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Question How to perform the following action in a scene?


Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me to determine the most effective way of performing the following in a scene:

As an example, you have 3 buttons and a light. Once all 3 buttons are pushed, in any order, the light will turn on.

Thanks in advance!
LogicBricks ;)

  1. Add a "Counter" brick on the light.
    1. Set the Counter's "Count" to 3.
    2. Have "Actions OnUpTrigger" turn on the light.
  2. Give each button a "RelayOnce" brick.
    1. Have each of the buttons trigger it's own RelayOnce
    2. Have each of the RelayOnce each trigger "CountUP" on the Counter.
  3. Probably add a "Reset" button somewhere in your scene that calls "Reset" on all three RelayOnce, calls "SetDown" on the Counter and turns the light off again.
I strongly recommend the video tutorial series on LogicBricks.

Note that LogicBricks is currently in early access again, but for the above an older version you can get for free just works as well.
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LogicBricks saves the day, again! Thank you for your quick reply and great plugins. I will also be sure to check out those tutorials as well.
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