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Plugins + Scripts BodyLanguage

So... your plugins also change the atoms colliders.... ?

I tested and I've seen that but... honestly I've got better results with Collider Editor... on both the person atom and the dildo. Mainly during vaginal penetrations. With your plugins only, if penetration goes fast and deep (like a fucking machine) it happen that sometime collisions applies a torque to the hip (for very short moments). Indeed, with my setup, all goes smooth. The cause seems to be the 2 little colliders on the side of the vagina hole. Usually I set them with a little offset on the X axis so that there is more space between them.

Also with the dildo, with your plugins only, actually it seems to go more smooth in the throat but it also add clipping issues with the vaginal penetrations.

I know, this is a very tedious and well known problem... I jsut want to say that I like what I'm getting with colliders editor and I'll try to keep it if there is not a true big problem. Mind that my scene is simple in terms of persons and penetrators: Just a girl, a dildo, and 1 or 2 basic shapes atoms. The biggest "complexity" is with all other things around (UI, CUAs and basic shapes for enviroment, instruments, tools, and so on...)... and this brings to another issue:

I simply cannot avoid using SubScene atoms. Really. They helps A LOT to keep things organized. The best I can do is to try to keep person and penetrators out of subscenes but... it will require a lot of work to check if things keeps working as I want and... I'm not seeing big differences between my scene and a fresh new one with only your plugins. So... if you want to help me, you should be so kind to explain me in more detail what kind of problems will SubScenes bring.

NOTES: Actually I'm only using FillMeUp, TouchMe and ReadMyLips (btw... it's safe to disable WatchMe and PoseMe or they need to stay enabled?). I need to add things by steps, once I get a stable situation with every step.

About Discord: I'm thinking about it but at the moment I don't have an xxx-rated account. I need to create a new one and understand how to manage two accounts without leaving "things" into temporary folders and such.
I don't do vaginal sex, so I did not care/make any adjustments to it. Changing some colliders down there should be no problem. But leave the penis untouched. Else BL will treat it as the tiny weener it actually is based on its colliders. The visual shape doesn't count.

Honestly, I don't know what can go wrong with subscenes. I haven't tested it, but I got some issue reports and I know that I didn't even try to add all the additional logic that would be needed to handle them. Some features could be glitchy/not working without notifiying or you get a red warning and the plugin fails to load. Other things (non person, non toy) should be less problematic. But I even heard of issues with lights in subscenes (PoseMe).

Yes, they can be disabled, but I'd recommend getting familiar with PoseMe first. It's the easiest to use and simplyfies scene creation tremendously.

Reading the dynamic stim properties is not possible because that would make them writable as well. I don't want that.
Reading the dynamic stim properties is not possible because that would make them writable as well. I don't want that.
Can't you create a "copy" variable and only allow access to it? ?That way, if people write the variable nothing will happen since they are only writing a copy, not the variable the script is using. Maybe put a "readonly" somwhere in the exposed variable name so that people can understand that writing will do nothing.

And maybe @hazmhox can say something on that topic. I think I saw some readonly value in one of its plugins... ?
And maybe @hazmhox can say something on that topic. I think I saw some readonly value in one of its plugins... ?

They're not read only, their value is meant to BE read only. But being JSONStorables, they could be overriden by the creator/player.

But the way I made the values makes no difference when updating them. They are updated by the engine, but never read. So it's "kind of read only" :p
Can't you create a "copy" variable and only allow access to it? ?That way, if people write the variable nothing will happen since they are only writing a copy, not the variable the script is using. Maybe put a "readonly" somwhere in the exposed variable name so that people can understand that writing will do nothing.

And maybe @hazmhox can say something on that topic. I think I saw some readonly value in one of its plugins... ?
Idk, maybe I'll add a trigger for it like the one for the stimulation itself if I have some spare time. Readability alone won't do you any good anyway unless you want to use VUML.
PS: the way I did it can work if you have a couple of values. Cheesy has A LOT of values, he would need to "duplicate" all the values, that's a bunch of work if he wants to keep the original one untouched by the player/creator especially if it's used by like two people : )

Well well well... it's hard, slow and probably I'll go crazy but... I think I'm making little steps in the right direction:

Do you remember when i said "Never mind about point 3 because I got the point with the problem of the anus gap"? Well... I haven't.

In my last session, I don't know why and I don't know how, but i got a PERFECT FIT with all the glorious gaping animation when you remove the dildo.



I had to quit and, when I've come back, the gap problem returned. So... I investigated a bit and I've seen that what drives the gap are those two colliders:


What I've noted is that when only the tip is in all goes right and the dildo fit perfectly. Then, when I push it a bit, the two colliders seems to icrease their power trying to "squeeze" the dildo, they end up above the dildo and this cause the gap.

So I tried using Collider Editor to see if I could fix it somehow and I've seen that moving the two colliders a bit up solve the gap problem:


But now the problem are that the anus is somehow closed (not big problem since this is not visible when the dildo is in) and the gaping animation when you pull out the dildo just vanished (I've seen that indeed that animation is driven by these colliders).

I hope that this can help to find a solution or at least, if you could explain me that, I may learn something new.


Thanks again for your hard work! See ya! ;)

P.s. Note that I used collider editor on the dildo only to check. I haven't edited anything on the dildo and I edited these two colliders on the person atom only for testing. At the moment, I use collider editor only to fix two little colliders on the sides of the vagina hole.

Well well well... it's hard, slow and probably I'll go crazy but... I think I'm making little steps in the right direction:

Do you remember when i said "Never mind about point 3 because I got the point with the problem of the anus gap"? Well... I haven't.

In my last session, I don't know why and I don't know how, but i got a PERFECT FIT with all the glorious gaping animation when you remove the dildo.

I had to quit and, when I've come back, the gap problem returned. So... I investigated a bit and I've seen that what drives the gap are those two colliders:

What I've noted is that when only the tip is in all goes right and the dildo fit perfectly. Then, when I push it a bit, the two colliders seems to icrease their power trying to "squeeze" the dildo, they end up above the dildo and this cause the gap.

So I tried using Collider Editor to see if I could fix it somehow and I've seen that moving the two colliders a bit up solve the gap problem:

But now the problem are that the anus is somehow closed (not big problem since this is not visible when the dildo is in) and the gaping animation when you pull out the dildo just vanished (I've seen that indeed that animation is driven by these colliders).

I hope that this can help to find a solution or at least, if you could explain me that, I may learn something new.


Thanks again for your hard work! See ya! ;)

P.s. Note that I used collider editor on the dildo only to check. I haven't edited anything on the dildo and I edited these two colliders on the person atom only for testing. At the moment, I use collider editor only to fix two little colliders on the sides of the vagina hole.
These are the only colliders that are strictly forbidden to alter on the female body. The anus stretch is measured by their distance. So if you move or shrink them to close up, the anus is actually closed. Which means stretch is 0 and so is the gaping. And there won't be any meaningful stim gain too.

For me the problem isn't that dramatic. It works fine in most poses, so I don't see an urgent need to make some changes to the vanilla morphing that goes along with those colliders.
See here. No gap at all. This is the scene I'm planing to release as a demo btw.


What about using Naturalis/PussyMagic torgether with BL?
what about using cue plugin (without the related preset list!) on male only (with cue main script totally disabled on female, she keeps her own FULL action "leadership" with BL) and ... a vaginal dynamic morph plugin. I do it always and it's a fantastic sinergy, without conflicts.
I don't think I am the only one trying to help this lack of emotions that still hits always the male interaction (limited to orgasmic, banal parossistic penetration?) ... it's by the way, not an heresy to consider this option ("connecting" the best of some different scripts). All the rest it's prejudice, darkness and sorrow .... with no interest in vaginal ???? ????
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These are the only colliders that are strictly forbidden to alter on the female body. The anus stretch is measured by their distance. So if you move or shrink them to close up, the anus is actually closed. Which means stretch is 0 and so is the gaping. And there won't be any meaningful stim gain too.

For me the problem isn't that dramatic. It works fine in most poses, so I don't see an urgent need to make some changes to the vanilla morphing that goes along with those colliders.

Hummm.... ?

...this is not of much help. I understand that the stretch is measured by the distanche between the two colliders, this is not the question. The problem is that the colliders push down the dildo. It's not a problem of dildo size it's a problem of alignment.

And no... for me it doesn't work fine with most poses. The gap is here with every pose (doggy, bend over, belly down, missionary.... any).

I'm tring to figure out why it fitted perfectly in one session.

What I remember of that session is that the scene was saved with the dildo atom off, I had a little slapping, turned the dildo on, scaled it down to about 1.3, had a long vaginal sex with multiple orgasm and then the perfect anal sex.

Which one of your plugins modifies the dildo colliders? What does the "Reset Colliders" button that I've seen somwhere?

And... what about the colliders that seem to strengthen when the penetration goes just further than the tip? It's like if they have an HoldPositionSpring that gradually rise up to the max. It's just a my impression?

(This maybe one of the bad thing that happen with subscene... I'm looking for a workaround)

P.s. I hope that the amount of brain sanity I'm putting in this make you understand how much I love your work... ?

EDIT: Not a SubScene issue. I tried with a fresh new scene with only Naturalis, BodyLanguage and a 1.3 dildo (added in this order). Same gap problem.
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I got a solution! I'll tell you later...

Now... one of my girls just wanted to say thank you... so:

...this is not of much help. I understand that the stretch is measured by the distanche between the two colliders, this is not the question. The problem is that the colliders push down the dildo. It's not a problem of dildo size it's a problem of alignment.
How should I help you then? The morphs on your model seem to misalign the anus colliders compared to mine. Besides, you are the only one ever complaining about it, which indicates that the problem is in fact your model or the animations you're using.

I just said that if you hack into those colliders you will break the internals of BL, which you asked me to explain.

The dildo colliders are only shrunk during blowjobs, and only the ones inside. And yes, the dildo spring is dynamically increased during insertion (if I remember correctly) to allow thicker ones to penetrate.

To be fair, I have to say that I don't plan on going back to the drawing board on this topic. The penetration stuff is considered finished since more than a year now.
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How should I help you then? The morphs on your model seem to misalign the anus colliders compared to mine. Besides, you are the only one ever complaining about it, which indicates that the problem is in fact your model or the animations you're using.

I just said that if you hack into those colliders you will break the internals of BL, which you asked me to explain.

The dildo colliders are only shrunk during blowjobs, and only the ones inside. And yes, the dildo spring is dynamically increased during insertion (if I remember correctly) to allow thicker ones to penetrate.

To be fair, I have to say that I don't plan on going back to the drawing board on this topic. The penetration stuff is considered finished since more than a year now.
Of course I'm not pretendig anything here... I'm just trying to add my little help to your awesome work. I think that I'm not the only one who can crash into a cute model with bad colliders (if this is the case)... and maybe usefull to somone else to know that actually there is a workaround:

I used Colliedrs Editor to offset the colliders a bit aside on the X axis:



The only downside that I've seen so far in my specific scenes is that the gaping when you remove the dildo is reduced a lot but it's still appreciable (for my tastes).
(Then... there is also the misterious session in which everything fitted perfectly without any changes at all (same scene, same dildo, same pose, same model... etc.), but that's another question that I really don't care so much)

These are the only reasons I'm reporting this:

1) Next time someone report this problem to you, you can suggest him\her to try this as an extreteme solution with no warranty.

2) This can also be helpful for someone who reads these posts.

3) May give you some ideas (who know?).

Also... please consider that english is not my native language. I may use writing expressions that may not fit in the contest or may be misinterpreted.

Finally, I'm pretty stupid so... please have mercy... ?

Now... time for some questions (of course):

Q1) Please... tell me that the random periodical dripping that I'm seeing while penetrating are intentional! It's cool and I've added a little logic to enable that in specific situations.

Hummmm... only one question at the moment. But here is also a little bug report:

Nipples slaps triggers stop working if you save the scene with tits soft bodyes disabled. The only way I've found to re-enable the triggers is to enable the soft bodyes save and reload.

See ya! ?
can you do a super quick video demo? im only really after the fast thrusting
You're welcome.

Guy: scale 1.11 with big dick.
Girl: scale 1
Of course I'm not pretendig anything here... I'm just trying to add my little help to your awesome work. I think that I'm not the only one who can crash into a cute model with bad colliders (if this is the case)... and maybe usefull to somone else to know that actually there is a workaround:

I used Colliedrs Editor to offset the colliders a bit aside on the X axis:

The only downside that I've seen so far in my specific scenes is that the gaping when you remove the dildo is reduced a lot but it's still appreciable (for my tastes).
(Then... there is also the misterious session in which everything fitted perfectly without any changes at all (same scene, same dildo, same pose, same model... etc.), but that's another question that I really don't care so much)

These are the only reasons I'm reporting this:

1) Next time someone report this problem to you, you can suggest him\her to try this as an extreteme solution with no warranty.

2) This can also be helpful for someone who reads these posts.

3) May give you some ideas (who know?).

Also... please consider that english is not my native language. I may use writing expressions that may not fit in the contest or may be misinterpreted.

Finally, I'm pretty stupid so... please have mercy... ?

Now... time for some questions (of course):

Q1) Please... tell me that the random periodical dripping that I'm seeing while penetrating are intentional! It's cool and I've added a little logic to enable that in specific situations.

Hummmm... only one question at the moment. But here is also a little bug report:

Nipples slaps triggers stop working if you save the scene with tits soft bodyes disabled. The only way I've found to re-enable the triggers is to enable the soft bodyes save and reload.

See ya! ?
No problem mate, this is just something I don't see a real problem and if it was, the problem might be caused by VAM itself. Did you try how it looks without BL?

Q1: I think I explained this to you before but here we go: The males (and dildos) have a stimulation and they can cum. If they cum inside the particles will drip out of the orifice. So, if you want to invoke it you should press Q or trigger a male orgasm. :)
Is there anyway to make xray working with VR video rendering?
Third party plugins that use their own camera are generally not supported (like renderers). And there is an issue with the penis being offset in VR. So your prospects are rather bad.
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In the latest version 60 of the plugin, I encountered a problem: the action menu stopped working, I set the action for the pose and it doesn’t work, I tried reloading the plugin and deleting it. nothing helped, he doesn’t want to work, before that he used version 53, everything worked fine. who knows what the problem is?
Is there a way to monitor the male's stimulation? I can track the woman's stimulation but not the male's.

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