It does not exists for a "clickable" actions, I could add that. But it exists with sliders ( Set Selected Action slider value trigger ).
This is something that has changed over updates, because people asked the exact opposite (ie: "the slider forces the trigger, I'd prefer blablablah").
Calling a "Reset action" on a toggle or a slider, will reset any action to its default state AND trigger it.
In your situation, you're controlling the overall speed parameters with a single panel probably, and switching the animation. The only alternative I see at the moment, is to simply call the "Reset action" on the slider which will put the animation back to its default speed. Until there is an explicit trigger to "trigger" the current state of an action, it's the only viable alternative.
I see what your problem is, and yes this is by design because I had a bunch of person telling me it was frustrating to loose the data in the triggers when switching the type. Everything keeps its data to allow you to get back on a previous setup if you want.
In your situation it shows you're working on an "iterative process" ( you don't really know what you're gonna do so most of your scene changes a lot between the beginning and the end of the development ) and you have a lot of "history" stored into the plugin. I mean, 200 unused dependencies... damn that's a lot lol... that's like if you started the scene as a lords of the rings spoof but finally ended up doing a Matrix parody :']
I generally have a very clear plan for my scenes, so I never ended up in a situation like this. And quite never had any issue with "unused data". But unless you get me a scene with that "issue" that would allow me to check if there is (or not) a data bug... this is definitely connected to the way you're working with your scenes.
The clear "unused data" might be a possibility... but since you're the only one who ever talked about that, that's not gonna be a priority.
I gotta check if it's possible to do it without breaking anything. The base layout system of Unity impose some constraints... I'll check it out
The "per button" color system is something I want to do at some point, but I need to think the UI so that it does not become a nightmare. That's quite a big update, I don't know when I'll have time to work on that.
Technically, if your naming scheme is EXACTLY the same, it should work. By exactly the same it means: character name, plugin order, plugin version (apperance does not matter).
But, I wouldn't be surprised that VAM fails to "reconnect" triggers in some situations. We have noticed that quite a few times when working on a couple of plugins with Timbo. So that's beyond my control, especially if you are sure that your naming and plugins is perfect.