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Solved Is the Oculus Quest 2 Worth it For VAM?

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I was thinking of Upgrading my VR setup and was eyeing the Oculus Quest 2 with the PC link setup. Is it worth it, and what VR platforms are used by those in the community?
Does anyone else have an Oculus and/or any other VR and how does it work with VAM? Would it be better then WMR and how compatible is it with Steam VR?
So what is your current headset if you say you wanna upgrade?

I own the Index and it works like a charm, price of course is expensive. Oculus Quest 2 only works with a facebook account, you already know? To me this is a easy no-go, wouldn't even think of buying it. Of course the price for the Oculus Quest 2 is that low because you give your data to facebook.

I would have a look on the HP Reverb G2, but this is no buy recommendation. Pimax 5K+ would also be relevant to me. HTC Vive as well. But I see that right now, the only way to get a good headset for cheap is the OQ2.

Always consider IPD before buying one (measure your values infront of a mirror) because some headset dont even support some settings or stepless adjustment. I can't tell you how WMR is in comparison to the station-versions cause the Index is my first headset.

And always consider: high resolution needs a good graphics card.
If you need a good overview with pros and cons, here is one, in german (sorry), you could use google translator: https://mixed.de/vr-brillen-vergleich/
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I have a Lenovo Explorer , On an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.9GHTZ running an Nvidia GTX 1650 Super OC with 4GB RAM,

I COULD upgrade the components since I have been dealing with the frame-rates at 30-50 but Since there is a drought with video cards I would most likely upgrade the RAM.

IF I could find a Graphics card I would attempt to install one with (recommended) support for the Index, because that was the other option on my mind.

Thanks for telling me about the FB account tho, Then the Oculus is Completely out of the question (I have had sooo many problems with facebook I quit, their business ethics piss me off!!!)

To tell you the truth I have no real problems with the Lenovo, except for FPS (as always) and the Controllers are having issues. If there is a way to pump WMR to a better preformance margin I would keep the WMR I have and find a way to make it run better. If I had the $$ I would go straight for the HTC, but right now, not so much.
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Ok, so 30-50fps is not that bad! Depends on your settings of course but I'd say definitely playable. Do you have 4GB Ram as well cause your 1650 has 4GB of VRam? I didn't understand really. If you have 4GB Ram, you should at least upgrade to 8GB, standard right now is 16GB. That could give you some fps and is relatively cheap. Always the cheapest way to upgrade your pc.

But to be sure where your performance bottleneck is, I would recommend installing MSI afterburner + riva statistics tuner (both free). Always good tools for monitoring your hardware. When done you can see if your graphics card is on full usage or your cpu. If it's your graphics card, more Ram wouldn't do really anything, you have to buy a faster one. If it's your cpu, then Ram would do definitely something. Just have a look at what is near to 100% usage. Also you can see at what level your Ram is used, if it's full, buy more. 8GB Ram, in any case, would still be my advice, for everything: windows, programs, games, whatever. 16Gb would be better (price is around 70€ right now).

Can you say what the exact name of your mainboard is?

Good decision against the Oculus, power to the people ;)
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My Mainboard is an (Gigabyte) Auros B550 Elite
My CPU is an AMD Ryzen 5 @ 3.9 Ghz
I have 16GB of DDR4 RAM,
and an Nvidia-GTX 1650 Super-OC with 4 Gb of DDR4

My bottleneck has always been the Graphics card, (at this point)
but what is available now? (Nvidia) better then The GTX 1650 OC Super?
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dont stress over your GPU not giving you tons of FPS in VAM I upgraded from a 2070 super to a 3080 and still get the same FPS it just looks better graphics, I use a Rift S I think it also requires FB to make an account but i set mine up a few years ago and never had to log in to FB I think thats a newer requirement but IDK they could be staling my data without me knowing ?‍♂️ the G2 has terrible tracking of the controllers according to reviews but has the highest resolution per eye, my Rift S has the best tracking of them so its a win some lose some deal.
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I recently updated from 16GB RAM to 32GB RAM, despite knowing that 16GB are more than enough in 99% of all cases and it is burning money...
But having a new power PC with "only" 16GB sounds somehow odd to me. Guess what? Absolute null/zero/nada changes or even a noticeable effect. Maybe extremely big Photoshop projects may be a bit faster. I don't think upgrading the RAM would help you.
30-50fps in VR? An instant-puke for me. I couldn't stand that for 5 minutes. But If you don't have an issue with that or your Lenovo... why change?
It is like HolySchmidt said. A higher resolution would mean even more performance is needed and VaM can't even handle better hardware to its full extend. With the current hardware prices and maybe new VR hmds and hardware coming next year (only diffuse rumors, but there will always something better with time), you could only win by waiting. It is a very bad time to upgrade.

I am very happy with my Index and it is still my favourite (exept of the fragile cable)... I would never buy a Quest2 because of Facebook and not being a native SteamVR hmd and not supporting my existing Lighthouse hardware. But as it is highly subsidized by FB, I have to confess it is a steal for the money (that is the reason why some competitors have already canceled interesting new products). I couldn't recommend an Index enthuseasticly because it is slowly getting a bit outdated (only for people with big GPUs like me) and I have started to hope for a potentially new version for myself. Reverb2 is only good for the higher resolution, everything else is inferior to my Index, same with Vive Pro2... There is currently no VR HMD I could recommend with a clear conscience.
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Enough has been said ... like Ttoby said: 16GB Ram is enough, you won't need more. If you want more fps you need better GPU, then also a better CPU, money, money, money. I recommend to just wait. Wait for maybe better headsets, wait for better GPU availability, wait for more money :)
In 1-2 years you can upgrade all at once maybe.
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I have seen the RTX 20x series and 30x series back in stock though, I am aiming for that as an upgrade from my current GTX @ 4GB to an RTX with 6GB+.
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Also, in my research I HAVE found a way to unlink the Oculus app from facebook, but granted since my Lenovo is still operating I have no real reson to switch as of yet... It's just as well If I could hold out until the Index is more (maybe) affordable/ 999$ is the ONLY way to get the base station!!! I mean , I can't hate valve, it just sucks that they are the only reasonable company.
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Sure the Quest 2 is worth it.
Its with no doubt the best supported VR System to date.

But if you decide to skip it due to you need a Facebook Account to login, after the company has merged with oculus.

What are your concerns regarding VR Usage here?

You can even set the privacy settings in your FB account ( regarding FB native social apps of course ) and even insde the Quest you can select who can contact you or if you receive app recommendations.

I see no difference with signing STEAM or Microsoft or Valve or HTC regarding VR.
I do not use social apps and 99% of the social apps users give a zero about what who logs to improve a game or social world like VR Chat.

The Quest wouldn't be where it is now if they wouldn't collect technical Hand Tracking Data ( which they anonymize ) or Guardian Data ( which they anonymize )
so in 99% they use that to improve the Quest System to make it even better which they constantly do.
They offer so many Firmware Updates with new and amazing VR features.

If VAM doesnt logs your activities ( are you sure they do not log anything if you use the HUB or VAM Bowser ? ) then FB also does not log it either as you can read in the Privacy FAQ.
Even Pigasus VR Player has a no log policy which is public on their Site.
I am sure Valve or STeam or Microsoft logs even more then FB does at all.

This is all so overhyped.
It is not the Facebook Social Media Website.

Just start enjoying this VR System because its a blast.
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unless you live under a rock these days and pay no attention to the world news, NEVER TRUST BIG TECH! (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ect. all stealing data)
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Ughh , Sorry but I really didn't want to start an ideological debate,

I only wanted to know If getting the quest was worth it (in terms of performance),
I have already re-made my Facebook acc. and tinkered with the privacy settings (I NEVER USE FB anyway).

The reason I stated the Quest-2 is that It has it's own processing power for the Chaperone, (some of the features VR uses to calculate The HMD's existence in our world)
so that my computer only has to compute the graphics (thus loading off processing power from my rig for the Chaperone)

Given that even though I have an Nvidia GTX 1660 Super OC and a Ryzen-5 with 16GB of RAM , I was thinking irregardless of resolution (Lenvo is 1440x2 and the quest2 is 1880x2) this should not be a big jump
considering when I play 4k on my monitor , most of the post 2017 games run FINE in 4k with 120+ FPS,

Soooooo in terms of running VAM "Nicer" given the comparisons I would think the Oculus would be a better choice in comparison.

BUT I do have a moral (albeit adjunctified ) problem with FB Just like I have a Moral problem with Exxon, BUT I still Fill my car with gas like everyone else.
And I mean C'mon, This IS VAM!!! I would never ask my sainted catholic grandmother whether ,making or enjoying content like VAM is considered "moral". (;P)

On a side note I do NOT like the idea of our data being sold to the highest bidder,
but in this day and age if the venues of enjoyment are funneling us into a niche of use ,
As long as the benefits outweigh the risk, most are acceptable.

I just leave most of my gripe to the universal Law of KARMA , ONE DAY,
there will be too much weight for any organization or institution to bear any continuation of wrongdoing.
And when that happens (hopefully) I will have moved on with hands clean of Data selling activities.

Case in point : What ever happened to this Game?


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I didn't follow the whole thread in its entirety, but yes, absolutely get it. If Facebook is a problem, like it was for me, just create a fake account. Works flawlessly. Also, if you have a decent networking/router setup, the wireless works much better than the cable.
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just create a fake account
You know, that according to the FB usement rules they were allowed to ban you for using a fake account?
You will also loose all games on your account.
So, yes it is possible, but not "just".
No offense, but has to be said, too.

Used market ;) Alternatively you can use the Vive stations.
Yes, if you already have the Lighthouse tracking hardware for the Vive, like it was for me, the Index is a no-brainer.
The hmd itself is a steal for the price... controller and basestations are making the package so relatively expensive.
Though, Lighthouse is IMHO the best feature of the Index. Everybody is speaking about image quality, but a perfect tracking has absolutely the same importantance. No tracking, no VR. Bad tracking, bad VR.
Image resolution is simply more obvious.
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You know, that according to the FB usement rules they were allowed to ban you for using a fake account?
You will also loose all games on your account.
So, yes it is possible, but not "just".
No offense, but has to be said, too.

Yes do not create a fake account, this is not needed and will sure lead into a deletion of your account as it is overall where you add a fake account like Steam , Microsoft Store, Playstation Store etc ...

They do not steal your brain or personality.
In two years i didnt get one info from FB using the oculus to join this and that social app.
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I did not create a 'Fake' account, It IS a real account, Just another meathod, (phone#) and yea there are ways to unlink oculus data from facebook once the app is installed, I mean, in terms of usage of the internet your talking to a trilobite who grew up with a 56k modem in one hand and those old ass non-wifi linksys routers in the other, i've been through y2k, napster, myspace etc! I had an Mac LC for crying out loud!! and yea, you have not lived tech unless you have used DOS 3.1!!!

My point being,

My original inquiry was PURELY about performance and speed, HW stuff ,NOT the data-mining.

I COULD just ask:

What OS are all y'all using:
and the #1 answer would be Windows,
OR Linux with a WINE wrapper....

and TALK ABOUT CUT-THROAT Evil Businesses!!!

I mean Microsoft is the poster-child for Big-Tech, But like everyone I do NOT have a choice when developing or working with CAD. or playing games or user-control.

When it was Speed vs Apple, I chose speed and modular upgrade-ability. You cannot upgrade a Mac-book air like you can swap a video card or reinstall RAM,
and even Apple , the go2 cool kid was questionable in their methods of "Bringing computing to the masses", but I left the Apple crowd right around the iPhone----


I bring up Apple to illustrate the cult-like ideology people have towards tech and brands.

But I have had Facebook,

And this is my problem with them:
When I was in a very dark time in my life EVERY-ONE of my so-called social media friends NEVER lifted a virtual or REAL finger to console or help me, it was almost like the platform was more dehumanizing then the people behind the profiles. I got so pissed I left it all-together, The fake lives and the evil posts.

Then came the year 2015, and I was glad I was 'off-line'.

I spared myself the horror of what happened on FB, AND I saw that KARMA be divvied first hand TO Facebook. To have the reputation as the Internets mega-SLUT and see
HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE PISSED OF AT THEIR COMPLICITY in not only un-ethical practices but even covering the ass's of people who should never have been shielded.

So JUST like as I would do to a 1$ hoe, I USE the SH*T out of FACE-book because UNLIKE a HUMAN Being ,
FACEBOOK IS A TOOL, Not a god or an effigy or even a living thing!!!

And yea, I will use a Toilet, just like I will use the services of Facebook, very sparingly!!!

Point being, Computers-Software-Tech-Services are Tools, and to the monolith that they represent , we are just scratches on the shiny surface of the metal.

Don't worship them or give them too much power.

Cause if you do, YOU WILL BE just as disjointed as anyone else when that TOOL breaks!

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They do not steal your brain (...)
Of course they do. That's what it was made for. Obviously they can only "steal" (they don't steal, they collect) that part of your brain that you give to them, but based on this parts and other parts from different people AND data that was collected in your whole internet life, they already know your brain. They don't have to see the whole 100% to know 100% (hypothetically). Another thing is: if facebook is out of service, you can't use it anymore, just saying.

Nothing in life is free. If it is free, you pay with personal data. And that's pretty expensive.
I'm using google as well, but I'm aware of the consequences. At least I hope so ...
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I have the quest 2. I use virtual desktop and have a 2070s GPU. I haven't fully optimized my gpu settings for VR (and if anyone knows some must change settings please let me know) but so far I am content with the performance. I bought the quest 2 a while back and its just been collecting dust until I recently purchased virtual desktop and I have been playing a lot more VR games because the selection is wide open now. Wished I realized sooner to get the VD set up.

You get what you pay for. Its a very affordable standalone device, I know one day I will want to upgrade my GPU and the headset, but I don't think i could ever go wired after starting off wirelessly. The battery life is meh, I just make sure I plug it in every night or if I am taking a couple hours break.

I never have tried hardwiring my headset into my PC. I assume I would get better performance but being completely wireless is just so freeing.

If you have a good GPU and a solid wifi, and find the 700+ headsets to be a hard pill to swallow, the quest 2 is great bang for the buck. Especially if you're not a die hard VR player.

Some scenes or addons like really fine hair, some clothes, or lots of mirrors, I usually just change/edit them out because it will decrease performance significantly.

But at the end of the day, I am completely happy with how my quest 2 holds up in VAM streaming from my PC.

I connect to my PC using virtual desktop, downloaded/purchased through the headset. Then I launch VR mode of VAM and steam vr will boot that bad boy right up. You can see all your steam games through the headset once you get it all set up. A couple hoops to jump through, but once you're set up you're good to go.

hope this helps. happy shopping
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irregardless of resolution (Lenvo is 1440x2 and the quest2 is 1880x2) this should not be a big jump

Hi, as the Quest 2 has 3668x3840 and the Lenovo Explorer has 2880x1440 pixles (according to a fast Google search), this is more than 3 (three) times more. It is higher than most 4K definitions and UHD, standard Super-Sampling not included. It WILL be a big jump!

It is a difficult thing, this "morality"... it is always a bit of luxury you have to afford.
I have used FB in my past days, too. It even had a good share in getting together with my wife.
You are right, FB is not the only "evil company" and maybe not even the worst one.
But you may agree with me, that it is a scary thing that they sell their headset so much subsidized, that some expert think they even lost some money plus all the money they spend for their exclusive Games and development. In Germany, with all the strict customer- and data-protection laws there, selling the Quest was and is AFAIK still forbidden! All they would have to do is to drop those forced FB connection. Though, most "smart" Germans simply buy the Quest from other EU countries, this will cost FB millions of Dollars (not to speak of all the extremely high monetary penality they have to pay every some years because of their business practices in the EU). For me this means,what ever they may get from us, even if we think it is nothing worth, will be highly valuable to them. A bit scary, don't you think?
The second big morality issue is: So they subsidize the Quest that much, it is not very profitable any more to develop concurrent and innovative new products for other companies. Those "FB will save VR" may be IMHO exactly the opposite.

But still, the Quest is a steal for the money. It has its flaws and minuses against other hmds, but for the money it is great ... just from the technical aspect.
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Hi, @Lance01
obviously you are a big Facebook/Oculus fan and/or didn't liked what I wrote, because you gave me 4 (!) downvotes in a row on most of my entries in this single thread.
This is a very uncommon behavior here at the hub. Usually we don't dovnvote people exept it is really bad. It's not "toxic-Reddit". Being here from the start, I even think this is one of the worst single downvote-actions I have ever seen in the hub's history. There may be only a handful others.
It may be silly, but this made me a bit grumpy. It's somewhat hard to get an upvote here as a little "thank you" for helping people. So, one could say, with this action you have taken away 4 "thank you" I've got from other people.
Obviously you didn't have known this or I have really made you angry (sorry if this was the case).
Please feel free to discuss your opinion with us! You are welcome, please don't be just a silent hater.

I think this example may have shown how deep the gap between fans of different products can be.
The VR community is not very big, and still in constant danger of extinction. In theory we all should work together.
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Thanks for DMing me about it and trying to clear it up instead of "calling me out" in public because you think the rules should be different here.

Oh wait, You didn't.
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