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Useing vr hands dosent work when import a preset pose or look.?


Well-known member
I noticed that some atoms are (for a better choice of words) solid when using the VR hands in a scene, but if i import a preset pose or look, it changes them and the hands go right though them. is there a setting that determine the solid attributes to the atoms? if so where would i find it? Thank you.
So i ended up figuring this out myself, if anyone else has this problem it appears to be a simple collision setting. when you are in edit mode using the Cycle Atom menu selection, stop on the atom that is giving you the issue and select the Control&Physics 1 tab. Make sure Collision is checked if you want a solid Atom. by unchecking it your hand or any other solid atoms parts will just pass though it.

This is actually a blessing of a setting if you want to make some BDSM scenes, i spent an an hour trying to cuff an atom, drove me f&*king nuts lol, by turning off collisions you can set your Atom into, cuffs and various restraints or collars and stuff like that, you simply position your atom into the assets with collisions off, and when your done turn it on again. just be sure that they fit into whatever asset your using. if you don't they may severely deform or explode and you will have to start over from your last save point. so best practice is to save before you add in any of this kind of stuff. Not sure if this is the right way to do it but it seems to work non the less.

hope this helps people out.

Happy VaMing.. :)
I realized that this Collision Setting and also for Head Collision, which is a very nice Feature btw Checkbox is often just deactivated next time i load up a VAR or Look ( VAC etc ) in my Standard VR Settings, which confused me and it is really annoying to ongoing reactivate that currently if i load several VAR or VAc Files.

Sometimes even the Hands are reversed to Kinetic.

Is this a global Setting which shouldn't change usually and being default then for all VAR Files loaded, or is that a Setting a creator sets in his VAR / File to be released ?

Because if a Creator does not set this, as you mention acccurate, will it overwrite my Personal Settings in VR Menu?
Can't i force that this wont change from reading a VAR File?

Your Info is quite interesting because it is driving me nuts if thats a VAM Bug, resetting itself for Hands and Head Collision, or if its caused by the Creators not setting it in a var :)

Currently i set it back to Collission. I load up the next one VAR and it may be ok. Then i load up the third and Hands or Collison is off again while being in the Scene. I then check my Menu and this or that Checkbox is off again.
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