Whats New
- 10 New Chair XXX Positions
The buttons for those can be spawned with the same Toggle as Wall-Positions
- Body Touch Mechanics
This is mainly for VR gameplay. Thanks to ExtraTriggers from SPQR I have added several touch zones on girls body (Boobs, Waist, Thighs, Butt) with some reactions on touching them.
- UIAssist Preset (optional)
I made a preset for JayJayWons UIAssist for some easier controls inside the scene.
Main focus was to avoid the necessity to pan the camera during action, so the view can stay on girl most of the time
It has 2 pages of buttons. The first one are mainly action controls. The second is for adjusting some settings like boob, butt physics for example or to reset the scene.
Here is a preview of all the buttons: https://i.imgur.com/lrXybxC.jpg
I hope they are self explanatory enough. Otherwise you can ask me anytime or just click them and see what happens
I uploaded the UIA-Preset into the scene folder on mega. It also can be found inside the .var file.
Also here is a short CLIP how to add the preset into the scene.
The preset is mainly made for the FULL Version of the scene, so some buttons will not work (like cum, cream) in LITE versions
- Reworked Spanking
Like I mentioned in the previous post I completely reworked my old clunky spanking mechanic with help of SPQR's ExtraTriggers.
With this new mechanic its possible to spank each buttcheek with each hand. Also it does not directly react on the slightest touch!
Furthermore, thanks to the idea from HighfiveI added two spanking modes based on speed. (3 modes were too unreliable unfortunately, since I had to include several hit triggers, which register the impact with different speeds)
- Reworked Lighting
Now there is a spot light option to all lighting modes. You can switch between the default point and spot lights with this button: https://i.imgur.com/q0L4zWJ.jpg
Also I completely changed the L7 & L8 lightings. Not sure if for better, but check for yourself
- Choking Improvements
I have added a "hip-thrust enhancer" relay, which increases the hip-thrust on choking. Also I have added dampers to reduce the head wobble on choking.
- New Penis/Hip Thrust Switch
The old one was not working properly, so I made new one over here: https://i.imgur.com/Qr5OLUb.jpg
- Adjusted Angles on POV
I made those with FOV set to 60 and tried my best to reach the optimal view.
- Fixed Idle Animations Trigger after Squirting/Pause-Mode
The girl did not go into idling animations previously. Now it should be fixed.
- Relocated Insertion Voice Reaction Trigger
The old one did not work properly and sometimes overlapped with other voice lines.
- Added Relay to Prevent RealGaze Activation when it shouldn't
Sometimes (after the reaction to the boner) RealGaze was triggered, when the girl was turning around, which resulted in weird head movement. Now it should be fixed aswell.
- Reworked LITE Versions
I made new LITE versions, to include the current content
This is it! When there are no significant bugs it will be the last update for VSR (at least for long time).
Whats New
- 8 New Wall Positions
Well technically wardrobe, but it also works well as a wall
You can activate the buttons via the "More XXX-Poses" Toggle above the wardrobe:
These Poses work good with "Passive-Dude"/Possession Mode aswell, so the "Active-Dude" mode does not get triggered on these compared to Bed XXX-Poses.
- Buttons to Force Activate Subpositons
I have added one orange button to every main position (the ones with automatic position changes)
It appears during the intercourse and force activates one of the subpositions, when you press it. It also activates the Pause mode, so to resume Automatic Position Changes you will have to press the "▶" symbol.
- Added 2 More Reset (Intro) Buttons
I placed some more "Reset" buttons around the scene for easier access:
Top right over here: https://imgur.com/kGg7lUB
and here: https://imgur.com/zxu5eZq
I did it because its the only way to get back from the "XXX-Poses" on Bed and Wardrobe.
They all do the same and reset the scene where the girl stands in front of the bed.
- Modded the Main LITE Version
It now has the new Wall Positions aswell. Also I put the lights back in, cause they only took 5 extra seconds to load.
The CG-Part LITE Version remained untouched. I only resaved it, so it appears near the other versions in the scene browser.
- Modded the "Turn Back" Animation
This one looked kinda too robotic. Now it looks a bit less robotic (still robotic tho imho)
Whats New
- Lite Versions
I have added two new lightweighter variations of the scene: https://i.imgur.com/pc2xP1F.jpg
Basically I removed music, intro, everything regarding cum and squirting (about 50 logic bricks were controlling this) and splitted CG-Part from the Main-Part.
This improved loading times quite a bit. Especially the CG-Part "Standalone" takes about 30% of the time to load now.
The Main Part, with all other positions, takes about 60% of the time to load.
- Creampie
Had already a ton requests for this, so now its finally addedCheck the below pic for where the button is located and how to undo the mess.
It is not available in CG-Part though. Don't really have a proper idea right now how to make it look good in that section (cumshot aswell)
- Orgasm Button on CG-Part
Added proper orgasm button for that section https://i.imgur.com/zghhzOG.jpg
The one which previously was turning on there on the right from the dude, was not planned and is now deactivated.
- Adjusted Lights Positioning on the Main Sex Parts (Missi1,Doggy2 etc)
I moved them a bit closer to the wall and the girl. It looks slightly better now I think.
- Slightly modded the Clothing Presets
Raised thickness of the socks (to reduce clipping) and changed shirt color on the "Schoolgirl" presets.
Removed sunglasses from the "Fishnets" presets.
Added clothing presets without presaved cum for LITE versions of the scene.
Whats New
- 2 More Positions on the Bed
Added one more missi and one spankable doggy position https://imgur.com/ihaoRWW
- Button for Orgasm
Had couple of requests to add it. Its located right below the "cum" button over here: https://imgur.com/YyMshUD
I made it so it only appears when the orgasm is safe to trigger (without breaking other mechanics). But you will see that its often available
- Activated the right randomizer for insertion expressions
I made this randomizer a while ago, but only now noticed that the old one was still active.
The new randomizer has more expressions in the pool. Also on these expressions the lips don't move too much, so it looks better when girl talks.
- Fixed a "bug" where RealGaze gets activated when it should not
- Added new camera spawn point for when POV is turned off on new bed positions
- Made the pump responsible for VaMMoan Intensity change a bit faster
- Slightly increased how often the girl talks during sex
- Activated ambience SFX randomizer on the start of the scene
Whats New
- 10 Fresh Positions on the Bed
The Buttons for them are hidden on default. To activate the buttons you have to press the "More XXX Poses" Toggle
To go back to the Vanilla positions you will have to press one of the reset buttons (dont' mind the arrow) or you can switch to the CG/Bed-Part (The button is now relocated)
- Spank Buttons on All Doggy Positions
These are also deactivated on default. To make them appear press the according Button (bottom left in this pic)
- Optional Backlight
I added one more lighting source to the scene. It is also deactivated on default. You can turn it on via "Backlight" toggle . I have also selected it in the pic in case you want to mod it.
- Adjusted Collider Editor and several Physic settings
Completely Removed it from the Girl and made the colliders on Dudes Penis smaller. Especially BJs look a bit better now imho.
Changed physic settings on dude and made some modifications to the AutoThruster to make the penetration look better.
- Small Adjustments to the Lighting
Made the default lights a bit brighter and tuned down point bias (responsible for shadows) on left light
- Several Fixes
Reset from Main-BJ part should work now. Previously forgot to make a trigger to deactivate one of the animation patterns on reset.
Corrected the switch for Insertion on Table Missi 4. Previously wrong trigger was selected to disable the insertion for other table position.
Fixed POV, DudeUI and GirlUI not appearing in some cases.
Whats New
- 2 New Positions (Missi4 & Doggy4)
Missy4 is selectable from the default Table position and from Missi3.
Doggy4 is accessible from Doggy1 or Doggy3 positions. It also has some automated position changes and Anal option.
- Toggle to turn off the lights (https://imgur.com/hz9CK61)
This one is helpful when you want to add your own lighting setup/rigs.
- Modded vertical offset parameters on Gaze plugin
The Gaze(Not RealGaze) plugin is only active on the standing part before bed (at start). It is responcible for counterbalancing the vertical head tilt. Especially in VR when you move close to the girl she looked slightly more upwards then necessary imho. Now she looks more straight.
- Disabled head lean back on table missi 1&2
The head leaning kinda looked a bit off, so I disabled the plugins responsible for the tilt.
Whats New
- Emma's Voice In VaMMoan!
If you already have the scene just change the voice in current version of VaMMoan to Emma and set the pitch to 1
- Made the butt become red a bit faster from spanking
- Made the occurance of sex talk slightly rarer
- Fixed the "Fuck me harder" voiceline (again) I hope this time for good xD
Whats New
- New Lighting Variations with randomized Ambiente SFX
I had a little request to make lighting better, so I added 4 more lighting options. You can find them over here: https://imgur.com/sHSIjYJ
They are hit or miss right now imho. Need to play and maybe redo the positioning of the light sources here and there to make the lighting better. On some occasions they look already pretty decent though. Especially on the cowgirl part.
Also I have added randomized Ambiente Background SFX to the new lighting variations (L5-L8)
- Button to Select the "Holding around neck" Position on the Table
This one comes from another little request by Hun73rdk. I have added the button to select this position https://imgur.com/JlrP5QT
This button only appears during sex and when the girl is in default Missi1 position on the table. Pressing this button simultaneously pauses the automated position changes, so you will have to press "Resume/Play" button on the PC-Screen if you want the girl to change positions again.
Here is a short demo clip how it works: https://redgifs.com/watch/lightgreenworstplatypus
- Slightly reduced chest rotation and head leaning back angle for Micro Movements
- Made a trigger to turn off "Fuck Me Harder" voiceline, where the girl should not say that
- Reduced the sizes of the background SFX files
Whats New
- New Set of BJ Soundeffects
The BJ part has now several stages depending on BJ-Depth. Here is a short preview clip:
In the first stage, when BJ-Depth is low, there are mainly sucking sounds.
Second stage consists some moaning and light moisty SFX.
And in the 3rd, deepthroat stage there are several different gagging sounds and some coughs.
Also when the BJ-Depth is high and you completely turn down speed there are some gagging loops aswell. The last part is added only to main BJ part though, because on bed BJ part the head shaking is too high when the speed is reduced to 0.
- Couple of new other SFX
Added more sounds for when the Penis leaves girls mouth and new choking end sound
- Removed thigh movement from the micro movements
- Added triggers to turn off micro movements after the BJ
- Made the cumshot animation on the BJ part slightly more powerful
- Slightly increased girls hip thrust on D3 in "passive dude" mode
- Modded the teeth morphs on Lana look
Whats New
- New Voice Lines
Reworked and added some new sound files to existing trigger systems, made some new trigger systems. Especially the Teasing part has now good amount of different and fitting lines. Also tried to make the girl say more fitting stuff on other parts.
- Added Set of 10 new Expression Animations to SexTalk
Girls mouth was opening too wide sometimes, when she was talking during sex, so I made new set of expressions where mouth does not "preopen"
- Reworked and Reactivated Micro Movements on Sex Parts
Neck was leaning too much to the side sometimes, so I kinda wanted to fix that and ended up reworking the micro movements completely...Now there 2 separate randomizers for them. One is managing the head and 2nd other body parts. The movements are subtle yet visible and look pretty decent imho
- Made that VaMMoan gets activated on vagina trigger again
In one of the previous updates I removed that trigger and made it activate after the Insertion SFX/Voice Lines, which resulted in moan not activating some times (when the penis did not hit the deep vag trigger).
- Delay on the Insertion SFX Voice Lines
It was triggering sometimes too often too soon.
- Moan Pump Adjustments
Made the pump a bit "stronger" so it progresses slightly quicker through different VaMMoan Intensities. Made the last 4th Intesity interval bit shorter. Also made the pump decay faster when the penis is not inside.
- Orgasm LipSync Adjustments
Made the lips move less when the girl was orgasming.
- Fixed some UI Buttons from reappearing when they should not
"Pause" button on CG-part showed up out of nowhere on teasing. Also the "auto" button for bed BJ-Part appeared sometimes when position change was made too quick.
- Adjusted an animation on D2
The one where she turns her head around. The head angle was kinda off.