Updated: 2025-03-05
- Using VaM in general: typical actions, UI structure, etc.

How to Install Scene/Packages and Their Dependencies - Smoothbrain Style - Guides -
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇🍇 BIG ADVICE : - Do NOT download plugins that's unaffiliated with VamHub - Plugins that has not passed VamHub mod's security check may bring security breach to your machine. - If you really have to, make sure its from reputable...

Quick Essential Video Guide Part 1 (UI) - Guides -
This is part 1 out of 3. A very quick overview of the essentials of VAM: This part is mostly for newcomers. Hope it helps!

Automatic and manual dependency aquisition - no more "broken" Scenes - Guides -
I. Automatic Dependency download (Recommended, fast&simple) 1. After dropping your .var into X:\VaM\AddonPackages, make sure to either restart or hard-reset VaM (alternatively, you can press on Rescan Packages in the Add-On Package Manager) -...

Preset Definitions - Guides -
Support me on Patreon and get exclusive access to plugin features: https://www.patreon.com/jayjaywon The below table captures the scope of each preset type for Person atoms. Please let me know if you spot any inaccuracies or missing differences...

Change Poses with UI-Button - Guides -
A Guide on how to change Poses with UI-Buttons

Load and Save Pose Presets - Guides -
A Guide on how to load and save Pose Presets

Create and Load Asset Presets - Guides -
A Guide on how to Create and Load Asset Presets

Make Penis and Boobs bigger with a Slider - Guides -
A Guide on how to make Penis and Boobs bigger with a Slider

VAM Create a simple continuous click text with UI-Buttons - Guides -
A Guide on how to create a simple continuous click text with UI-Buttons

Create and load appearance presets - Guides -
A Guide on how to create and load appearance presets

A Quick clothing tutorial - Guides -
A quick tutorial on how to use clothings and manage them

Load assets - Guides -
A Guide on how to load assets https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/ballards-diy-sex-toys.4204/

Make bigger Boobs - Guides -
A Guide on how to make Boobs bigger I need to mention, that you will not have the same Morph settings here, as i do. What shows up in your settings, depends on what morph packs you have already added to your vam. You can download morphs...

Import and open a scene or a model (look) - Guides -
A Guide, on how to download, import and open scenes or looks

Add Gravity to an object - Guides -
Tutorial on how to enable gravity, so that an object will fall to the ground

Give an object a texture - Guides -
Guide how to give an object a texture from a graphic file

Objects don't show up in Select Atom Menu (For Beginners) - Guides -

Change Clothes with UI-Button - Guides -

Change Appearance with UI-Button - Guides -

Change Object Name (For Beginners) - Guides -
A short Guide how to change the name of a object (for beginners)

Move Objects together - Guides -
Guide how to parent Objects to a Subscene and move them together. Please note, that this ist not about what subscenes are made for and how they are used. In this case, its a means to an end. Instead of the Subscene Atom, you can take any...

vam missing dependency lookup - Guides -
A txt file explaining how to see missing dependencies inside of Vam

VAM - Using Clothing for Beginners - Guides -
VAM - Using Clothing for Beginners This guide has tips for clothing your avatars. Topics: How to install the .var file Putting on clothing Loading & saving presets Textures - Loading textures Shader - Sorting order Params - Material settings...

Basics - Collision Trigger - Guides -
This is a basic "how do triggers work, in VaM, today" guide. I *was* going to put these steps in a larger gude of mine which is about creating a plugin that will enable you to trigger an action by moving to a predetermined are within your scene...

physics based posing buttons tutorial/buttons - Guides -
Brief tutorial on physics based posing, has buttons for rag dolling a 2nd model based on the physics based actions of the first. Walking, hopping and slamming a models hips onto another get way easier if you aren't completely dependent on the...

MacGruber's Video Tutorials - Guides -
This page will gather my hopefully growing collection of video tutorials about various VaM topics. "Pay after watching, IF you liked it!" Producing quality video tutorials consumes a LOT of time. Just producing 10min of video takes about 6-8...

YouTube Tutorials - Guides -
I have started making VaM tutorials for YouTube. As we all know there are some great tutorials out there but sadly they are quite outdated. This is my attempt to update the information and have it easily accessible to everyone. I've just gotten...

Eyes not following you? Easy fix! (Edit: For U.i 1.19) - Guides -
Also link to this model for those interested: TvIRL - Lhelly Song Please support my Patreon for access to more models from me, or you found this tutorial helpful :) Patreon - Mandzi39

How to use subscenes - Guides -
Intro What is a subscene? A subscene is simple a part of a scene that is saved separately and that you can reuse at will. You can include any subscene any number of times in any scene. More precisely, a subscene is a VAM atom: it can be found...

VAM tutorials channel on Youtube - Guides -
All my VAM tutorials. Dear community, it is time for me to move on and say goodbye. Two reasons: First, I lost the interest in this project, really tried to get it back with some pause, but I did not fire up VAM /VR for months now. I felt...

Installing VAR packages from Patreon - Guides -
How to install VaM content? The easiest way to installed VaM content is to use the "Hub Browse" window directly inside VaM. It will take care of all the things for you, including downloading all dependencies you might need. Obviously that only...

Preset Definitions (Non-person Atoms) - Guides -
Support me on Patreon and get exclusive access to plugin features: https://www.patreon.com/jayjaywon The below table captures the scope of each preset type for non-person atoms. Please let me know if you spot any inaccuracies or missing...

Preset Definitions (Non-person Atoms) - Guides -
Support me on Patreon and get exclusive access to plugin features: https://www.patreon.com/jayjaywon The below table captures the scope of each preset type for non-person atoms. Please let me know if you spot any inaccuracies or missing...

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