About the example settings that were removed in 2.0.0
In v1.x of the plugin, you were able to select from Pornstar Big Naturals, Small and Perky, Medium Implants and Huge and Soft. I was asked why I removed these example settings from 2.0.0, and I figured I'd put the reasoning here in case anyone else wonders about this.
The example settings depended on the Breast scale slider for setting the breast size. The Breast scale slider was only there to make TittyMagic 1.x able to estimate breast size (and from that, calculate physics settings) based on the TM_Baseline morph that the scale slider adjusted. However in 2.0, the scale slider and the baseline morph are no longer needed, as the plugin automatically calculates breast volume regardless of what morphs you're using.
I could've still included the TM_Baseline morph just for the purpose of being able to select those example settings, but decided against it since it wasn't a core feature of the plugin. However, to replace the example settings feature, a save/load preset feature is being planned (still on the drawing board though).
But if you still want to use the example settings with 2.0, you can. You can apply the settings with v1.2.0, then disable/remove that plugin from the person's plugins list, and enable/add TittyMagic v2.0 for handling the physics and pose morphs. The benefit of this (over just using 1.2.0) is that you can further tweak the size and shape any way you like, and 2.0 will keep the physics settings up to date. To see both the latest .var and the TittyMagic.3.var (= v1.2.0), uncheck "Only Show Latest" in the file browser when adding the plugins. Alternatively, you can use Morph Merger to save the example settings as custom morphs that you can adjust with a slider like any other morph, this will give you even more freedom to get the breast shape you want.
In v1.x of the plugin, you were able to select from Pornstar Big Naturals, Small and Perky, Medium Implants and Huge and Soft. I was asked why I removed these example settings from 2.0.0, and I figured I'd put the reasoning here in case anyone else wonders about this.
The example settings depended on the Breast scale slider for setting the breast size. The Breast scale slider was only there to make TittyMagic 1.x able to estimate breast size (and from that, calculate physics settings) based on the TM_Baseline morph that the scale slider adjusted. However in 2.0, the scale slider and the baseline morph are no longer needed, as the plugin automatically calculates breast volume regardless of what morphs you're using.
I could've still included the TM_Baseline morph just for the purpose of being able to select those example settings, but decided against it since it wasn't a core feature of the plugin. However, to replace the example settings feature, a save/load preset feature is being planned (still on the drawing board though).
But if you still want to use the example settings with 2.0, you can. You can apply the settings with v1.2.0, then disable/remove that plugin from the person's plugins list, and enable/add TittyMagic v2.0 for handling the physics and pose morphs. The benefit of this (over just using 1.2.0) is that you can further tweak the size and shape any way you like, and 2.0 will keep the physics settings up to date. To see both the latest .var and the TittyMagic.3.var (= v1.2.0), uncheck "Only Show Latest" in the file browser when adding the plugins. Alternatively, you can use Morph Merger to save the example settings as custom morphs that you can adjust with a slider like any other morph, this will give you even more freedom to get the breast shape you want.