Updated: 2025-03-11
- The main topic doesn't fit into a existing category
- Recommendation lists or other subjective guides

Video Recording - Guides -
Greetings, Creators! English is not my native language, so please excuse any inaccuracies. This is a guide for those who want to record video from VaM. Please note there is a plugin that allows you to record video directly from VaM, but it does...

Backing up VaM to a local disk with Rsync - Guides -
Backing up VaM to a local disk with Rsync wrapped in a python script for easy to do backups Why to backup VaM content in the first place? Because shit happens, that's why. You delete stuff by mistake, your disk can go kaput, online stuff can be...

WolvenKit Tutorial: From Cyberpunk 2077 to Blender - Guides -
This guide is crafted to help users work with WolvenKit to modify Cyberpunk 2077 files. The aim is to make it easy to explore, customize, and export game assets for integration into Blender or other 3D tools. Each step covers how I approach...

Use VAM on Steam Deck - Guides -
Hello, here is a guide to run VAM on Steam Deck with recommendations of settings and bindings Firstly, I want to explain how it runs and what to expect. As we know, VAM is a VERY powerful software that can take a toll on even the most high-end...

NVIDIA APP Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Shader [FIX] - Guides -
here i show you how to bring back Screen Space Ambient Occlusion Shaders back into VAM without Nvidia app since Nvidia update there application from Experience to "nvidia app" you cant have filters actually anymore this video shows you how to...

Increase your earnings with Housefly.io - The censorship FREE Patreon alternative - Guides -
What is Housefly ? Housefly is a revolutionizing the way creators make money with 100% ANONYMITY, NO KYC, NO CENSORSHIP and no bank account required. Earn from subscriptions, pay-to-view, and tips in crypto with instant wallet-to-wallet payments...

VaM Desktop ReShade + RTGI Guide 2024 + Presets - Guides -
ReShade Guide for VaM Introduction This guide will help you set up ReShade with your VaM install. I will only be discussing ReShade for desktop use as I haven’t tried it with VR. I will include a few of my favorite presets if you want...

Tutorial Collection (from other Users) - Guides -
Tutorial Collection (from other Users) How to use subscenes (by ZRSX) https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/how-to-use-subscenes.5949/ Material texture library (by ZRSX) https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/material-texture-library.9248/ Youtube...

Music Sex Scenes - A Recommended Best List - Guides -
Music scenes are fantastic! Since VAM doesn't have a "Music" tag for scenes, I figured putting a list of recommended Music scenes with links for newcomers & anyone interested. - A "Music Sex Scene" is a scene that involves Music synced to Sex...

Increase your earnings with Housefly.io - The censorship FREE Patreon alternative - Guides -
What is Housefly ? Housefly is a revolutionizing the way creators make money with 100% ANONYMITY, NO KYC, NO CENSORSHIP and no bank account required. Earn from subscriptions, pay-to-view, and tips in crypto with instant wallet-to-wallet payments...

Quest 3 Passthrough + Recording - Guides -
Ok, since I shared some Passthrough videos of VAM and Virtual Desktop with the new Meta Quest 3, many people are asking me to write a little guide how to do this. I am bad at explaining and English, but it’s not that difficult so I try ? Here’s...

New CPU or GPU? FPS monitor - Guides -
Here is good FPS monitor which can tell you where is the bottleneck of your system. You can see which graphical setting affects to, CPU or Video card. To get better quality with same FPS, or what you need to turn off to get more FPS...

Using Housefly.io As A Creator - Guides -
Hey all! I wanted to write this up as a place to put some relevant information I've got regarding how to use housefly.io. I also want to request any other useful info or knowledge from the community that can be added to this via replies in the...

Magic Light Show Developer's Note - Guides -
"Magic Light Show" is not so much a stage for a light show as it is a development tool for light shows. Its core is a lighting control program written in VAM-Scripter based on the "__MainScript" atom. This program allows users to achieve flexible...

Switching things with Raspberry PI + Relay Board - Guides -
This is a quick DIY guide how you could switch devices on/off or switch between E-Stim channels using a Raspberry PI, a Relay board and the Connect plugin directly from your VaM scene using triggers. No soldering needed. As this is just the...

Anime Headshots - Guides -
This guide contains suggestions for how to use free services to quickly make dynamic anime style headshots based on VaM models. I have gotten some good results so far, and I'm always finding new tricks for how to maximize the output from...

Fake depth on 2D plane - Guides -
----> See update for more info I thought this may be useful for people posing images using flat background images. It's a perspective method that's quite simple, allowing estimated scaling by bouncing off similar objects. You don't need to...

VAM - Reshade - SSAO Shaders without Raytracing! just 3 filters short tutorial! - Guides -
for all who want insane optics without lot performance issues ssao like shader with only 1 free reshade filter and at least THE importend setting at reshade for unity where everyone always fails! edit: you find the tutorial video for free at my...

Vam Stream 2022 03 04 AlmightyPatty - Guides -
In this follow up to his previous stream, Patty walks us through his process to render VaM scenes with OBS, then edit them in Adobe Premiere and After Effects. Rendering them so they are ready to post on your social media of choice! Patty uses...

Enable Ray Tracing in VaM (only for Nvidia GPUs and desktop mode) - Guides -
Nvidia released a new driver 511.23 (https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/god-of-war-game-ready-driver/) which adds new depth-based filters from the Reshade author. One of these is a Ray Tracing ReShade Filter called SSRTGI. You can use this...

Review of various things you can buy to enhance your Virt-A-Mate experience - Guides -
I wrote this up to kind of give my thoughts on some stuff you can buy/make to enhance your VaM experience and posted it to the VAMScenes subreddit a while back, but thought I should post it here. It is pretty lacking in detail and not all...

Theorizing VAM: A Guide of Sorts for the Noob Searching for the Center of the Maze - Guides -
Just some thoughts I've been having on a kind of theory of VAM. This is a guide in a way, but mostly just me jotting down some notes for future reference and hopefully to help newcomers. Intro As I read through several of the guides and pieces...

Short CGI Shader Tutorial for VAM - Guides -
hi, this is a short videotutorial how i do my scenes in my spaceship project for vam maybe it helps out to make your scenes more gorgeous have a nice weekend mates at least: i use that with an Nvidia RTX card but u can try and error with an ATI...

VaM Command Line Parameters - Guides -
Every Unity game supports a number of command line arguments. In the case of VaM, particularly interesting are those to control VR mode, screen resolution as well as fullscreen mode. Why would you want to use this? Sometimes you want to quickly...

Cel Shader effect setup for reshade - Guides -
Cel Shader reshade setup. My own one is attached, you need to rename it from Cel Shader.var to Cel Shader.ini and drop in with your other reshade ini files. (the site won't let me attach .ini files) Must do: This will not work with AA on or...

Visual Scripting : Advance Choice System - Guides -
Visual scripting, advance choice system. Select multiple choice by key input.

How to record videos with poor performance - Guides -
This guide is only intended for people with poor VaM performance. They want to record something like a trailer, but the best solution is to upgrade your hardware. First you need to download some programs. -OBS: https://obsproject.com/ -MSI...

Visual Scripting : Multi Camera System - Guides -
Visual Scripting, Multi Camera System. Clean template & optimize. Hint : Please using sub-scene to duplicate the windowCamera atom. Demo : https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/a-directors-cut-sex-scene.20738/...

Improving FPS in VaM. - Guides -
Because I create motion capture scenes that rely heavily on keeping in time with the music, ensuring my scenes don't overtax everyone's computers is really important. Unfotunately, this means my scenes suffer in quality when I want to make them...

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