Question mark invasion on the Hub


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I am noticing lots of question markings at the end sentences, randomly here and there, coming after existing punctuation, on random post all over the Hub. I dont recall the puncuation marks being there before. I started noticing it on posts after there was some recent Hub maintenance. Not that this is such a major thing, just worried there is a glitch in the matrix.
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I was thinking something like that, but didnt know how to describe it, it may be like an end of line or carriage return.
Also is this in-game or when you are browsing the site from your PC?
Hi. I am seeing it while browsing the Hub on PC, I haven't looked for it in game. Examples are like many of the out of place question marks at some of my profile posts towards the top:

Also, I noticed that Maru01 reply to my post on Maru01 profile page, there is a question mark, and in looking through Maru's profile posts there are quite a number of question marks after existing punctuation. I think in many of these instances it is due to copy and pasted text, possibly for translation.

Sometimes question marks can cause misunderstanding, like sediments of sarcasm, so it is not a good thing. I think it is probably some sort of Unicode that is not understood, so it is replaced with a question mark.
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Also, on this thread, I did not put three question marks after my statement at the end with "Let's go team!"

Also, on this thread, I did not put three question marks after my statement at the end with "Let's go team!"

That kind of rules out mishandled Unicode. I suspect multi-legged creatures crawling on the hub's shoulders.
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