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Timeline poses dont save properly


New member
Title is crap but heres the details.

im copying a pose from an animation futher in the timeline. copy paste the pose and overwrite the pose in the animation. press play and suddenly theyre pulling all kinds of shapes.
what am i doing wrong?
im making sure that all the targets are the same, made sure to make the joints all comply or all be the same as the animation im copying from.
dunno if this helps but im copying from an animation that has no movement, just a motionless body
Title is crap but heres the details.

im copying a pose from an animation futher in the timeline. copy paste the pose and overwrite the pose in the animation. press play and suddenly theyre pulling all kinds of shapes.
what am i doing wrong?
im making sure that all the targets are the same, made sure to make the joints all comply or all be the same as the animation im copying from.
dunno if this helps but im copying from an animation that has no movement, just a motionless body

Double check that your controls are not using Timelines parenting feature, and try to untick and tick again every controls keyframe,
sometimes it does not get set automatically for some reason, and enable "apply pose on animation load" :unsure:

think latest version broke something on poses

anytime you use save pose option, things go wild, pretty much brakes the scene and takes hours to figure

im just a noob tho and i dont know what all buttons does
It's now November 2023 , and I'm experiencing the same issues. I can't get poses to save anywhere. I set up a pose in the beginning of the animation. I save it as a new pose, keyframe every control and it seems that if I make a serious change to the pose during the animation, it breaks the pose at the beginning. And Timeline keeps ghost keyframes. I delete all keyframes from an animation, but it still animates even when there are no keyframes showing. And once the first pose is corrupted, it is virtually impossible to ever get it to go back to the original pose. I have to delete the entire animation and start over. Multiple times. I'm getting tired of it. Animators depend on Timeline working properly. Right now, it doesn't.
It's now November 2023 , and I'm experiencing the same issues. I can't get poses to save anywhere. I set up a pose in the beginning of the animation. I save it as a new pose, keyframe every control and it seems that if I make a serious change to the pose during the animation, it breaks the pose at the beginning. And Timeline keeps ghost keyframes. I delete all keyframes from an animation, but it still animates even when there are no keyframes showing. And once the first pose is corrupted, it is virtually impossible to ever get it to go back to the original pose. I have to delete the entire animation and start over. Multiple times. I'm getting tired of it. Animators depend on Timeline working properly. Right now, it doesn't.
What yasparukko said above is the only fix I've seen for it. If you make any changes including changing the control type on a body part you'll need to click on the ticks in targets of the body parts you've moved and then save pose.

Weird thing is if you're further along in the timeline even by 0.1 of a second everything saves perfectly when you move the atom
I'm having the same problem. I did what Yasparukko suggested but then it broke, I think when I added "control" as a target. But I'm not sure. I was able to set a few poses before it broke, but after it did break, all the poses were lost and it no longer auto poses.

Interestingly, in my scene I have three characters and it's only breaking for one character.

I found a way to quickly fix it on a character, at least temporarily.
1. Save your segment to disc
2. create a new person atom and apply the look of the other character
3. import your segment that you saved in step 1
You can now save poses again.
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