original Kayla textures
WeebU for Clothing & Jewelry
lynyrd2473 for High Heels
Tanklover for Nun Corset
kemenate for Female Body Hair
Miki for Hairstyles
Ramsess for Ram Hair
Noc_This for Luthien hair
VAMJFD for FullMouthTexturePack
PluginIdea for HPVL
AcidBubbles for Glance
MacGruber for Life & OostMagic
BooMoon for LutPack
WgSoup for Wind control
AshAuryn for Expressions
Blizzard / Activision for original images, music & names
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