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A passing grade

Scenes A passing grade

Somehow the scene wont show up to load in the scenes browser even if it is in the addonpackages folder and all dependencies are downloaded
For some reason swapping positions doesn't move the female atom to the proper coordinates for the animation change (she stays where she was in the previous animation)
Hi, everyone.
Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it.

@charlestone @TheBlueBlood
I tested the scene in a clean VAM and the female movement was always passed as poses are used. This is done using Timeline 6, which is a new version that was published recently. Can you all confirm you have Timeline 6.0.2 or higher? I will check again if there's something I missed for the female not to move as intended.

I'm not sure why it's not showing in your scene browser, try a hard reset or restarting VAM maybe? The name of the scene is "[atani] a passing grade".
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atani updated A passing grade with a new update entry:

Unexpected bug that broke the scene

Thank you to those that reported this unexpected behaviour in the scene.

Turns out that if you selected BJ as the first action when opening the scene, the poses and BJ animation of the female would not load correctly.

I even tried a earlier version of Timeline than v6, it looked ok, but better to have a recent Timeline version.

Hopefully now everything works independently of what you press as the first option.

Read the rest of this update entry...

I think I found the problem. Did you select BJ as the first action your pressed when loading the scene? If so, the problem is fixed in the latest update.
I even tried a earlier Timeline version and it looked ok, but I advise using v6 to be sure.
Thanks again for letting me know 👍
Unfortunately the issue I was describing still happens. Changing between positions still glitches them pretty badly.
What th...?
I've tried it in a clean VAM and there's no issue I see. Even a earlier version of Timeline worked.
This is by starting any action, even the red button with a intro?
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atani updated A passing grade with a new update entry:

Pervy mode and tips for changing female to male/futa

There's 2 large packages from Xnop73, around 700 MB, that were used only on intro 4 - Sex class. These package add other students in the classroom, which was only meaningful for that intro theme and follow-up sex scene, but to make better use of such large packages I added a checkbox called "Pervy mode".
If you want an audience regardless of it fitting the theme or not, there you go, toggle "pervy mode".

I received some feedback on the scene from another user who tried to change the female...

Read the rest of this update entry...
What th...?
I've tried it in a clean VAM and there's no issue I see. Even a earlier version of Timeline worked.
This is by starting any action, even the red button with a intro?
Yea it specifically only bugs out after picking a different position after in intro or first position you pick from the main UI skip option.
I can't replicate it in any way, and feedback from another user also did not encounter any issues like that.
I'm using Timeline to load (not play) an animation, which has a saved pose for each person atom, and after a few seconds it plays the animation. The load with saved pose instantly moves the persons to the spot, as there's no animation being played at that time. I've been using this method in other scenes so I'm at a loss on why it happens to you but not to myself or others.

Could I ask you to try out another scene of mine and report if it works? It uses the same method for animations with poses.

I'm assuming you have a reasonably up to date version of Timeline, at least version 5.x (v242).

Thanks for the feedback.
Small-ish hitch: There's some glitch where deactivating Embody during a running animation will lead to the the formerly "embodied" person's position/orientation being modified, breaking the animation. Not just an individual controller (head/hands etc) moving relative to the other controllers, but the entire person atom's coordinate system by shifted & rotated.

I'm not quite sure HOW this happens -never seen anything quite like it. Probably the animations are stored relative to the person's main controller, and somehow, the "teleport" of the users viewport upon deactivation also moves/rotates that controller?

I was going to suggest introducing some "intermediate failsafe poses" (where absolute position/orientation of the main controller is stored with the pose), so the user has a chance to reset the scene without a reload - but I just saw that you saved poses in Timeline's animations? Also, I'm at a loss how translating/rotating the user viewport after de-activation could possibly modify the person's world coordinates ... but it does (I took care to disable "respawn to last position" in Embodies' GUI)

Also seen some character explosions, but I recon that's a side-effect of the "accidental teleports" & low physics rates.

Great scene otherwise!

P.S.: I have the latest Timeline & Embody - it is possible an older version of Embody was loaded since I habitually do a mergeload of a "standard plugin preset" by various means (standard VaM-mergeload; UIAassist/BrowserAssist mergeload, SceneNinja etcetc.)
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Small-ish hitch: There's some glitch where deactivating Embody during a running animation will lead to the the formerly "embodied" person's position/orientation being modified, breaking the animation. Not just an individual controller (head/hands etc) moving relative to the other controllers, but the entire person atom's coordinate system by shifted & rotated.

I'm not quite sure HOW this happens -never seen anything quite like it. Probably the animations are stored relative to the person's main controller, and somehow, the "teleport" of the users viewport upon deactivation also moves/rotates that controller?

I was going to suggest introducing some "intermediate failsafe poses" (where absolute position/orientation of the main controller is stored with the pose), so the user has a chance to reset the scene without a reload - but I just saw that you saved poses in Timeline's animations? Also, I'm at a loss how translating/rotating the user viewport after de-activation could possibly modify the person's world coordinates ... but it does (I took care to disable "respawn to last position" in Embodies' GUI)

Also seen some character explosions, but I recon that's a side-effect of the "accidental teleports" & low physics rates.

Great scene otherwise!

P.S.: I have the latest Timeline & Embody - it is possible an older version of Embody was loaded since I habitually do a mergeload of a "standard plugin preset" by various means (standard VaM-mergeload; UIAassist/BrowserAssist mergeload, SceneNinja etcetc.)
This might be exactly the same issue I reported, cause I too had Embody disabled come to think of it as I don't use VR.
This might be exactly the same issue I reported, cause I too had Embody disabled come to think of it as I don't use VR.

Ummmh - not saying that the problems each of us experienced couldn't have the same "root cause", but ... I used Embody throughout the whole scene. It's just that I jump "out of"-, and "back into" possession (or "reverse possession" in the case of the Passenger sub-plugin) quite frequently - usually to make some minor adjustments that are more conveniently executed when your face isn't mashed into parts of somebody else's anatomy.

If you don't play in VR & use Embody, you can't know this: Embody has various methods/options how it deals with bringing two different (moving) local coordinate systems (the player's viewport & the target Person's headnode) to the same place & orientation as soon as Passenger/Possession is triggered - and, more importantly, also where to move each of them once a separation of player viewport and the person-atom's headnode is triggered.

One of those options (activated by default) is to move the person atom back to the position & pose it had the moment the "merge" was triggered. However, that's usually of little consequence during a running animation if the person atom's control node is not moved along with the rest of the body - which is usually the case with most animations/pose changes: If the Keyframes of the Timeline animation were recorded in "world-coordinates" (ie wrt to the scene's origin), the animation simply takes over and moves the character's active controllers right back into the animation.

My suspicion was that, in this case: A) The Timeline animations were recorded (or rather: created) not relative to scene-origin, but relative to the person atom's main control node (which is not that common, afaik) AND B) That somehow, Embody accidentally modified the main control-node's position & orientation during "separation". If that were the case, the Timeline animation would not move the character's animated controllers right back onto animated trajectories they were supposed to follow - instead, it would move them onto trajectories that are shifted & re-oriented according to however Embody moved the char when it was deactivated.

Which is exactly what it looked like to me: The male dry-humping the ceiling light at an ... interesting ... angle, while the female was otherwise occupied under the Teacher's desk; but both of them perfectly following their respective animations.
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The male dry-humping the ceilin
The male likes the electrical tingle :LOL:

Now for real, I would like to thank you all deeply for the feedback on issues. There's so much testing I can do and feedback like this is incredibly useful.
I will have to read your comments a few times to understand properly all the meaning with world coordinates, etc. Making scenes has been a trial and error approach and there's tons of things I don't understand, going by whatever works and later on finding out the problems with earlier choices.
My first action is to try and replicate those issues using Embody. Even though I do these scenes focusing playing in VR, the making and testing is 99.999% on desktop.
Then, I will try to understand what is happening and how I can fix it. It could very well be that I won't be able to address it, but let's hope there's something that will do the trick.
In the meantime, if you find a solution please do share.

As for a non Embody use, I still cannot replicate your issue, Charlestone, unless I use a Timeline version older than v5 that didn't have pose saving options.

On explosions and physics rates, could be a combination of environment edges, lights, proximity of some actions and changing appearances. Things definitely can get wonky when going below 18 FPS.
I also play around with penisTipControl for extra impact and bounce, which leads to some weird results sometimes.

Thank you all again
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I tried today to do the jumping in and out of Embody to see if something happened to the male. This was using a UIAssist button to toggle Active (from Passenger), doing that many times during several sex actions, and I could not see any unusual movement of the male besides the expected animation. I tested this in desktop mode, not in VR; would using a headset make any difference in this kind of testing?
Could your seen rotation/shifting be related to your settings in Embody? I tried jumping in and out tons of times but nothing was out of the ordinary. My settings are almost the default ones.
Is there another way I could test this to see the issue mentioned?
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I tried today to do the jumping in and out of Embody to see if something happened to the male. This was using a UIAssist button to toggle Active (from Passenger), doing that many times during several sex actions, and I could not see any unusual movement of the male besides the expected animation. I tested this in desktop mode, not in VR; would using a headset make any difference in this kind of testing?
Could your seen rotation/shifting be related to your settings in Embody? I tried jumping in and out tons of times but nothing was out of the ordinary. My settings are almost the default ones.
Is there another way I could test this to see the issue mentioned?

Yeaaaaah - Im not too hopeful that the problem is with my Embody settings, thh (though I will check, ofc). I have bad news: I've encountered this behaviour in every single scene of yours I've tested. And never in any scene of another creator. I'm aware there's some options inEmbody that can cause pose/position changes, and I will test this further, but ...

I've since read your Scene animation template M-F 2, specifically the " ### Moving with subscenes " - section.

In short, you takes two persons with existing Timeline animations, parent them both to a subscenes atom, and then use the subscene atom like a grabpoint to move both characters while maintaining their relative positions. To compensate for the change in coordinates, you then goe into Timeline and overwrite specific poses that mark the start of a specific set of animations. And at some point, you deletes the "grabpoint subscene" ... I mean ...

... I haven't really followed everything AcidBubbles has done wrt to poses and parenting during Timeline's evolution, but reading this made me cringe at the thought of just how many ways this could go wrong. Even with VaM's builtin pose presets, you have the option of including the person-atom's main control node in the saved pose - or not - and getting this wrong quickly leads to ... spectacular ... results. Adding all the inherent complexity of a subscene and Timeline to that mix ...

TL;DR - Your MO includes non-trivial global/local coordinate changes of large datasets that affect several highly complex mechanisms (VaM poses, VaM root nodes, Timeline, Subscene atoms), and one (two?) of elements involved is undergoing continuous evolution (Timeline, Embody). Two of your "users" are reporting issues that look like a unintended shifting of one atom's orign wrt to the actual scene's origin.

I can't prove to you that there's an issue with your workflow, but ...

I'm using Timeline to load (not play) an animation, which has a saved pose for each person atom, and after a few seconds it plays the animation. The load with saved pose instantly moves the persons to the spot, as there's no animation being played at that time.

If I may: Were the poses you mentioned created with VaM, or in Timeline? Asking bcs of option to include the char's main controller in the pose-preset - or not to.

If the animation's keyframes are stored relative to the character's main control node ANDIF the pose preset does not include that node ANDIF that main control node's position/orientation is modified by smth that Timeline has no control over ...?

My apologies if this is just me being ignorant and/or confusing stuff: I have little detailed understanding of how TImeline handles poses other than skimming over a release-post of AcidBubbles' a while back that announced the capability work with poses.
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I tested this in desktop mode, not in VR; would using a headset make any difference in this kind of testing?

Ummmmmmh - Too many to be sure I even remember all of them?

P.S.: I'm strongly aware that you provide quality scenes for free, but ... you do "advertise" your scenes as "created for VR"?

@CaseCould your seen rotation/shifting be related to your settings in Embody?

Yes. Do I believe that's the root cause? No (see post above). What I do believe is that your MO of using subscenes as grabpoints is ... less reliable/stable than could be hoped for in that it accidentally introduced a disagreement between what Timeline and VaM believe should be the location of the character's root node - and that the one connection with my Embody (settings), if there is one, is that they "reveal" an issue that smth else (Timeline in Desktop mode) managed to compensate for in very limited set of conditions.

My apologies if it turns out it was my settings in the end ...
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I tried today to do the jumping in and out of Embody to see if something happened to the male. This was using a UIAssist button to toggle Active (from Passenger), doing that many times during several sex actions, and I could not see any unusual movement of the male besides the expected animation. I tested this in desktop mode, not in VR; would using a headset make any difference in this kind of testing?
Could your seen rotation/shifting be related to your settings in Embody? I tried jumping in and out tons of times but nothing was out of the ordinary. My settings are almost the default ones.
Is there another way I could test this to see the issue mentioned?

Well, fuck me sideways ....

... I can't replicate, either! My apologies to everyone for wasting their time. It does look like it was "smth on my end". I've yet to figure out what exactly.

I've experimented a lot recently with semi-automated mergeloading of a "standard suite of plugin-presets" (Embody, DivingRod, ColliderEditor) and custom looks. Sometimes with SceneNinja, sometimes with .... "that other plugin I don't recall the name of", sometimes with BrowserAssist, sometimes manually.

I don't recall exactly which version of Embody was loaded when I was having issues - what I can say with certainty is that during the latest test, when I loaded the scene with its default plugins (Timeline.272, Embody.58) and default looks, I tried my darndest to get the scene to break (different methods of triggering Embody, different Embody presets, scene default pluginpreset, mergeloading my standard pluginpresets ...) and didn't manage to.

The most I saw was that sometimes, the male's orientation would change for an instant (like the whole body being rotated forward) before Timeline pulled him back into the intended animation's trajectory - which is exactly how it should work (as I've laid out above, in numbing detail ... instead of just doing another test 🤦‍♂️ )

So: Scene works in VR with default chars, Timeline.272, Embody.58.

Again - my sincere apologies!
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No need to apologise, and it's not a waste of time. I have no idea how Timeline and all kinds of VAM stuff works, I'm doing things in the method of "whatever works". I really appreciate when someone who knows presents feedback on potential problems and how to make better use of the tools. The only thing I promise is that this is currently the best I can do, which can be wildly off from best practices, and hopefully problems found now or down the line are not too severe.
Even though the problem couldn't be replicated so much, the discussion points on how Timeline works are a great source of information for me, possibly others too, to understand it better. Hopefully as I read through I will manage to apply them into better made scenes.

P.S.: I'm strongly aware that you provide quality scenes for free, but ... you do "advertise" your scenes as "created for VR"?

When I say it's "made for VR" or the sort, I state in the asset description something like what I wrote for this one:
"VR focus for male possession with Passenger - also works in desktop, but no male expressions because, you know, male possession VR focus! "
Mainly to say that the male has limited expressions or lighting in angles because I target the use for a male passenger view. Using it as such, at least on a G2 which is what I have, would have in view important buttons and the scene focus, and one could go through the whole scene without having to deactivate Embody.
I do test in VR all assets before publishing to see if something is blocked or with bad alignment. It's nothing In comparison with desktop testing, which is done throughout development. When I can go through the entire scene in VR (passenger) without needing to deactivate Embody for clicking buttons and have a stable experience overall, I think I can say it's suitable (enough) for VR use. Naturally, I only dedicate so much testing time as I can spare, and I own only one headset.

## Poses
The inclusion of the root control is to place that person in a specific spot of a new environment. From what I know, the alternative to have the person far from another place would have been to move the individual joints controls, but this would be hard to do. I could be doing something bad, and probably there's a much better way to do it, but this is currently what I know that reaches the goal for easy positioning in different environments. No idea if it's a bad practice, I just know that it works for most people. Sorry, @charlestone, I've no idea why it doesn't work in your case. I asked other people to try it and they didn't mention any consistent problem with poses, only the ocasional weirdness.

Changing appearances will possibly bring some problems, mainly with collisions or aiming, but that's expected in any scene. I only noticed some when the changes were too far from the scale, height or shape from the original female/male used.

Again, thank you for your feedback. Likes and rating/reviews are nice to receive, but feedback is so much better because it offers the opportunity to learn and make better content in the future.
atani updated A passing grade with a new update entry:

Major change from a earlier template to the 2023 template

This is a major change, v7 now uses the 2023 template and all it's functionalities.
  • This overhaul of the scene includes the intro animations of the earlier versions, but instead of speech bubbles, the speech is now audio Text To Speech.
  • You can also enjoy randomised audio speech during the sex actions thanks to the pack I released earlier today
  • Every feature the 2023 template provides you can also use...

Read the rest of this update entry...
When I open the Scene the female Teacher shows up without any clothing and Hair. Is there something I was missing?
All persons are built-in like I mention in the requirements list in the description:
  • built-in female appearance: use your own appearance and clothing presets;
Pick any appearance and clothes preset you have, then afterwards click "clean fluids" in the UI to merge the needed cum clothing. See the rest of that list for more information about the scene.
Lovely, I will study all the nifty things in it. Study will it take, yeees. (imagine Yoda voice)
atani updated A passing grade with a new update entry:

Up to date with the latest template

All the features the latest 2023 Template scene provides in a customised classroom theme.

  • Sex acts
  • Intro animations
  • Voiced lines
  • Shit ton more, just read the main page
⚠️ No support if you didn't read the main page notes first.

If you do find a issue and that's not written in the main page, then do ask and I'll try to solve the problem as best as I can. If you have ideas and tips, I would also like to know about that too.

Have fun...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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