Hmm, not sure what's wrong on your side. I do use soft body physics but it shouldn't be necessary. Neither do you have to use any other plugins for it to work.
But you know that besides bulging the vagina itself isn't touched by this plugin? The gape morphs only affect the anus. If you want additional pussy morphing there are other plugins that do it, I think one of them is called "auto labia".
If you find the bulging does not fit your scene you can try adjusting the values (depth scale ec.) in the "Bulge Settings" tab of the respective orifice. If you want it realistically you can always toggle "Visualize depth" to see how far the penis actually reaches and adjust accordingly.
OH... oh ok, lol.
Actually it DOES work it's just that I didn't realize or notice that this plugin was focusing on the _Anus_ rather than the Vagina (or that it was doing both). So yeah I did check, it does work. So I'll most likely keep using your plugin whenever I happen to need its effects for Anal scenes. My apologies if it sounded like nothing worked. It's just that I approached the plugin with the initial assumption that it would work for both the Anus and the Vagina.
(Although I'd like to take this opportunity to just say that if this sort of effect could be reproduced on the Vagina... this plugin would have literally _zero_ competition, like... none, pretty much).
EDIT: Also I forgot to mention, outside of this plugin, the only other one I use for bulging / gaping / stretching is
Sakin55's AutoBuldger. That plugin is a near-Godsend for nearly everything. However, only critic of it is that it either does both at the same time, or only 1 of the holes, unless I would go into Edit mode, stop the animation, go in the plugin's interface, and adjust which hole needs to have the effects, leave the interface, leave Edit mode and resume the scene.
I would then have to do that every single time during animations where the dick changes hole. If not, I let both holes 'checked' in the interface... BUT... the side effect of that is of course that for example the dick inside the Vagina would also open and stretch out the Anus too... which is... well it's not accurate to the situation let's just put it this way. But outside of that little problem that plugin is rather excellent and provides a lot of leeway room for adjustments.
However, there's always the issue of colliders of Female Atom's body (especially within the Pelvis area, when the dick is supposed to go all the way in up to that point or even beyond, due to its length, or girth) VS the colliders of the Male's dick. More often than not, if the dick is "too large", things start to go down the drain with physics shaking uncontrollably, and eventually to end up in the Great Plane of Oblivion where God only knows what happens. The reason why I mention all of this is because your plugin seems to essentially 'avoid' or bypass most of those issues; which is why _ultimately_ I can only wish this plugin would also do the same, but on the Vagina and, who knows, maybe for the Mouth / Throat (for 'demanding' deepthroats, which is VERY difficult to accomplish as of now in VAM if the dick is slightly "too" big, or long; it's actually the one thing that I find the most difficult to do in VAM even if I spend 3 hours in the ColliderEditor changing the Dick's own Colliders, and the Female Atom's Mouth / Jaw / Throat and even Chest Colliders).
Anyways, sorry for the novel, but yeah, your plugin rocks; I can only wish it would eventually go beyond.