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CUA Introduction

  • Views Views: 5,559
  • Last updated Last updated:
  • CUA Introduction and Creator Guides:

    The CustomUnityAsset atom is a powerful tool that allows importing assets (prefabs or scenes) from Unity. You can use a free version of Unity to make custom objects and full maps (scenes) for VaM.

    Loading Custom Asset

    Create CustomUnityAsset atom using the standard add atom method (Misc -> CustomUnityAsset -> Add Object).

    Select the CustomUnityAsset and open the UI. You should see a panel like this

    Click the 'Select File...' button.
    Browse to the custom asset file. This will filter for *.assetbundle and *.scene files. Either can be used.
    Once file is selected, it could take some time to load the file. You may see a loading please wait indicator.
    Once loading is complete, the dropdown list should contain the scenes and prefabs that are contained in the assetbundle file. You can select which one you want to use. After selection, the object should appear in the scene. Make sure you have a light source in the scene or you might not be able to see it.

    Several excellent tutorials exist within the VaMHub database.

    One of the best is by MacGruber, it includes a prebuilt project, assets and a detailed PDF that walks you through the entire process. Unity AssetBundles for VaM

    Hazmhox also has an excellent guide.
    The definitive asset creation tutorial for VaM

    VamTastic wrote Creating Prefabs in Unity.

    Zgock resource: How to Make AutoFollowed and SpringBoned CUA Hair with CUAAutoFollow and EZSoftBone
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