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Dependencies not all on hub


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
Hi there, since the issues the hub had a week or so ago that broke hub hosted tags were fixed I have found half my looks are reporting "not all dependencies on the hub" and are not therefore shown on the default filter This is not the case and my looks do have all deps on the hub.

This not all dependencies on hub tag is being picked up if any of the historical vars used off hub dependencies regardless of if the current var has all their deps on the hub. In my case I have rereleased all my work so all deps are hub hosted so none of my work should be showing this no all deps on hub tag but a number that previously did are now reporting as no all deps on the hub.

Can this be fixed please, love you long time!
In my case I have rereleased all my work so all deps are hub hosted so none of my work should be showing this no all deps on hub tag but a number that previously did are now reporting as no all deps on the hub.
For content to remain hub-hosted
all your references has to remain hub hosted as well & still available (not removed or banned aka "Ops! error").
Usually the most recent package version should be taken into account (for dependencies tab).

Checked your non-hub hosted stuff, not all references have hub-hosted tag or doesn't point to actual reference.
Could be a case of special characters used inside resource/package name/url?

Lyra: Jackaroo.Eyes_Lips_Nails!.latest reference doesn't have hub-hosted tag, so you don't get the tag (is it the " ! " inside package name?)
Sara & Aimee: UJVAM.MINAYO.latest link goes to hub resources, doesn't goto UJVAM MINAYO 美那代 (special characters inside url/resource name?)
Yasmin: Juno.Makeup_RenVR_Luci.latest is no longer available (removed/"hidden")
Since you reposted it with same package name (instead of updating and removing v1), old page is probably still there but hidden.
27mill: SupaRioAmateur.DoA_Bikini.latest not hub hosted +referencing itself? (something off in history with multi uploads +same version #7 update)
Kylee: TGC.Clothing_Richabri_LacewearSleeves.latest not-hub hosted? not sure what went wrong here, that one is a mistery (zip related? v1?) :unsure:

Aside from mistery with Kylee everything else looks fine.
Like i said all dependencies need to have hub-hosted tag and still available (not removed/hidden).
I won't be surprised if there are issues with special characters, since .min suffix doesn't work.
All my looks were hub hosted with no off hub dependencies last week before the hub went down, I went to great lengths to ensure this. It's only since the hub had an issue with the CDN that was "fixed" that this has occurred its something behind the scenes with the CDN and the hub at fault here.

https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/eyes-lips-nails.4933/ was 1000000000% for sure hub hosted last week - I'm fastidious when making my vars to keep it so as I'm acutely aware of that fact people will ignore your look if its not 100% hub hosted. There is 100% definitely an issue with the hub tagging things properly since the issues last week.

As for the Luci makeup texture, I did delete and repost this at the time of launch due to a need to correct the license to match Everlasters Ren repacks, but again this was not an issue till last week when the hub went down and now all of a sudden its referencing the originally posted var which was deleted.

I don't, and I suspect nor will the many others in this boat, want to have to repost all my work again for no reason other than the hub isn't referencing dep packages properly anymore.
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can confirm that something is broken here. some of my stuff shows as missing in deppendencies list when its clearly still on hub.
And some scenes which have all dependencies hubhosted still show as non-hub hosted.
https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/cyborg-futa-scenes.3146/dependencies missing TAG
https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/laura-futa.2972/dependencies shows fishnet socks as not on hub
https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/fishnet-futa-outfit.2905/ the supposedly missing fishnets socks...
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@meshedvr Can we get confirmation that this issue is being addressed please as its pretty system breaking.
This is what I see in the in vam hub browser - just slightly contradictory...

HI everyone. Meshed is aware of the situation. However he is currently really focused on getting the V2 demo out to the public. After that is released he will get to this as soon as he can. Please be patient. :)

@Juno Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Meshed is normally really very busy. I am slightly less so and can make sure issues that you feel he isn't aware of are seen by him.
I have fixed some of these. I can fix others manually, and after the update (not the demo) is out, I can take a look at automating the fix. The problem is the step I ran last week to fix rescan packages was also doing some duplicate cleanup, and that cleanup had some issues where it could break the dependency links.
Yep, I just checked, I also have the issue.

I have 17 resources that were having the "Hub-hosted VAR" tag.
2 of them are missing it now (without me changing anything): this one and this one. I can't see a reason why only those 2 are affected.

Just reporting so you can have more instances where the issue applies. Absolutely not a big deal :)
I had to manually correct specific resources. I did a sweep but I didn't have a fully automated process to catch all of them. I should be able to fix these shortly.
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