Question Trigger collision action

What are trigger collision actions? Is there a guide or YouTube on how it works?
trigger collision actions or any trigger actions for that matter are basically the same (on this>do this).

Super simple one way example of a trigger (in general) would be press it some action happens (music starts, lights turn on,...).
or UIToggle you press it once for active (on/start) action, press it again for inactive (off/end) action.

collision action is the same... On collision (or contact) do this action, Off collision do this (when 'whatever' exits collision area).

on person atom for example: all those triggers (under jaw physics & triggers tab) are collision triggers
you can add some actions(todo)...maybe use bulge morphs on vagina/deep/deeper triggers?

In some cases there is also transition action, basically a 'trigger in-between' on and off
or the way it transitions from one to another (stupid example would be if you have collisionTrigger atom attached to a hand node, on grab/collision with breast...add transition to change breast left or right natural/implants morph or some L/R breast pose morph).
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