I worked on construction sites for a few years and in this time I am quite satisfied of my creation. It looks just as I remembered it. I didn't try to create a dumpster, it's just a room where you can see how a worker "lives" here, a mundane. I suppose I could make construction sites more interesting, so we have a high chance that my next scene will be a new construction site.
I didn't optimize the textures too much I keep them in high resolution. If you have performance issues send me a PM or post a comment, I'll release optimized version.
Floor options
1. Dirty and clean
2. A painted hopscotch floor (subscriber request)
Props that you can move or use for posing.
1. stepladder
2. sawhorse
3. screwdriver
4. stool
5. Paint roller (subscriber request)
Don't look for easter eggs in this scene, I was too lazy to make secrets on this time.


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I live in the most evil country according to american government policy. I think I found a solution - I tested it today, it works but I don't think that it's fair to my subscribers who supported me on boosty. I don't want to create an expensive paywall - it's important to me, it's against my philosophy.
If I could I would open a Patreon with a $1 per month subscription. But that's not realistic for me.