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Plugins + Scripts BodyLanguage

I currently have BL v27 loaded onto the scene but I originally had BL v25 active when I made the scene and I do have PluginSuit v3.

If it helps, I have a video of the settings I'm using for TouchMe on both the male & female atom which is basically factory except a sex slap volume decrease:
View attachment 294878
Thanks. You have BL on a male??!? Does it even load?!?!? It is supposed to be female only. If you put it on both you get double slaps for example!
What solved pretty much all issues I had was deleting all but the most current vars.
Thanks. You have BL on a male??!? Does it even load?!?!? It is supposed to be female only. If you put it on both you get double slaps for example!Ahh
Ahhh, you've found the solution. Before when I put BL on the male atom it didn't post a prompt in the message log with the older versions but now with the latest version it does..

So to be clear there is an error message when loading BL on a male but before there wasn't a message prompt.

Thanks for fixing my issue.

Thanks for the time and thanks for BL and all your other work my guy??
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Ahhh, you've found the solution. Before when I put BL on the male atom it didn't post a prompt in the message log with the older versions but now with the latest version it does..

So to be clear there is an error message when loading BL on a male but before there wasn't a message prompt.

Thanks for fixing my issue.

Thanks for the time and thanks for BL and all your other work my guy??
Your welcome, although the original issue isn't fixed I fear :whistle:
I thought there would be an error nonetheless, so I did not bother setting any warning up. Plus I thought the description would suffice to make it clear it's a female plugin.
CheesyFX updated BodyLanguage with a new update entry:

v28: Trigger mayhem!

Originally, there was only one of my custom tiggers available for each of the measurements in FillMeUp and ReadMyLips (stimulation, depth, ...). So you could only set up one threshold or range.
But now this limitation is gone! Thanks to @Logan, who reminded me of the importance!
Now you can:
  • Add an arbitrary number of the known trigger systems to the measurements in ReadMyLips and FillMeUp
  • Each of those can have different thresholds and ranges, and of course...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hello, thank you for making such a great script for everyone to use. If you can add the "parp" sound when inserting into the butt, it will be more realistic: V
Hello, thank you for making such a great script for everyone to use. If you can add the "parp" sound when inserting into the butt, it will be more realistic: V
Thanks :)
Not sure what you mean with "parp", but a "plop" sound upon exit is planned. I don't think there should be a sound when entering.
Me too :) I just keep get distracted by bugs and such. There's also a specific mindset I have to get into before creating morphs ;)
awesome. it will be very realistic to have a gag animation occur while swallowing with the sound in deepthroat.
CheesyFX updated BodyLanguage with a new update entry:

v29: Improved penetration detection

  • False DP detection is impossible.
  • Penetration detection is way more performant.
  • The only case where things might get messed up is when you load a pose where both triggers (vag & anus) are touched at the same time. In this case the result will be indifferent. Otherwise, the first orifice penetrated will exclude the other one.
  • Mesh colliders (CUA dildos) are partially supported. They are a pain in the ass (literally, for the model, and for me). Depending on the CUA the depth...

Read the rest of this update entry...
YAY! Cua detection! Woot thank you.
Could I offer an idea for the problem? I'm guessing that when the mesh collider from the dildo goes deeper it causes performance problems hitting the models internal colliders, could there be a way to have it turn the colliders off as it enters? So its only pushing on the deepest most colliders as it moves?
A little something I made for eroscripts.com. I hope that's fine with you @CheesyFX

CheesyFX updated BodyLanguage with a new update entry:

v30: New module WatchMe

  • Let's you add triggers to any body region that fire based on the time you looked at that region. The system is identical to the one used for the touch triggers.
  • Presets are not of use right now.
  • There are plans to enhance this a lot, but first I'd like to see some basic usage from you guys!
The plugin now has FocusOnMe! as a dependency. You can run it without, but WatchMe requires it to...

Read the rest of this update entry...

WatchMe sounds awesome! I do have a question though.
I setup a custom sorta plugin for lapdance scenes, where the dude will look at random body parts (face, butt, boobs, etc.) but will change depending on if the dude can see the front or back of the dancer.
I guess that is a long winded way of asking, can this module be used to help in that example, like 2 person atoms, one watching the other?
WatchMe sounds awesome! I do have a question though.
I setup a custom sorta plugin for lapdance scenes, where the dude will look at random body parts (face, butt, boobs, etc.) but will change depending on if the dude can see the front or back of the dancer.
I guess that is a long winded way of asking, can this module be used to help in that example, like 2 person atoms, one watching the other?
Uff, the whole viewtrigger "rig" had to be detachable, but it currently isn't. I could think about it, but let's try to do something with the tools available first ;)
FocusOnMe! is a session plugin. I can't add it as a scene dependency if I want to use WatchMe, because it might clash with people's own FocusOnMe! they have as a session. It's a really bizarre choice of a dependency requirement. I understand the thought behind it (not doing same checks twice), but this is not the way imo.

Maybe embed the detection to WatchMe, but use FocusOnMe!'s one if you detect it's present?
Just a thought! It would work if you possess/embody the male person I assume right?
Yes, it should work perfectly while possesing. Maybe you have to go to FOM/ViewScan and select female targets only. It could be that the male face blocks the view. Could you try that? I did not test that extensively, but it would be possible to shift the view trigger forward to have a "blind" range infront of the eyes.

I also gave the person-person thing some thoughts:
I won't detach the scan from the camera rig, because that would break the lighting and DoF features of FOM. I could, however, write a separate plugin to put on person#2, which only adds the ViewScan system. In WatchMe there could be a setting to choose wheter the triggers should react to the player or another person, or both.
BUT: I don't think that this will yield good results. Your head animation of the male had to be VERY precise to make it work. Natively, the view trigger would be parented to the male head. I could make it point to the eye target, but something like Glance won't be suported.

On a second thought: Well, yeah, I could also support Glance by getting the view direction from the eye bones I guess. But is all of this really worth it? :unsure:

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