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"Dependencies Not All On Hub" and "Hub-Hosted Var" broken?


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
There seems to be an issue with several recent hub posts with the flag "Dependencies Not All On Hub".
1. These normally don't show up on the Hub in-game unless the Hosted Option is set to "All" instead of "Hub And Dependencies". Now changing that option seems to do nothing. With either selected, it shows the same results, including the total at the bottom.
2. Multiple recent uploads have the red tag "Dependencies Not All On Hub," even though all dependencies are Hub-hosted. Please see example image: Gwen and Imani have all dependencies on the Hub, while Ura and Ami do not. But they all have the red tag.
3. On the website Hub, all of these mentioned resources are missing the "Hub-Hosted Var" tag, even those that are Hub-hosted with all dependencies also Hub-hosted.

I don't know if these posts have something in common that caused that to happen to them, but the feature does seems to be broken in general.
Dependencies on Hub error.jpg

EDIT: Okay, I did find something they have in common. They reference packages from banned users. So the dependency is considered missing on the VaM Hub website, but is still available to download in-game. That does at least partially answer questions 2 and 3.
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Yup, something is weird.
Posted Skimpy D.Va and her Skimpy D.Va clothing yesterday. Both are fully hub hosted.
Today I noticed (Shadow Venom told me on Discord) they are marked as Dependencies Not All On Hub.
In the VaM Browser they show up no matter what 'Hosted Option'-filter is selected.
The issue is now fixed in-game. Still working on fix for Hub.
In-game, resources are still being flagged "Dependencies Not All On Hub" even when no dependencies are missing.

Two examples:
MonsterShinkai made an update to Imani to remove the dependency on a banned user's resource. The red tag is still there in-game:

Gwen by Clownmug has a dependency on a banned user's resource, which it is still downloadable in-game. The red tag is still there in-game:

These don't show up as Hub results unless the user clicks "All" under Hosted Option. Maybe this will get automatically fixed when the Hub website is able to re-tag them with Hub-Hosted Var?
The first example really worries me because it seems that the tag is sticking around even after being fixed in an update.
In-game, resources are still being flagged "Dependencies Not All On Hub" even when no dependencies are missing.

Two examples:
MonsterShinkai made an update to Imani to remove the dependency on a banned user's resource. The red tag is still there in-game:

Gwen by Clownmug has a dependency on a banned user's resource, which it is still downloadable in-game. The red tag is still there in-game:

These don't show up as Hub results unless the user clicks "All" under Hosted Option. Maybe this will get automatically fixed when the Hub website is able to re-tag them with Hub-Hosted Var?
The first example really worries me because it seems that the tag is sticking around even after being fixed in an

These issues are being addressed.
In-game, resources are still being flagged "Dependencies Not All On Hub" even when no dependencies are missing.

Two examples:
MonsterShinkai made an update to Imani to remove the dependency on a banned user's resource. The red tag is still there in-game:

Gwen by Clownmug has a dependency on a banned user's resource, which it is still downloadable in-game. The red tag is still there in-game:

These don't show up as Hub results unless the user clicks "All" under Hosted Option. Maybe this will get automatically fixed when the Hub website is able to re-tag them with Hub-Hosted Var?
The first example really worries me because it seems that the tag is sticking around even after being fixed in an update.
Additionally, we will not be restoring content from banned users. So, if banned user content is causing an issue with your resource being Hub hosted then I would suggest finding content that does not violate our policies to use as a dependency.
Additionally, we will not be restoring content from banned users. So, if banned user content is causing an issue with your resource being Hub hosted then I would suggest finding content that does not violate our policies to use as a dependency.
This is completely understandable, and I'm not going to argue against that.
The problem is that a lot of creators become unfortunate victims as a result of a user being banned. None of the people using the resource were aware that it was in violation of policies, only the banned creator was aware. As a result, many of the creators who used what they believed was a legitimate resource now have broken dependencies, lose the "Hub-Hosted Var" tag, and have their resource disappear from the default search results, all without ever being informed that any of it has happened. I have heard many creators express that they are afraid of this happening to them.
Is there a possibility that creators might receive a notification on the Hub telling them that one of their resources now has a broken dependency as a result of a user being banned?
This is completely understandable, and I'm not going to argue against that.
The problem is that a lot of creators become unfortunate victims as a result of a user being banned. None of the people using the resource were aware that it was in violation of policies, only the banned creator was aware. As a result, many of the creators who used what they believed was a legitimate resource now have broken dependencies, lose the "Hub-Hosted Var" tag, and have their resource disappear from the default search results, all without ever being informed that any of it has happened. I have heard many creators express that they are afraid of this happening to them.
Is there a possibility that creators might receive a notification on the Hub telling them that one of their resources now has a broken dependency as a result of a user being banned?
There is not yet any confirmation that banning a user actually results in what you have described. We are examining the code to determine cause and effect.
In-game, resources are still being flagged "Dependencies Not All On Hub" even when no dependencies are missing.

Two examples:
MonsterShinkai made an update to Imani to remove the dependency on a banned user's resource. The red tag is still there in-game:

I didn't get a chance to look at this when you mentioned it. But looking at it now, I do not see the issue you are describing?

In-game, resources are still being flagged "Dependencies Not All On Hub" even when no dependencies are missing.

Gwen by Clownmug has a dependency on a banned user's resource, which it is still downloadable in-game. The red tag is still there in-game:

The issue with Gwen is that it uses HFD's Lita, which the user HFD removed intentionally. The reason it is still "downloadable" in the game is that we did not want to break scenes when content is deleted. Being downloadable and being "Hub Hosted" is not the same thing. Unfortunately, we cannot restore the hosted status of the item that was deleted by the creator intentionally, or in cases of banned or prohibited content.

This is not a bug, but intentional. That being said, we of course don't want our creators to suffer because of the actions of a few bad actors. The new Var Health Check tool can aid in diagnosing issues such as this, and I will look at incorporating more feedback about items that are not hosted, such as "this user was banned", if others would find that helpful.

Here are some previews from the alpha version using test data:



Also planned is a reverse-lookup, so that you may enter the name of a var into the search and it will tell you if it exists on the Hub.
I didn't get a chance to look at this when you mentioned it. But looking at it now, I do not see the issue you are describing?
Yes, it appears that the resource by MonsterShinkai is now fixed. Thank you! Hopefully the root cause has been resolved in general.
I understand what you are saying. I wasn't sure if HFD had left or was banned, but the problem was occurring in either case anyway. Sorry if I haven't been communicating very clearly. I'm just trying to do my part to help keep the Hub a great place for all of us.
Yes, it appears that the resource by MonsterShinkai is now fixed. Thank you! Hopefully the root cause has been resolved in general.
I understand what you are saying. I wasn't sure if HFD had left or was banned, but the problem was occurring in either case anyway. Sorry if I haven't been communicating very clearly. I'm just trying to do my part to help keep the Hub a great place for all of us.

And it is greatly appreciated! Thank you for taking this seriously and bringing the information to us.

After investigating the Hub Hosted issue, it appears there are several things happening than can cause this:

1. I think now that there is a rumor about "Hub Hosted" being broken, many people are reporting "bugs" when actually there are normal issues. Such as the issue of a package having been deleted by the creator, like in HFD's case.

2. I received another report about "packages that reference themselves as dependencies". This was a false alarm. It is perfectly OK to use your own resource as a dependency.

3. Users uploading "demo scenes" with their plugin or model. If the "demo scene" requires the model as a dependency, the model must be attached and uploaded first, and the demo scene attached second.

4. I did find a true bug. In some cases, the resource appears to be downloadable but it is actually an external link. This is causing the in-game browser and the Hub to show "Download" when it should be showing "Not on hub". We are actively working on this issue.

Here is an example:

The VL_13 Bodysuit Version 1 is actually a Patreon link, that is why Secret Room is not "Hub Hosted". Normally, if you require a specific version of a dependency and it is not found on the hub, the system will fetch the most recent downloadable version instead. But for some reason, that step is not happening here.

Will update when this is solved. Thanks! ?
We have released a new patch that hopefully addresses some of these issues. Let me know if you are still experiencing problems after today.
Hi all, just noticed this thread by chance today.

It looks like the HFD resource referenced from my Gwen look is a dependency from the Savage Athletic Set by VirtaArtieMitchel. For some reason that clothing is considered hub-hosted though.

Is it possible to make it so a resource can be hub-hosted if at least the parent dependencies are hub-hosted as well? I have a few other looks that use clothing or hairstyles that referenced that HFD item without my knowledge so it's a little annoying.
It looks like the HFD resource referenced from my Gwen look is a dependency from the Savage Athletic Set by VirtaArtieMitchel. For some reason that clothing is considered hub-hosted though.
HFD is main dependency inside Gwen package, nothing to do with Athletic Set (with 0 dependencies).

Inside scene and appearance preset you are referencing Left Fingers Grasp (pCTRLlFingersGrasp.vmi) from HFD package.
Hi all, just noticed this thread by chance today.

It looks like the HFD resource referenced from my Gwen look is a dependency from the Savage Athletic Set by VirtaArtieMitchel. For some reason that clothing is considered hub-hosted though.

Is it possible to make it so a resource can be hub-hosted if at least the parent dependencies are hub-hosted as well? I have a few other looks that use clothing or hairstyles that referenced that HFD item without my knowledge so it's a little annoying.
Shameless plug for the Var Inspector but yes, just backing up what @RandomVAMUser said.

Oh, thanks for looking into that guys. I took a quick glance at the meta.json on my phone and it formatted like this for some reason. Sorry for the confusion. ?

Hi, saw I was mentioned in this thread but don't completely understand what is happening. Is my resource the source of the problem? And if so is there something I can do to help fix it?
Hi, saw I was mentioned in this thread but don't completely understand what is happening. Is my resource the source of the problem? And if so is there something I can do to help fix it?

No, you're good. I misread my file and thought it showed the HFD.Lita was referenced by your resource. Sorry about that!
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