The embody plugin uses the bones and tries to trace those no matter the pose. My approach is different. It is the traditional, stand against a wall and hold a line up. So if the character is slouching, my measurements will “slouch” too.
Yay! I'll try giving you feedback as soon as I've tested it.
Could I also impose on you to maybe have a talk with AcidBubbles? There are maybe some overlaps between your plugins/areas of interest (the 'Embody'-plugin in his case). For starters, neither of us (AB, yours truly) has any idea what friggin units of measurement VaM uses internally ...
What I can tell you so far from running AB's Embody in parallel to the ... previous? ... version of Heightmeasurement is that Embody always gives the same answer for a persons' size, independent of the char's pose, while your Heightmeasurement's results do change when pose is changed (eg. your plugin will tell me that both the default female and male in T-Pose stand 174cm tall (corresponding to 1.69 whateverunits in Embody), but that changes to 177cm when they assume Embody's 'possession-ready-pose' (actually looks to me like 'at attention'-stance in the military, but ymmv ...))
Uhmmmmh - actually, I was worrying about getting on your nerves a bit ...? YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?![]()
Units in unity are 1 unity unit = 1 meter