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Loading an Asset


Well-known member
I've been following MacGruber's guide
Unity AssetBundles for VaM

and I have created an AssetBundle that contains a custom .otf font. Now I want to load the AssetBundle back but I can't.

using UnityEngine;

    public override void Init()
        // https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/AssetBundle.LoadFromFile.html
        var myLoadedAssetBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(assetbundle_path);

Error log
"The name `AssetBundle' does not exist in the current context"

I can't figure out what's wrong. Am I missing a namespace?
Various file access methods are blocked in VaM for security. However, VaM has a mechanism to load AssetBundles that you can use, these have safeties buildin so that you can't load/save outside the VaM directory. I recommend to check out other plugins how they load stuff. For example my SuperShot plugin (part of Essentials) loads a shader. Or you could check out RandomSoundFromAB from LogicBricks, which loads sounds in a similar way, but also uses the file open dialog so the user can select an AssetBundle rather than a hardcoded path.
That makes sense, thanks. You know, your guide saved me a lot of time. It's funny that I overlooked the example provided by Essentials, as I've studied it (along with others) when I was looking around about scripts. I don't know how long it would have taken me to find an example without your help.

    public override void Init()
        Request request = new AssetLoader.AssetBundleFromFileRequest {path = assetbundle_path, callback = OnAssetBundleLoaded};

    private void OnAssetBundleLoaded(Request aRequest)
        if (aRequest.assetBundle != null)
            Font myFont = aRequest.assetBundle.LoadAsset<Font>(font_name);

            if (myFont != null)
                text_2.font = myFont;
                renderText = true;
Updated code with clean up & namespaces

using UnityEngine;
using MeshVR;
using Request = MeshVR.AssetLoader.AssetBundleFromFileRequest;

    public override void Init()
        Request request = new AssetLoader.AssetBundleFromFileRequest {path = assetbundle_path, callback = OnAssetBundleLoaded};

    private void OnAssetBundleLoaded(Request aRequest)
        if (aRequest.assetBundle != null)
            Font myFont = aRequest.assetBundle.LoadAsset<Font>(font_name);

            if (myFont != null)
                text_1.font = myFont;
                renderText = true;

    public void OnDestroy()
        if (assetbundle_path != null)
            assetbundle_path = null;
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