We are excited to announce a new feature on the Hub: Favorites!
You can now add resources to your favorites, and organize your favorites into collections!
You can check out the details in our official announcement!
Never had need to merge skin presets, so i never noticed.
So it works as normal load...that's a bummer (if you wanna use skin preset for decal only).
If you only need to load decals, did you try Decal Maker plugin? You can also layer them
(off topic/unrelated to this issue)
There are triggers, if you need to load & remove decals on the fly (or any skin texture for that matter).
Person -> textures -> faceDecalUrl (or xxxxDiffuseUrl, xxxxSpecularUrl, xxxxGlossUrl, xxxxNormalUrl)
type path to load (or leave empty to remove), example:
(local) Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/decal.png or (from .var) creator.packageName.version:/Custom/Atom/Person/Textures/etc/etc.png