Hi yes this new one Link Cable released from VRCOVER if you would like to get a 5m
FIBER Opticle which is simlar to the Official one from Oculus.
Upgrade your VR comfort & hygiene! Buy VR Cover, Facial Interface and Foam Replacement, Silicone Cover and other accessories.
All other cables are not using Fiber Opticals.
Thats also a reason for the higher pricing.
The VR Cover Link cable is half the price compared to the Oculus ( 100 EURO plus shipping in my country ) and has great reviews
Currently it is availabe for 49 EURO plus shipping at VR Cover Europe.
Or sure Worldwide in their Stores.
I ordered many things from VR Cover in the past .
They are very trustworthy.
A review from MRTV's Sebastian
and from VoodooDE VR which has more Infos about the Components.
My personal opinion cheap vs Higher quality or extension cable Options:
I have mixed feelings with other cheaper USB Link cables and even such often recommended did not work for me in causing constant disconnections after seconds or just minutes like the KIWI Design Oculus Link Cable.
And i have a current 2021 tech PC with a really good Motherboard and even tried a USB 3 Hardware Card which has been recommended also with same
I have same issues with the Cable Creation USB Active Expanders for RIFT S ( 5 to 8 Meter ) which also do not work and for me and this has all been just a waste of money.
Guess the cables might work here and there yes but its a Hit or Miss.
I skipped my Cable expansion wish for Rift S now and stay with the cable as it is.
So regarding the Fiber Quality and Quest 2 the VRCover 5m Link Cable works great and also supports Battery Loading during Gameplay.
Zero Issues. So i prefer quality and a stable experience. And its still expensive yes with 50 EURO but works like a charm and still 50% off that nuts price of the Official Oculus one.
Since VR Cover now offers a even better Fiber Link cable specs wise compared to the Oculus original shows that Oculus charges around 40 to 50 EURO more as it could cost. The VR Cover is a bit heavier due to the Premium Cotton coat but thats a Pro Feature which will result in a long lasting cable.
If you do not care to buy a official Oculus Link cable for 100 EUR every year then having a itsy lighter cable if you play daily wired in a Standing Position, then sure the Original is the lighter weight Fiber option if you are sensitive for every gram.
I have both and i do not notice anything of that while gaming.
The VRCover is much better behaving cable wise if you move around in my opinion.
And the VR Cover Fiber is still more light weight than most 3rd Party USB cable Solutions like the KIWI.
- VR Cover Link Cable is Fiber Optics, has better 2021 tech specs and will last longer when heavy used and is 50 % Cheaper ( Europe ) = 50 EUR
- Original is is Fiber Optics, is a bit slimmer / itsy more light weight since it has no cotton coat, but may cause Issues with messing up the cable playing in standing position = 100 EURO