• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released a critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

New Build. 14900k + RTX 4080. Can't get fps above 40 in VR.


New member
Hi.. I basically got the top of the line hardware without going into the crazy SLI stuff.. Aiming to get decent VR performance..

But no.. i was thoroughly disappointed.. My FPS is basically the same as my old PC 10900f + 3080..

I main goal is to get decent FPS on vamsoy scenes.. which is a big scene.. FPS hovers around 20.

Realfeel project fps around 35.

Of course, some plain minimal light scenes I can get 40+.. but almost all the complicated scenes I cant get above 40.

**I tried both fresh install and my old install... same frame rate.

I use virtual desktop w/ quest 3, ultra quality. In-game quality medium. Also adjusted down the physics cap to 1, and shadow quality to middle.

Am I missing something? is this normal? Or this game is just not supposed to have good frame rate..

If so, scenes like vamsoy scenes or realfeel scene or these big scenes, the intent is to play at 20 frame per second? its like watching slide show.. lol..
I think that door has been kicked at least 100 times on that forum and on the discord.

You won't get to 300 fps or whatever framerate you have in mind for VAM 1, in VR.
The physics are killing the framerate and are bottlenecked by the CPU. Even with the physics patch you won't get proper performances with more than two characters.

That said, the scenes in question could be potentially unoptimized. Too much characters, too much fps hungry clothes or hairstyles... and so on. A well performing scene is also tied to the creator who made it.

Side note: this does not mean VAM 2 will perform better with intense scenes as it's meant to be state of the art.
I forgot: even without VR, too much characters will results in a sub-par framerate and can drop below 60fps. Especially at resolutions above 1440p.
Read the thread. There is no fix for that situation in VAM 1.
You really can't get playable fps with the 2nd best GPU even after lowering settings? Seems crazy to me. How did you guys even play this game in VR 4-5 years ago?
You really can't get playable fps with the 2nd best GPU even after lowering settings? Seems crazy to me. How did you guys even play this game in VR 4-5 years ago?

You still haven't read the thread or did not understand : )

The game is CPU bottlenecked. The game was ALREADY running at 30fps on the 2080 generation. And no matter how much GPU power you will throw at it, you won't have better performances on scenes above 2 characters.
You really can't get playable fps with the 2nd best GPU even after lowering settings? Seems crazy to me. How did you guys even play this game in VR 4-5 years ago?
Scenes with multiple person atoms tend to be CPU limited, even in VR, although it's possible to make them GPU limited depending on settings for soft physics and other collision physics (CPU) and hair, clothing and lighting (GPU).

The easiest way to tell if you have a CPU bottleneck is to lower the rendering resolution. If fps doesn't increase, you're CPU bottlenecked. Another easy way is to look at GPU usage - if it's not close to 100%, you're CPU bottlenecked. This is of course assuming framerate is not being capped artificially.

Keep in mind that in VR, headsets limit the framerate in order to synchronize the left and right eye displays with the framerate. This is similar to desktop VSync but there are multiple possible framerate/Hz targets. For example, a headset might be limiting framerate to 45 when it can't reach 60 in order to prevent eyes from going out of sync, and this will look like a GPU bottleneck judging by GPU usage %, even though that's not actually the case.

In case you didn't know there's a CPU performance patch that helps with the CPU bottlenecking: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources...to-30-faster-physics-up-to-60-more-fps.43427/
However in order to use that with the latest VaM ( you need to wait for it to be patched.
You still haven't read the thread or did not understand : )

The game is CPU bottlenecked. The game was ALREADY running at 30fps on the 2080 generation. And no matter how much GPU power you will throw at it, you won't have better performances on scenes above 2 characters.
Eh, it's not that simple. CPUs today are faster than CPUs 2 years ago or 4 years ago so you should definitely expect better framerates in VAM on a new system than on an old system, even if everything is CPU bottlenecked. Secondly the CPU patch really helps a lot and it should definitely be possible to reach 60 fps in multi person scenes. Depends on the settings of course, but it's not not doable like you seem to incorrectly imply.
One final point - plugins can add a lot of CPU load. If you have two females in the scene and both are running Naturalis with all the goodies enabled and BodyLanguage on top of that, and both atoms have some animation going on, that's going to perform much worse than without plugins. Not only is there calculations and other code being continuously executed by the plugins themselves, they're also adjusting hundreds of morphs every frame. This slows things down due to VaM's morphs application routine that runs on the CPU, on top of any soft physics that you have enabled.
That would make sense if his CPU wasn't high end but isn't that a really good CPU?
Eh, it's not that simple. CPUs today are faster than CPUs 2 years ago or 4 years ago so you should definitely expect better framerates in VAM on a new system than on an old system, even if everything is CPU bottlenecked. Secondly the CPU patch really helps a lot and it should definitely be possible to reach 60 fps in multi person scenes. Depends on the settings of course, but it's not not doable like you seem to incorrectly imply.

I'm taking shortcuts because you and I understand the problem and we could discuss that in depth without misunderstandings.
On the other hand, for pretty much anybody else, at the moment you leave the slight hint of "it could run better", what is read/interpreted is "ho yea, ima gonna buy CPU X or Y and get 300 fps".

And as you say in your subsequent answer, people expect Naturalis, Timeline, VAMMoan, Fluids, to work in scenes. With 2 or 3 characters, clothes preferably simmed and so on. Ho, and just for fun... let's add a mirror somewhere :p

At the end of the day, having done extensive tests... if you're on a 3 person scene as "players expect it to be", you're lucky if you're getting 45/50 fps on a properly optimized scene with 3 persons on desktop.
And we tested this on several CPUs ranging from 2020 to 2024 series, Intel and AMD on 3080 and 4080 GPUs.

You seem to enjoy nitpicking on the theory and telling to people they are wrong. When one post later you're just saying what I was saying in two lines to avoid diving into specifics.

The reality is: VAM's community has pushed boundaries on what the game was doing 4 years ago, people expect to run the game at the best possible settings with the biggest scenes possible... result is: VAM runs like ass as it was 4 years ago. And since there is a portion of the content who is kind of badly optimized... it does not help at all.
Don't think OP or anyone else says anything about 300 fps, he's just asking for playable FPS. Not getting over 40 fps with high end gpu + cpu even after lowering settings is I think shocking, at least to new users..

Also, your tone is condescending as fk.
Also, your tone is condescending as fk.

Why? Because I asked you to read the thread? Or because I'm used to support and community feedback and I'm not sugar-coating the fact I know users tend to misinterpret statements and/or don't like when you say that the app won't run as they think with their brand new ultra powerful PC?

I'm sorry if it's bothering you. But I think it's far more constructive and efficient to be honest and straight forward than leading a person into thinking they will get proper performances.

When you say "playable", in VR it means at least 92fps. And if you are very fond of proper performances it means more to have a bit of headroom for drops. This is not something you can expect in VAM even with current gear at the moment if you go beyond two characters... or if you stumble upon badly optimized scenes.

The initial discussion states that the perfs are somewhat the same with new gear, which is something known and discussed quite often around the hub over the years. Now, if you don't like the answer when someone state that the app cannot perform way better because of the way it's made, since it's a fact... there is pretty much nothing I can do about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

On the other hand, if you need help to improve your framerate. This is something I can help you with if you want to.
There's a lot of good info here, and both @everlaster and @hazmhox have a lot of experience with these topics and bring valuable insights. If you are still having difficulties or want more info on the subject, feel free to reach out on Discord as well where you can get a variety of opinions on the topic.

In the meantime, I'll just remind everyone we're all part of the same community so let's do our best to keep it civil and avoid personal attacks. 💕
Indeed, my device is also very laggy after connecting to VR. This is the case when playing VaM, but I haven't tried other games yet.
As for the OP, i would say, you should first check if everything is setup as it should be.
As for long term Intel platforms user, going from gen 8->10->12->13->285k, and these are just my 'vam life time' cpus...
I have a few suggestions:

1. Disable Hyper-Threading in BIOS.
2. Since your'e already there, make sure you have XMP profile on.
3. Check Windows Power settings, if you're at Max performance.
3A. I heard Windows 11 24H2 downgraded performance on Intel platforms, it's better to stick to 23H2 until fix.
4. I would say manage yours install, but if you're getting similiar performance on both vanilla and bloated installs, i'll skip it.
5. Make sure yours 14900 beast is cooled enough. Back in my 13900k days, my room when i was using VaM was like a sauna room, even while using a decent 360 AiO. This is a reason why i upgraded\downgraded to 285k lol
6. If you are sure about safety of already downloaded content, roll back VaM to, and use performance patch with my settings - these were made for 13900k Non-HT, but since 14900 is pretty much the same CPU, with just higher clocks, settings are the same:

Also apply these:

If you're unsure, about plugin safety, like, you're downloading any content from outside the hub, wait for official cpu patch update!

With all of these simple steps, running on 13900k [well 285k now but it's like 2-3% slower than 13900k :ROFLMAO: ] + 4090, ddr5 6400, i'm keepin my 'default VR sex scene" from my ~700GB install at:
1. Scenario 1:
Cua map, 2 vamlive 'mirrors' or one VaM native one, 4 pixel lights, soft body naturalis breasts, 'default' vam soft body glutes [i still don't like naturalis glutes, too much clothing clipping], 3-4 hair items at 16-20, silver expressions, bodylanguage, shake it, post magic with just viginete and lut, + some basic reshade.
Crap, there is a lot of stuff lol
It runs at 30-40 fps in cowgirl scenes when hairs are like 2cm from my 'possesed' male atom head.
2. Scenario 2
Passthrough mode
2 vamlive 'mirrors' or one VaM native one, 4 pixel lights, soft body naturalis breasts, 'default' vam soft body glutes, 3-4 hair items at 16-20, silver expressions, bodylanguage, shake it, post magic with just viginete and lut, + some basic reshade.
40-50 fps
Scenario 3.
Passthrough-timeline mode
All as above, but no body language, using timeline animations instead:
55-65 fps
Scenario 4
Single model timeline - passthrough
Naturalis\soft body as above, silver expressions, shake it etc
Depends from lightning and hair
55-80 fps

I watched some Vamsoy scenes on desktop, never tried them in VR, but judging how they're made, i would say theirs performance should be closest to my 3rd scenario. Maybe between 2 & 3, but closer to 3rd one still.

I'm using ALXR Q3 setup.
So i probably could go a bit better with VD instead if skipping SteamVR, but i'm too much in love with reshade - can't imagine VaM without it anymore.
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