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Height Measure Plugin

Plugins + Scripts Height Measure Plugin

Awesome plugin!

Using it on an ImagePanel atom doesn't seem to be working though. When I enable "Manual Markers," the lines don't show up.

I followed the same steps as your 3rd gif on the overview page... Any idea what's going on?

I figured out what was going on. I just broke it so I fixed it. Thank you for letting me know.
having strange issue .
is it possible to fix ?
I fixed this bug in the latest version. Thank you.
Hi, I'd like to know why the measurements out of the box are incorrect. When applying it to a G2F, it shows its height to be around 15-20 cm lower than what it is.

I tested it in VR, and I know how tall I am. Lining it up to eye height shows the incorrect height.
Hi, I'd like to know why the measurements out of the box are incorrect. When applying it to a G2F, it shows its height to be around 15-20 cm lower than what it is.

I tested it in VR, and I know how tall I am. Lining it up to eye height shows the incorrect height.

I will have to look into that.

Measurements in this are based the assumption that 1 unity unit == 1 meter in real life. All conversions are based in that.

If that assumption is wrong or different in some way in VR then that would be one reason.

Outside of that I would not know other reasons and could only speculate - I am not an expert game developer by any means. VR floor to headset offset, world scale, ???

If you run across any information about game -> irl scaling I would be happy to look into it.
love this plugin, firstly.

second, i noticed in the src files these "age calculator" scripts. is this a feature you're working on or is there a plugin that specifically does that somewhere?
love this plugin, firstly.

second, i noticed in the src files these "age calculator" scripts. is this a feature you're working on or is there a plugin that specifically does that somewhere?

Some algorithms to calculate percentiles of height percentiles vs age and head size percentiles vs age were experimented with. As it turns out, the things you can do in vam like changing scale and its subjective nature, just did not let those things work like you might have thought - it just did not work - at all.

It was not all a loss. Studying proportions and reading feature requests from community members led me tangentially to a the creation of the proportion markers.
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Hi, I'd like to know why the measurements out of the box are incorrect. When applying it to a G2F, it shows its height to be around 15-20 cm lower than what it is.

I tested it in VR, and I know how tall I am. Lining it up to eye height shows the incorrect height.

Hi Zin. I released a new version of the plugin that fixes some bugs with height when character is below the floor (even slightly). Height and everything would be wrong. Maybe this was the cause? Let me know if it is still a problem.
Hi LFE, great plugin, I have a feature request if that's a thing;

Could you add in the UI to make certain markers toggle-able? I.e if I just want to get a meaure of the height of the character but do not require the chin to shoulder measurement etc etc? Even just having all the others off to show the height would be appreciated as sometimes it's too much information when working on a scene!

Thanks in advance, have been appreciating your plugin since version 12!

- TD
Hi LFE, great plugin, I have a feature request if that's a thing;

Could you add in the UI to make certain markers toggle-able? I.e if I just want to get a meaure of the height of the character but do not require the chin to shoulder measurement etc etc? Even just having all the others off to show the height would be appreciated as sometimes it's too much information when working on a scene!

Thanks in advance, have been appreciating your plugin since version 12!

- TD

When you get a chance, please test this version (not released yet) and give me your feedback.

Just wanted to say cheers for updating this awesome plugin! Much appreciated.
lfe updated Height Measure Plugin with a new update entry:

Features and fixes

New Features
  • More cup size calculations (see plugin config page):
    • Sizecharts.com French
    • Sizecharts.com European
    • Sizecharts.com Australian
    • Evas Intimates French
  • Basic Proportion Based Age Guessing (see plugin config page)

Quality of Life Improvements:
  • Force physics settings ON that are needed for plugin to work
  • Update measurements even when Freeze Animation is on

  • Feet markers would sometimes hide when...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I see. So a way to see the measurements without having the lines on the screen. I will try and add something back into the plugin panel with some quick stats. Maybe even showing just the height in the plugin description in the plugin list itself (before you show the plugin UI).

Thank you for the feedback
I use this awesome plugin all the time and only just noticed you've added the ability to select which lines I see. Now I can just see the height on screen when tweaking.

Is there any way to turn off the lines so I just see the value?

Thanks and keep up the good work!
Hey man...awesome work on this!

A few thoughts/suggestions/requests:

For manual mode, it would be useful to be able to have a "heel height" and "scale" option. If we're measuring a picture, it can be tricky to guesstimate where to put the markers. If we could set the head and heel height then apply a scale factor to it, it'd make sizing up photos a bit easier. ;)

Going from manual to automatic - it would be *amazing* if it were possible to export the manual measurements, then import them onto a model, and have the plugin try to automatically adjust the various scale factors until the measurements line up. I'm sure that's a much bigger can of worms than you'd originally opened, but it almost seems like the next logical step. ;)

If applying the plugin to an imagepanel, the manual measurement guide lines start out behind the panel. It'd be neat if it's x position was just a smidge forward.

Keep up the awesome work!
Hey man...awesome work on this!

A few thoughts/suggestions/requests:

For manual mode, it would be useful to be able to have a "heel height" and "scale" option. If we're measuring a picture, it can be tricky to guesstimate where to put the markers. If we could set the head and heel height then apply a scale factor to it, it'd make sizing up photos a bit easier. ;)

Going from manual to automatic - it would be *amazing* if it were possible to export the manual measurements, then import them onto a model, and have the plugin try to automatically adjust the various scale factors until the measurements line up. I'm sure that's a much bigger can of worms than you'd originally opened, but it almost seems like the next logical step. ;)

If applying the plugin to an imagepanel, the manual measurement guide lines start out behind the panel. It'd be neat if it's x position was just a smidge forward.

Keep up the awesome work!
Great ideas! Making it easier to match proportions from an image is something on my mind.
One minor point, when using the feet units it shows the value as decimal rather than feet/inches ie - it shows 5.8 ft rather than 5' 10"

I know this is technically correct, but it looks a bit odd.
One minor point, when using the feet units it shows the value as decimal rather than feet/inches ie - it shows 5.8 ft rather than 5' 10"

I know this is technically correct, but it looks a bit odd.
Try setting the display unit to “US” that may change the number presentation to the at you want. Let me know if that works for you.
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