Makeup decal
Clothing used in screenshots
Bri-Bar_2.0 - Looks -
Clothing used in screenshots
Raybang! Wearable Sunglasses - Clothing -RayBang! Glasses with 4 patterns, Leopard, Wood, Tortoiseshell, Sharp Aviator Glasses with Gradient Lens. Morpheus Glasses DealWithIt Glasses Clothing Section, Custom morphs that dont change inner mouth wont deform the glasses, there are some...
Bimbo Thicc Earrings (Updated with male version) - Clothing -Physics Preview: Thicc Circle Earring Designed for Thicc Bimbo Who Knows How To Suck Know Issues: Thin version physics is not solid, small issues. Depends on PC, could drag down FPS a bit. 3D Sketchfab Preview...
T-RingsCollection1 - Clothing -A set of simple rings. Three different rings are for index, middle and ring fingers. Adjust the size of the rings with the Suface Offset parameter.
Clothing - Hot_Day_Wear
Clothing - 20 MORE Free AFVR swimsuits part 2Part two with 20 MORE free AFVR swimsuits are now hubhosted ready to use. The 40 suimsuits collection was uploaded in 2 parts because the VAR file size was to large to be hub hosted. Part 1 with another 20 swimsuits can be downloaded HERE...
Shoe_KIT - Clothing -