• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Plugins + Scripts TittyMagic

About the example settings that were removed in 2.0.0

In v1.x of the plugin, you were able to select from Pornstar Big Naturals, Small and Perky, Medium Implants and Huge and Soft. I was asked why I removed these example settings from 2.0.0, and I figured I'd put the reasoning here in case anyone else wonders about this. :D

The example settings depended on the Breast scale slider for setting the breast size. The Breast scale slider was only there to make TittyMagic 1.x able to estimate breast size (and from that, calculate physics settings) based on the TM_Baseline morph that the scale slider adjusted. However in 2.0, the scale slider and the baseline morph are no longer needed, as the plugin automatically calculates breast volume regardless of what morphs you're using.

I could've still included the TM_Baseline morph just for the purpose of being able to select those example settings, but decided against it since it wasn't a core feature of the plugin. However, to replace the example settings feature, a save/load preset feature is being planned (still on the drawing board though).

But if you still want to use the example settings with 2.0, you can. You can apply the settings with v1.2.0, then disable/remove that plugin from the person's plugins list, and enable/add TittyMagic v2.0 for handling the physics and pose morphs. The benefit of this (over just using 1.2.0) is that you can further tweak the size and shape any way you like, and 2.0 will keep the physics settings up to date. To see both the latest .var and the TittyMagic.3.var (= v1.2.0), uncheck "Only Show Latest" in the file browser when adding the plugins. Alternatively, you can use Morph Merger to save the example settings as custom morphs that you can adjust with a slider like any other morph, this will give you even more freedom to get the breast shape you want.
everlaster updated TittyMagic with a new update entry:

2.0.3: Support for any physics rate

  • now works with any physics update rate - the plugin no longer sets it to 60hz when loaded
    • it's possible that VR display refresh rates other than 60Hz did not previously work correctly with the plugin (breast mass would not have updated when morphs were changed), now there should not be any such issue
  • only the TittyMagic.cslist file is now visible in the Select File dialog when adding a plugin: all other source files are hidden to keep the file browser more clean...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Absolutely love this plugin! is there any chance for a version where the Softness is not limited to a value of only 3 for more customization options?
Absolutely love this plugin! is there any chance for a version where the Softness is not limited to a value of only 3 for more customization options?
There's definitely that possibility. The way that physics settings are calculated could do with a rework, as the current system is a bit limiting and makes it difficult to get a given softness value to feel consistent for different sizes. In particular, increasing size tends to make the breasts subjectively less soft at the same softness value. For medium and smaller breasts though, the maximum softness value feels like "overkill" and thus there's enough headroom there for customization, at least to me.

There's also a ton of other things as well that could do with improving though so we'll see. Thanks for the feedback :)
There's definitely that possibility. The way that physics settings are calculated could do with a rework, as the current system is a bit limiting and makes it difficult to get a given softness value to feel consistent for different sizes. In particular, increasing size tends to make the breasts subjectively less soft at the same softness value. For medium and smaller breasts though, the maximum softness value feels like "overkill" and thus there's enough headroom there for customization, at least to me.

There's also a ton of other things as well that could do with improving though so we'll see. Thanks for the feedback :)

Yes! I would love a way to have your plugin do it's magic, while having more control over certain physics sliders becuase I love what your plugin does with the morphs, and overall physics, but like you said, it's a little limiting in terms of customization afterwards. Thanks for considering my feedback
With version 7 I'm getting errors on NHNL procedural animations:
!> Could not find morph by uid everlaster.TittyMagic.7:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/everlaster/TittyMagic/Pose_Chest/TM_Sternum Width-cde93d19.vmi or name TM_Sternum Width referenced in save file
!> Plugin file everlaster.TittyMagic.7:/Custom/Scripts/everlaster/TittyMagic.cs does not exist
!> Plugin file everlaster.TittyMagic.7:/Custom/Scripts/everlaster/TittyMagic.cs does not exist

What is going on? It says it's fixed but never version doesn't work.
With version 7 I'm getting errors on NHNL procedural animations:
!> Could not find morph by uid everlaster.TittyMagic.7:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/female/everlaster/TittyMagic/Pose_Chest/TM_Sternum Width-cde93d19.vmi or name TM_Sternum Width referenced in save file
!> Plugin file everlaster.TittyMagic.7:/Custom/Scripts/everlaster/TittyMagic.cs does not exist
!> Plugin file everlaster.TittyMagic.7:/Custom/Scripts/everlaster/TittyMagic.cs does not exist

What is going on? It says it's fixed but never version doesn't work.
The TM_Sternum Width-cde93d19.vmi morph and the TittyMagic.cs file last existed in TittyMagic.3.var (v.1.2), so it seems like the scene you loaded was saved while that version of the plugin was active, but you don't have that version. So VAM uses the version that you do have, which no longer includes the same files, hence the errors.

It should load without errors if you download TittyMagic.3.var (from History tab), but it doesn't really matter - you can just ignore the error and reload / re-add the newest version of the plugin to the person atom.
everlaster updated TittyMagic with a new update entry:

2.1.0: Touch optimized physics + misc tweaks and improvements

1 minute demo of the new Touch optimized mode (unmute the video!)

  • Touch optimized physics mode
    • improved collision physics (no hard colliders)
  • Balanced physics mode
    • mostly similar to the physics of the previous version, but everything's tweaked slightly
    • thanks to the more realistic weight, it looks better in animations than Touch optimized mode
      • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
HANDS DOWN my favorite plugin
I make sure all of my looks are designed around this.

Question, would it at all be possible to have either a new morph reference OR special piece of "clothing" that can travel WITH the look AS an appearance so that the softness/gravity and other settings won't have to be readjusted when swapping looks?
for example with smaller breasted looks i like to have softness set to @20 and gravity to @10 but most looks i'll leave default.
It would make it easier when sharing looks with others so the settings would travel with the look.

FYI i am also having some errors whenever i load a scene with TM 2.1.0
For some reason TittyMagic 2.1.0 isn't applying the proper gravity WHEN you first load the scenes but if you reload the appearance or touch ANY slider to a breast morph it'll fix it. Otherwise the breasts will float high. Is this fixable?


  • Tittymagic scene load.png
    Tittymagic scene load.png
    9.3 MB · Views: 0
  • TittymagicError.png
    148.4 KB · Views: 0
HANDS DOWN my favorite plugin
I make sure all of my looks are designed around this.
Nice! Glad you like it.

Question, would it at all be possible to have either a new morph reference OR special piece of "clothing" that can travel WITH the look AS an appearance so that the softness/gravity and other settings won't have to be readjusted when swapping looks?
for example with smaller breasted looks i like to have softness set to @20 and gravity to @10 but most looks i'll leave default.
It would make it easier when sharing looks with others so the settings would travel with the look.

Use a General Preset, it saves/loads plugins as well. See https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/preset-definitions.189/

FYI i am also having some errors whenever i load a scene with TM 2.1.0
For some reason TittyMagic 2.1.0 isn't applying the proper gravity WHEN you first load the scenes but if you reload the appearance or touch ANY slider to a breast morph it'll fix it. Otherwise the breasts will float high. Is this fixable?
Saw your message on Discord, let's continue there. Definitely fixable though. The error you got prevents the plugin from loading, hence you need the reload after the error.
So, when using touch mode I noticed that big boobs with high value in softness almost immediately start "oscillating" where I had to switch back to balanced mode or even restart the scene. This issue was partly solved when migrating to a new VAM install (because I had shitload of old stuff, especially morphs). Now this happens from time to time less severly and immediately stops when not interacting.

In the old install this plugin took almost a 1-2 minutes to load, now thats back to like 20 seconds.

Anyone else noticed something similiar? There's no error message in the log to track down.
So, when using touch mode I noticed that big boobs with high value in softness almost immediately start "oscillating" where I had to switch back to balanced mode or even restart the scene.
Yeah, the touch mode doesn't work very well with XL boobs. The idea with the touch mode is that hard colliders are disabled and movement (in response to touch) is done with fat back force instead. When increasing mass, you need more and more fat back force to make it work, but there's a limit to how much mass and force you can add before you get a feedback loop that makes the fat jitter uncontrollably. With XL breasts you might actualy have better touch physics in balanced mode even if it didn't start to jitter.

But if you still want to use the touch mode and avoid the jittering with large breasts, you can do this:
1. enable touch mode
2. increase breast size until you're just below the point where you get the jittering (test it by applying forces to the model, e.g. grab move or cycleforce)
3. go to the breast physics presets tab and save the settings to a file
4. disable/remove the plugin
5. reset your look with the breast morphs you actually want to use
6. load the physics settings preset - you should now have
You can then also save the combination of morphs and physics settings with a General Preset, and you can also manually tweak the settings further without the plugin interfering with your changes.
Of course, loading the above preset makes sense only for looks that have such large breasts that they would start to jitter if controlled by the plugin. For smaller breasts, the plugin will apply settings that are more appropriate to them.
Hi Everlaster! I love your plugin :D

I have been playing around with the config and setup to get something more my style and I have had great success, however there are two things I can't figure out how you are updating them in your plugin.

What script contains the code that sets the 'Center of Gravity' and 'Up/Down Angle Target' values on the F Breast Physics 1 tab. I want to adjust there 'base' position that is set by the plugin before all the calculations are done. Especially COG as I find its too forward
Hi Everlaster! I love your plugin :D

I have been playing around with the config and setup to get something more my style and I have had great success, however there are two things I can't figure out how you are updating them in your plugin.

What script contains the code that sets the 'Center of Gravity' and 'Up/Down Angle Target' values on the F Breast Physics 1 tab. I want to adjust there 'base' position that is set by the plugin before all the calculations are done. Especially COG as I find its too forward
Hi, check out the file GravityPhysicsHandler.cs. It sets up configs for breast physics parameters to be adjusted by chest angle. There's no base value for any of the parameters - the plugin directly calculates each value from the combination of breast mass, chest angle and the breast gravity slider value (the calculation is done in GravityPhysicsConfig.cs function UpdateVal). To reduce the center of gravity across the board by a fixed value, it should be enough to just adjust the offset for the "centerOfGravityPercent" config to a lower value - lowering the 0.40f to 0.30f should result in 0.10f lower center of gravity at all times.

For more complex customizing, it might help to enable debug info in the plugin UI so you can see how the changes you make are being applied without having to navigate to the breast physics tabs. Just uncomment the #define DEBUG_PHYSICS line in the beginning of Script.cs.

Good luck ?
everlaster updated TittyMagic with a new update entry:

3.0.0: Animation optimized mode, jiggly physics and improved morphing

Hello everyone, a new version is finally out. This release is an Early Access release for patrons (free on on 15 Feb). Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tittymagic-3-0-61638055

I will update the resource then and post the free download on Hub. Please be patient - or get in early! :D

More GIFs in the main post!

Animation optimized mode

?breast shape in the up/down direction is shaped by forces acting...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Just picked up the latest. Definitely freezing a LOT on my end. I'll try and find some commonalities with where it freezes. Seems to not like "Timeline" at first glance, but not sure if that's the culprit.
Just picked up the latest. Definitely freezing a LOT on my end. I'll try and find some commonalities with where it freezes. Seems to not like "Timeline" at first glance, but not sure if that's the culprit.
This can occur if you're using Timeline or some other plugin to animate morphs that aren't pose morphs and affect the breast area vertices. TM recalibrates physics and other parameters if breast size changes, except if it's a pose morph - so only pose morphs should be animated by other plugins to be compatible with TittyMagic. A future patch will try to mitigate these issues though and make it more compatible with non-pose breast morph animation and less susceptible to repeating recalibration cycles.
Having lots of issues with V3 so Im switching back to my custom version for now.

It keeps enabling 'freeze motion/sound' on me for no reason and the balanced/touch/animation buttons grey themselves out most of the time so you can't switch. Also the breasts seem to keep changing physics dramatically when the character is just standing still, raising and falling the breasts constantly
Having lots of issues with V3 so Im switching back to my custom version for now.

It keeps enabling 'freeze motion/sound' on me for no reason and the balanced/touch/animation buttons grey themselves out most of the time so you can't switch. Also the breasts seem to keep changing physics dramatically when the character is just standing still, raising and falling the breasts constantly

Thanks for the comment, there's almost certainly some animation of non-pose breast morphs going on in your case, causing the plugin to detect a change in breast size.

Animation of non-pose morphs affecting breast vertices seems to be a common enough use case that this requires a patch which makes the auto-recalibration of physics settings optional. I aim to get it out within a few days :)
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