VAM 2.0

Shit man, I just wanna use it to take stills for visual novels and stuff like that. Vam is way more easy to understand with the little time I've had with it compared to DAZ3D.
I've been part of the VAM community for a bunch of years now (I lost track) and not once have I felt abused monetarily. In fact the opposite. For as much as I use this program...combined with the couple of times I've had to buy a new key...I honestly feel like I'm the one cheating. I would sub all the time but don't have the money for that and not once have I been made to feel bad about it. This community is one of the nicest and coolest ones I've EVER seen. Which is nothing to sneeze at since it has grown so big. There's constant new material on a daily basis in the form of plugins, scenes and all sorts of other stuff. My install of Vam 1 has changed dramatically in the past few years. I can understand frustration at waiting for something drastically different and better (me personally, I'm looking forward to true skin collision and full body physics) but considering a few years ago I never even dreamed a program like this was even possible, I'm quite content with using 1. I started with Poser 4 and if you told me back then that one day I'd be able to literally step into some of these scene models and stand side by side with the figures, I would have told you that you were crazy. @meshedvr Keep doing what you're doing! I love this program and the community it's created.
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