Hi, I figured it out, it's working now. After a few restarts the buttons are displayed, I don't know what it was related to. The mirror issue was solved too, you just had to enable mirrored surfaces in the graphics settings.
Your scenes are the best, seriously. Special thanks for the first-person view, as you have it fixed and the player doesn't fly out of the body when changing the angle of view. I still haven't figured out how to achieve this, as I use Embody, but I still get thrown out of the character.
Looking forward to your new scenes, I would like to see something like "stepmother + stepson", I think many people will support me in this desire. But anyway, you have top notch content, keep up the good work!
Oh cool glad that it works now! And I completely forgot about the "mirrored surfaces" option inside the settings aswell

Also happy to hear that you enjoy my content! And thanks very much for the nice words!
Regarding the angle adjustments inside POV...You actually do fly out of the body in my scenes, but for a super short time (approx 0.01 second), so it's very hard to notice. I made this "programming" inside the scene with these:
Overview LogicBricks is a collection of now 34 reusable logic plugins to quickly build simple logic without coding. These go from a simple Relay that just groups triggers via Counter and Blend to more complex bricks for RandomChoice and a very...
Spawn Point ? Like my plugins? Sponsor me on Patreon and get early access to new versions! https://www.patreon.com/acidbubbles ? Need help using this plugin, or want to discuss? Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/VtUpPkb This is a plugin...
During the position switches with activated POV, there is a command on a "Relay" from logic bricks to do the following:
1. Deactivate Passenger
2. Spawn POV on to a prerotated spawn point plugin
3. Activate Passenger
The tricky part is the prerotated spawn point plugin. Its located on an empty atom, with a "Linear Animation" logic brick:
The last part, which is the most tedious, is to figure out and set the prerotation angles for each position. So for example, you are inside POV and click "Missi1" button. Then this happens:
1. "Missi1" button click sets Linear Animation to 0.70 (which would be a prerotation of 60 degrees downwards)
2. The above Relay gets triggered (the one with deactivate passenger, spawn point and activate passenger)
The thing is that the "Passenger" plugin conserves the camera angle, so if you are looking down prior to activating it, you will be looking down with the same angle after activation. (Not sure if its the same with Embody though)
Also there is probably a better method to do the angle adjustment, but this is all I've got
Not sure if I come to make "stepmother + stepson" scene some day, or "stepdaughter + stepfather" scenario, which is also very popular. The time will tell ;D