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Overview LogicBricks is a collection of now 34 reusable logic plugins to quickly build simple logic without coding. These go from a simple Relay that just groups triggers via Counter and Blend to more complex bricks for RandomChoice and a very...
There are three different bricks that can be used to play audio. You can trigger them from Timeline (or somewhere else). If you have lots of individual sounds, like 50 or more you would want to look into puttinng your sounds in AssetBundles, which is 50-100x faster during scene load compared to individual files. Use the "...FromAB" bricks to load such sounds.
- RandomSound: Plays random sound after Trigger is called. This can work with VaM's embedded sounds as well as sounds referenced on the Scene Audio tab. Needs to be placed on a Person, AudioSource, RhythmAudioSource or AptSpeaker atom.
- RandomSoundFromAB: Similar to RandomSound, but can load sounds from AssetBundles instead. See also SoundFromAB, which also has a random function.
- SoundFromAB: Exposes audio files found in Unity AssetBundles to VaM's Trigger system. If you have lots of sounds, this loads way faster and is more convenient. Folders inside the bundle will be exposed by two triggers each: PlaySpecific and PlayRandom. The benefit of this approach is that you do not need an individual brick for each sound or small random set of sounds you want to play. You just need one instance of this brick per AssetBundle and AudioSource. That allows managing hundreds of sounds in scene without long load times.
If you aren't familiar for LogicBricks, yet, I would recommend watching at least the first of the 4 LogicBricks tutorial vids, it's called "LogicBricks: Introduction"...about on the middle of the page here:
This page will gather my hopefully growing collection of video tutorials about various VaM topics. "Pay after watching, IF you liked it!" Producing quality video tutorials consumes a LOT of time. Just producing 10min of video takes about 6-8...