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Toolkits + Templates TryOnMaster

vertigoeighty updated TryOnMaster with a new update entry:

Sex Toy for mouth, Room rotation slider, UI Changes

Now a new option to use the auto sex toy in your models mouth. Also added an additional dildo atom exclusive to the auto toy function, so it can be used while your model does the HJ/BJ/Ride animations with a 2nd dildo atom.

Added a room rotation slider that will pivot rotate to your models location in any of the environments.

Added Mirror Distance slider when youre in POV Mode to move the mirror closer or farther away from your face.

Added a toggle to turn off the auto floor adjustment...

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I think it was the auto floor that was giving me the problem. If I uncheck it, it works better. I might be having trouble with the presets and appearance now. Not sure if anyone else is having issues.
vertigoeighty updated TryOnMaster with a new update entry:

Important Update: Plug-in Issue causing major slowdown has been fixed

Tracked down a significant issue with one of the plugin settings that has been around since 1.6a which was negatively affecting the frame rate and stability of the scene pretty much constantly. This has been fixed and now the scene should be much faster especially if your system specs weren't on the super high end.

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Some more possible Ideas for the future. I like when I go to the pole dance it blacks out while switching. Maybe have just a few actual sex scenes with a guy, bj, girl on top, exc. The other other thing is the 40 studio poses, I would still like to see if not too much work. They are unique to what you have. Anyway, I appreciate your work. You have done a great job with this scene.
Some more possible Ideas for the future. I like when I go to the pole dance it blacks out while switching. Maybe have just a few actual sex scenes with a guy, bj, girl on top, exc. The other other thing is the 40 studio poses, I would still like to see if not too much work. They are unique to what you have. Anyway, I appreciate your work. You have done a great job with this scene.

I may be able to incorporate the studio poses into the standing pose package. That will take a little bit of time, but eventually doable.
As far as I can tell every thing is working good in this version. I may not have tried everything yet. This is really one of my favorite scenes. OK, I have another suggestion. First do you create your own animations? What I would like to see is an animation of a person completely drunk off their ass. walk around weird, falling down and getting back up, crawling/rolling around a little. Holding their head and stomach, weird faces... If possible puking? IDK the whole nine yards. Look forward to your next release. I have not seen an animation in VAM like that and it would be cool.
As far as I can tell every thing is working good in this version. I may not have tried everything yet. This is really one of my favorite scenes. OK, I have another suggestion. First do you create your own animations? What I would like to see is an animation of a person completely drunk off their ass. walk around weird, falling down and getting back up, crawling/rolling around a little. Holding their head and stomach, weird faces... If possible puking? IDK the whole nine yards. Look forward to your next release. I have not seen an animation in VAM like that and it would be cool.

Nope, I don't have the ability/equipment to produce a quality animation from scratch, most I can do is a little bit of tweaking in timeline to existing animations.

However, If you happen to come across an suitable animation from another creator that isn't copyrighted, I'd consider importing it into the scene.
vertigoeighty updated TryOnMaster with a new update entry:

New Butt Spank, Expressive Sounds, New Poses, Interface improvements

New Spanking/Sounds system - Revamped the previous spank triggers (which were just the stock "pelvic slap sounds from VAMMoan) and rebuilt the spank triggers from scratch using SPQR's extratriggers plugin and randomsounds logicbricks from McGruber. How hard you slap will have different level reactions. Make sure you have VR Hands with collision enabled.

Also added an array of voice sounds to the squirm animation to make the model more expressive.

Tweaked VAM's built-in lipsyncing to work...

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I took a quick look at .13, I did not hear the butt smack sounds or reactions, and I did not see new animations. Not sure what is going on.
It should show the version in the text box when you load up. Does it say 1.7a? Standing poses should go to 618, and lying to 200. If those are there and you still dont hear the spank sounds, I'm not sure what the issue might be. Make sure your vr hands have collision turned on and sound is up. You only really get a model response if you hit at the highest velocity, otherwise it'll just make softer/medium spank sounds.
It should show the version in the text box when you load up. Does it say 1.7a? Standing poses should go to 618, and lying to 200. If those are there and you still dont hear the spank sounds, I'm not sure what the issue might be. Make sure your vr hands have collision turned on and sound is up. You only really get a model response if you hit at the highest velocity, otherwise it'll just make softer/medium spank sounds.
I just tried and it works great. I could have sworn the first time I downloaded from the hub while in game, and it did not work. Then I downloaded from the web hub outside of the game copied it over into the var folder and now it works great!. IDK My install might be screwed. I actually have multiple different installs. Seems to be working really well now. Thank You.
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This unquestionably is one of my favorite scenes. You made a good point earlier about it starting to slow down and lag with too much stuff. I have a $1400 mid gaming pc and it's almost to that point. I do add 8 or so plugins, like Alive, Blushing and tears and and some others. I do not use the camera stuff at all, but I admit it is pretty cool. I wonder if it would make sense to make a new scene with some of the new things you want to add. No need to do all the same animations, just new ones or ones that will work with the furniture you mentioned. I trust you know what you are doing best. You are one of my top 10 creators and you have much creativity and talent utilizing the plugins of the pillars of VAM, Acidbubbles, MacGuber and SPQR. And of course the other talented creators you build your scene with. I look forward to all your updates.
This unquestionably is one of my favorite scenes. You made a good point earlier about it starting to slow down and lag with too much stuff. I have a $1400 mid gaming pc and it's almost to that point. I do add 8 or so plugins, like Alive, Blushing and tears and and some others. I do not use the camera stuff at all, but I admit it is pretty cool. I wonder if it would make sense to make a new scene with some of the new things you want to add. No need to do all the same animations, just new ones or ones that will work with the furniture you mentioned. I trust you know what you are doing best. You are one of my top 10 creators and you have much creativity and talent utilizing the plugins of the pillars of VAM, Acidbubbles, MacGuber and SPQR. And of course the other talented creators you build your scene with. I look forward to all your updates.

Yep, like you said, none of it is remotely possible without the insanely talented people that created the assets, plugins and tools. Very much standing on the shoulders of giants. I don't program and have little knowledge of coding or unity. Anyone is welcome to alter my scene however they want and re-release with whichever animations or alternative mechanics they see fit, if fact I endorse it since once I feel like I feel the scene is "complete", I don't plan on making much else in VAM. Sorry bout that if you had higher hopes beyond that. As always thanks for your feedback, support, and ideas.
vertigoeighty updated TryOnMaster with a new update entry:

Added kink content, Enhancements to the spank/slap, and more

Added the option to Chain Up (thanks to Maru's Chain Bondage Clothing Set) and Silence your model to the dining room chair. The Squirm feature can be used in tandem with this. (Option will appear in the Dining Room Environment and move to the chair)

Added more reactions, sounds, and logic adjustments to the spank/slap feature including ability to use a slap paddle and an outcome if you go overboard (Remember this is...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Not sure if this was a feature already or it is new. But when I punch her in the Jaw she just collapses on the ground... incredible. Then if I add Alive, after collapsing she rolls around a bit...again incredible. This of course gives many more poses, and with alive, I can easily move the person around on the ground. This reminds me of that gravity scene and plugin someone did a while back. Can you put the fall down bit and the spanks in a separate subscene or some thing?
Sometimes you need to punch a few times, usually right on the mouth works, then there she goes, for a second knocked out like a light.
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Not sure if this was a feature already or it is new. But when I punch her in the Jaw she just collapses on the ground... incredible. Then if I add Alive, after collapsing she rolls around a bit...again incredible. This of course gives many more poses, and with alive, I can easily move the person around on the ground. This reminds me of that gravity scene and plugin someone did a while back. Can you put the fall down bit and the spanks in a separate subscene or some thing?
Sometimes you need to punch a few times, usually right on the mouth works, then there she goes, for a second knocked out like a light.

Lol, you found it. Yep, I referenced it in the latest update text "an outcome if you go overboard" Kind of wanted to give a surprise for people who tried different things. Maybe eventually I'll make a subscene. I still think there's more types of reactions I'd like to put in before branching off to another project.
Lol, you found it. Yep, I referenced it in the latest update text "an outcome if you go overboard" Kind of wanted to give a surprise for people who tried different things. Maybe eventually I'll make a subscene. I still think there's more types of reactions I'd like to put in before branching off to another project.
I am ususually very respectful towards women. But hey, she was mouthing off to me. LOL
The knockout punch/slap was a nice surprise. I wonder if it would be possible, when the knockout occurs, the eyes could shut for a random time between10-30 seconds. I know you use random sounds for the slaps, I think using MacGruber's plugin. I wonder if it would be possible to make a slider for the pitch. A young elf is going to have a much higher voice than an old MILF. Just some suggestions. I brought this up before, a possible drunk walk. I know you dont MOCAP or do serious animation your self, but just some random movement using some of the simple plugins to move various parts of the body might have some interesting results. You have the fall down, and maybe there is a way to stand the person back up. Just an idea. I could play with it myself, but it would take me days maybe to get something interesting. You seem to have some know how with this stuff.

** I looked at the knockout plugin, it looks like the person already closes her eyes, I set expires to 10, so it seems to stay closed for 10 secs. I do not see how to make it more. Again, if possible random between 10-30 seconds would be nice. I know it could be done with MacGuber's delay. It looks like you call it in trigger on expire, but then I do not see the plugin. This would definitely be a cool feature. OK, I know I am asking you to consider a lot. But it would also add to the effect, when she falls, the whites of her eyes turn a little read and she get tears. Both of which could expire after 1 minute. I looked at some of this a little , I maybe able to get something to work, but it would not be optimized with your scene like you could do it. Anyway all just suggestions.
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Not sure if your still looking for animations. There is a free belly dance that a few people have used. Its darn good. Some may have it in the control animation, not time line, but there are plugins to convert it to time line. If you look up belly dance you will see them.
Not sure if your still looking for animations. There is a free belly dance that a few people have used. Its darn good. Some may have it in the control animation, not time line, but there are plugins to convert it to time line. If you look up belly dance you will see them.

Thanks I'll take a look. Also I like the idea of a random delay before the model comes to after a KO. That can be implemented easily I think. I'll probably tweak other aspects about as well in a future update. Also I should be able to add a slider control to affect the pitch of the model's voice, not sure how good it'll be, but worth tinkering with.
One more possible idea. I was using Karmageddonvam's, model Kandi (2.5 men) which is incredible in its own right. She looks like a born stripper. Anyway she is flying around the pole with priceless stupid expressions on her pretty face ( I do add a few plugins). And I though, what if she slipped? Is it possible to have a random, like once every 10 dances or so, the dancer falls off the pole? Is it possible to use knock out, randomly with out hitting her? Then after 10 secs or so, she can get back on the pole and start the routine over. I know it happens in real life, as I have seen it. LOL
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