Happy New Year! This is my first go at importing an asset for use in VAM, I really enjoyed making it, I hope you like it?
2x Large Pink Rose Assets
Emissive Rose - Make it glow when using PostMagic by MacGruber
PERMISSON: You can link to VAR file even commercially, but cant include VAR files in your package.
? If you enjoy what I do please consider liking
this Asset &/or supporting me on Patreon ?
Optional plugins to control your CUA
ColorScale by Blazedust
CUA Plugin to change color/scale on CUA
CUA Manager by Blazedust
Session Plugin to use Presets + CUA's in other scenes quickly. Automatically load character details such as linked CustomUnityAssets when changing appearance.
ParentHoldLink by MacGruber
No float parent link for CUA. Attach the plugin to CUA atom and change its parent link type to "Hold" for position and rotation. Perfect for attaching accessories to your character.
Preview screenshots using PostMagic: Album
Sketchfab Preview - "Pink Rose" (https://skfb.ly/6QWJS) by Lassi Kaukonen is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
VAMHUB: Unity AssetBundles for VaM 1.xx by MacGruber
VAMHUB:: Creating Prefabs in unity by VamTastic
YOUTUBE: Virt-A-Mate Asset Creation by Master Roshi VR
YOUTUBE: VAM Tutorial #18 - Unity Assets Vol 1 by JustLooking ForNothin
2x Large Pink Rose Assets
Emissive Rose - Make it glow when using PostMagic by MacGruber
PERMISSON: You can link to VAR file even commercially, but cant include VAR files in your package.
? If you enjoy what I do please consider liking

Optional plugins to control your CUA
ColorScale by Blazedust
CUA Plugin to change color/scale on CUA
CUA Manager by Blazedust
Session Plugin to use Presets + CUA's in other scenes quickly. Automatically load character details such as linked CustomUnityAssets when changing appearance.
ParentHoldLink by MacGruber
No float parent link for CUA. Attach the plugin to CUA atom and change its parent link type to "Hold" for position and rotation. Perfect for attaching accessories to your character.
Preview screenshots using PostMagic: Album
Sketchfab Preview - "Pink Rose" (https://skfb.ly/6QWJS) by Lassi Kaukonen is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
VAMHUB: Unity AssetBundles for VaM 1.xx by MacGruber
VAMHUB:: Creating Prefabs in unity by VamTastic
YOUTUBE: Virt-A-Mate Asset Creation by Master Roshi VR
YOUTUBE: VAM Tutorial #18 - Unity Assets Vol 1 by JustLooking ForNothin