Your debug was indeed correct. I fixed by enforcing the FOV at 40.
I'll credit you as a contributor as I will for everlaster on the vector issue.
Thank you for your time and reporting this, this is always welcome to catch potential unwanted bugs!

Did you had any other issues?
To answer to this:
That has not been my experience. VAM properly handles resources in subfolders, detecting them in all cases, including showing that I have downloaded them, avoiding duplicating them, etc. I've been operating this way for years, with no other issues prior to this plugin's error message.
VAM does work with vars in subfolders, but it is not its native design.
You (the user) have to make the choice and changes to be in that state. VAM will never move vars in a subfolder. Hence why I don't do additional code.
To give you a bit more perspectives: you can't even fathom the stellar requests I have in private or through discord messaging due to the fact I have quite a few popular releases. I had once a dude asking me to fix/change my code because my plugins rely on var references. That dude decided that the var system wasn't good and extracted ALL vars locally and modified all his scenes to have them work on those local versions... which sounds like an insane endeavour, but well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, he said that my code wasn't obviously handling that situation... and ask for changes, which I refused.
I can't count the amount of person I had asking me for optimizing enviros because they "lagged on VAM"... and all of them had a 3TB install with over 25K morphs. Or the ones that had modified dll versions of VAM that were crashing unexpectedly.
I could go on and on about "modded" aspects of VAM which ended up in requests.
Now, to get back on the subfolder vars, let's say I'd realize a trend is coming true, and like, 7 users out of 10 would have that situation. In that scenario I would obviously consider doing additional code.
But this is not the case, you're the first one raising that behavior... because, let's face it, there are probably 4 people in total in that community who cares about how the var files are ordered
So my motto is "I prefer to spend time on meaningful features". If your case even tho unique, could help you improve the way you're using Maestro, or boost your productivity... whatever, I would definitely consider it. But in that scenario, that's not even remotely the case ^^
When I'm done with the next release, if someday I feel bored... I'll check what I can do for a subsequent patch