Okay. The wording confused me - when the announcement refers to ".var", it's actually referring to the content or resource and talking about a updating that. A ".var" is a
file, e.g. everlaster.Something.1.var is a file. If I update a file, it's still everlaster.Something.1.var - if it wasn't, I'd be creating a new file, not updating a file. The content or resource that the announcement refers to corresponds to the Hub resource, which can have multiple ".var" files to indicate different versions of the resource. So, in the final actual policy that gets implemented, can you ensure that the wording is clear and is referring to content or resource, not to ".var". Thank you.
Now I have one concern and then a few questions.
Let's say I've created a Hub resource Something, and scanned the first var package everlaster.Something.1.var. All of the information in the post is about that specific file, and the download link points to a Patreon post for publishing that specific file.
If I now publish a new version of Something on Patreon, that's a new Patreon post. The Hub resource still has the download link that redirects the user to the first version's post, and that file is still available. As far as I can tell, there's no connection between the Hub post and the second version at that point in time. I'm still advertising and linking to only the first version, even though another version is available. To me, this fulfills the agreement VaMDeV indicated earlier
If you opt to make a new file, you will have to have it rescanned on the hub if you wish to advertise it.
Essentially this is set up so that we have an agreement from the poster that the var file they are advertising is the same as what you will download from their Patreon or whatever. If we find evidence that their var file is significantly different then what we scanned then that trust is broken and we can make the decision to not allow them to advertise on our site.
1. I opted to make a new file everlaster.Something.2.var, but I'm still only advertising the first file, so based on that I won't have to scan the new file in and make an update to the Hub resource
2. There is clearly a match between the var file being advertised and the var file that is available for download via the download link to the specific Patreon post for that release
Basically what I'm saying is, what VaMDeV wrote above seems to be in contradiction with the idea that every update to the resource externally i.e. on Patreon must also come with an update to the Hub resource. My interpretation of what VaMDeV said is that if the original .var file that is being advertised is modified, producing a mismatch between the scanned file content and the actual file being advertised, only then must the file be rescanned.
What specifically constitutes an update to the file in the Hub resource?
Is it only based on the filename - e.g. everlaster.Something.2.var is an update to the Something resource because that resource was uploaded as everlaster.Something.1.var.
Or is it based on the package meta.json, or other contents of the package, or a combination of these?
The reason I'm asking is because it is normal for me to have a plugin development phase on Patreon that includes alpha releases that I don't want to advertise on the Hub. I want to have the freedom to choose when I advertise the new features - I don't want to advertise something that isn't ready for that, e.g. may contain breaking bugs that I want to fix before advertising. In terms of the proposed policy, how can I work around this and prevent advertising work in progress new versions of a paid resource until I'm actually ready for that?