Appearance Loader

Plugins Appearance Loader

Update (ver.14)

1) The "Change Clothing" button has been split into "Change Real Clothing" and "Change Not Real Clothing" buttons, allowing you to specify what to change separately.
2) Change the default value of the "Use Shortcuts in Scene Load Dialog" toggle to on. This will display a list of var files in the scene load dialog. If there are a large number of var files and operation is slow, uncheck this.
3) Significant reduction in appearance loading time (depending on operating environment)
4) Improved stability of Sim clothes when loading appearance
5) Reduced cases where Clothing materials and colors are not applied correctly
6) Countermeasures for cases where some files cannot be read correctly
7) Countermeasures for cases where Scale is applied even when turned off
8) Change license from CC BY-NC to CC BY-SA
9) Other adjustments

Thanks to @everlaster for providing the code needed to update the plugin, @TBD for suggesting Real Clothing support, and @MimeRubberneck for helping review the script.
Updated (ver.13)
1) When loading an Appearance Preset from a var, if a Plugin in the same var was specified, an error could occur when loading the Plugin. This has been fixed.
2) Fixed an issue where CUA sometimes became unstable when loading an Appearance to which CUA was linked.
3) Reduced Appearance loading time in some environments.
Updated content (ver.13)
1) When loading an Appearance Preset from a var, if a Plugin in the same var was specified, an error could occur when loading the Plugin. This has been fixed.
2) Fixed an issue where CUA sometimes became unstable when loading an Appearance to which CUA was linked.
3) Reduced Appearance loading time in some environments.
Sorry for the short update.

Updates (ver.12):
1) I noticed that loading textures fails if the var containing the textures used for Person is not directly under "AddonPackages" or in some subdirectories. Expanded search scope to "AddonPackages" and all subdirectories. Please note that the processing may take longer depending on the environment due to the expansion of the search target.
2) The Preset file name or Person name is now displayed in the window that displays the loaded Hair and Clothing.
Updates (ver.11):
1) Fixed not properly handling "setUnlistedParamsToDefault" which is a setting item of vap Pose Preset. It was initializing all items for 'Change' even if 'setUnlistedParamsToDefault' was 'false'.
2) Expanded the function of "Keep the previous folder" to include var files as folders.
Added "Select All Options" button to select all loadable options and "Clear All Options" button to deselect them.

AppearanceLoader 10 UI.jpg
Added Merge loading function for Clothing due to suggestions.
If you want to load new clothing while keeping the current clothing, check "Clothing Merge Load".
If the current clothing and the new clothing are the same item but differ only in color, the new clothing will overwrite it.
Since it was pointed out that CUA cannot be loaded from a drive other than the drive running VAM, it has been fixed so that it can be loaded from other drives / folders as well.
Bug fix:
Fixed because it does not work properly when Appearance Loader is applied to Female Dummy and Male Dummy.
Measures have been taken against the phenomenon that the texture disappears and the body becomes transparent when some Appearance files are applied.
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