I've found that if I save the scene with embody enabled, the body goes back to origin, and all the controls are reset (OFF joints are now on, any other joints are all ON).
It seems like the hip + feet joints need to be OFF, for movement to work (in VR). Is that right?
Anybody had this issue?
does the hide geometry only works in vr? I can still see the tongue nose eyes etc. when I activate embody as a passenger
Please tell me, is it possible to use one button to make a first-person view and back without turning on the interface? and is it possible to just move your head and not the camera? Otherwise, when I turn it on, the camera still comes out of the body and doesn’t move my head (I play on a desktop, if anything
Acid Bubbles, I am having an issue with possession in Embody. When I am in possession with head and hands and a scene automaticly transitions to the next "part" where my atom I am possesing changes from say the kitchen to the couch in the living room it breaks in various ways. The one driving me nuts now is the two atoms go from kitchen to the couch and bam I spawn to the spawn point next to the couch and watch the headless horseman being serviced. So, I re-loaded the scene and got rid of spawn points and now I am still in possession in right position but hands are disabled. If I tab the hands back on BOOM, the atom I am possessing goes back to the kitchen to the previous timeline while the girl remains polishing an absent knob on couch. Again, this is just one of the various ways the scenes breaks while using your amazing plugin. The scenes by XRwizard do NOT break while in possession. I have tried replicating settings by XR wizard to no avail. I have tried everything I can think of and spent hours trying to fix it. I don't know if it's a setting in Embody I am not doing right, a setting on the Atom, or a setting in the User Preferences or Navigation tabs within MAIN UI. Any help appreciated and thank you for making so many great resources available.
Hi been using this for a while now but was wondering. Is there any way to adjust how far the eye viewpoint is from the body? I feel as if my eyes are too far forward in the body. Or does that depend on where I'm standing within the body when I calibrate? Thanks.
Is it possible to limit the head rotation to a certain number of degrees, like in Unity POV?
hey yall. is there any way for me to make it so the tongue of the character i embody doesnt dissapear with the rest of the head?

Hey, am i doing something wrong?
I open a scene, make a person atom, then I do add plugin and select the file, but I get this error:

!> Embody: Cannot run as a session or scene plugin
!> Exception during compile of AcidBubbles.Embody.60:/Custom/Scripts/AcidBubbles/Embody/Embody.cslist: System.Exception: Exception during script init ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Embody.InitUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MVRPluginManager.CreateScriptController (.MVRPlugin mvrp, DynamicCSharp.ScriptType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at MVRPluginManager.CreateScriptController (.MVRPlugin mvrp, DynamicCSharp.ScriptType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MVRPluginManager.SyncPluginUrlInternal (.MVRPlugin mvrp, Boolean isFromConfirmDenyResponse) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> Embody: Cannot run as a session or scene plugin
!> Exception during compile of AcidBubbles.Embody.60:/Custom/Scripts/AcidBubbles/Embody/Embody.cslist: System.Exception: Exception during script init ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Embody.InitUI () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MVRPluginManager.CreateScriptController (.MVRPlugin mvrp, DynamicCSharp.ScriptType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at MVRPluginManager.CreateScriptController (.MVRPlugin mvrp, DynamicCSharp.ScriptType type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at MVRPluginManager.SyncPluginUrlInternal (.MVRPlugin mvrp, Boolean isFromConfirmDenyResponse) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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