Not A Bug User Pref Hide for clothes and hairs is ignored / broken


New member

while checking out the new version, I discovered that the hide checkbox in the User Prefs for clothing items (and I think hair too) does nothing now. It also looks like it's not even loaded from existing data (it's not checked for previuosly hidden items). The "show hidden" filter also does not seem to filter anything anymore.

Custom tags seem to work though.
I just tested and the hide feature is working, but it requires you to hit Refresh to take effect. The reason it was done this way was the refresh forces you back to page 1 as the list of items could have changed. This makes mass hiding or unhiding a group of things a real pain.
OK, Refesh is the solution for changing the hidden status.

But then the issue is that all items hidden in the previous version are now visible again. I have a lot of items hidden (duplicates from different scene vars etc), and after upgrading, they are all visible again. Is this intended?
Hidden status is correctly obeyed on startup. Perhaps you are running in a new directory or your previous preferences were somehow deleted?
I did some further review, and there is a change I forgot about. There was a fix put in place to consolidate the hide system of hair and clothing items with the regular file hide system. This fixed the issue where you might want to hide only specific version or copies of the item, and not all instances of the item.

For example, in the old system if someone package the same clothing item you already have in a var package and you tried to hide the copy, it would also hide your local version. In the new system, you can pick specific ones that are hidden.

So there was a change, and it was intentional. The downside is you would have to rehide items you don't want to see if they came from a package.
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