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Having trouble importing DAZ clothing (pants)


Active member
I've purchased several DAZ clothing items and have been able to import them into VaM and use with no problems. Usually they've been shirts/tops and underwear. I recently tried importing pants and am getting this problem where the cloth is connected between the legs so I wanted to ask here if anyone has a suggestion on how to fix this:


Here are the steps I took:
Try # 1: Imported the .duf file into VaM Clothing Creator. Got the above results.
Try # 2: Followed the instructions in this thread (https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/converting-genesis-2-clothing-to-vam.8453/) fitting the pants to the Gen 2 model then saving as a .duf file.
Try # 3: Followed additional instructions in # 2 link, deleting Gen 2 model and saving pants as an .obj file, then re-importing and saving as a .duf
Try # 4: When loading the pants in Daz I noticed the cloth touches at about the same places where the cloth is connected as seen above. So I tried separating the pants slightly, saved as .duf and got the same results.
Try # 5: I set the Gen 2 male in an A pose with legs further apart to separate the pants cloth, fitting the pants to this, exported as .duf and got same results.

One final note, not sure if this is important but when exporting the .duf in DAZ I would use File/Save As/Support Asset/Figure Prop Assets.

You could do it with a custom morph. Morph the gen 2 male like he is riding a horse, apply it in daz, fit to it and save the scene subset. Then in vam apply the same morph and import the item through the clothing creator and wrap to morphed verts.

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Thanks @Origin69. Are you saying I need to use Blender in order to fix the pants?

You could do it with a custom morph. Morph the gen 2 male like he is riding a horse, apply it in daz, fit to it and save the scene subset. Then in vam apply the same morph and import the item through the clothing creator and wrap to morphed verts.

Here's what I did, but I seem to be missing one or more steps:

1. Loaded Gen 2 male in DAZ.
2. Applied "Monk Moves 07" (this was the closest I could find to a riding a horse pose with the man's legs spread).
3. Loaded pants on to male.
4. Fit pants to Gen 2 male.
5. Saved this as a sub-scene.
6. Deleted Gen 2 male so I could save pants as .duf. Pants reverted back to original form, no longer in the spread legs position.
7. Closed the above scene and opened a new blank scene.
8. Opened sub-scene created above.
9. Clicked on Gen 2 male and deleted. Pants reverted back to original form, no longer in the spread legs position.

So it appears my problem is not being able to save or export the pants in the Monk Moves legs spread pose. Or is there something else I'm missing?
Thanks @Origin69. Are you saying I need to use Blender in order to fix the pants?

Here's what I did, but I seem to be missing one or more steps:

1. Loaded Gen 2 male in DAZ.
2. Applied "Monk Moves 07" (this was the closest I could find to a riding a horse pose with the man's legs spread).
3. Loaded pants on to male.
4. Fit pants to Gen 2 male.
5. Saved this as a sub-scene.
6. Deleted Gen 2 male so I could save pants as .duf. Pants reverted back to original form, no longer in the spread legs position.
7. Closed the above scene and opened a new blank scene.
8. Opened sub-scene created above.
9. Clicked on Gen 2 male and deleted. Pants reverted back to original form, no longer in the spread legs position.

So it appears my problem is not being able to save or export the pants in the Monk Moves legs spread pose. Or is there something else I'm missing?
You need something that will be the same in both Daz and Vam, I've only ever done it with morphs as the clothing creator has a "wrap to morphed verts" option built in. It may work with poses too, but I've not tried.

To keep the shape of the clothing after fitting and posing/morphing, select it on the item list and click export in the file menu to save an .obj. Then with nothing selected you can hit import and pick the model you just saved. It will add it as a prop in the same position as the one exported. You may need to convert it back to figure by clicking edit>Object>Rigging>Convert prop to figure. You can delete everything else and save the subscene and the item will keep the new shape.
Thanks again @Origin69 for trying to help me but I'm still not getting it. There must be something in your instructions I'm missing. Here's what I did this time:

1. Loaded Gen 2 figure, changed to an A pose.
2. Loaded pants file and fit to Gen 2 figure.
3. Clicked on Pants in item list, clicked File/Export/obj file.
4. Closed scene and opened a new blank scene.
5. Imported obj file created in # 3 above and what loaded was the figure wearing the pants (shouldn't I have just had the pants loaded?)
6. Continuing on with your instructions I converted the obj file with Convert prop to figure but this did not separate the figure from the pants so I could not delete the figure and keep the pants in its wider shape.

Oh well, maybe this was not meant to be. :)
I just tested it and it does need to be a morph, not a pose. That's why I added the guide for creating morphs in my first post. You need something that is identical in daz and vam, even with physics off. (When importing over a pose in vam, the subscene model gets offset by the distance you moved it, even with wrap to morphed verts selected.)

Read and follow the guide I sent and stretch the models legs apart in blenders sculpt mode. It doesn't need to be pretty, just get the leg vertices away from each other.

As for keeping the shape of the clothing item...

Once it's fitted to the model and then the morph is applied, make sure only the clothing is highlighted, then I export with these settings (I scale it at 1% because it's easier to use in blender for edits)...

daz export.jpg

Then you can delete everything and import like this (10000% scale because we scaled down to export)...

daz import options.jpg

I don't think you need to convert it after this as it's already fitted, just save the scene subset.

Open Vam and load a male model. (Turn physics of for the model so it doesn't slump and click reset pose)

Zero all morphs and add your new morph

In the clothing creator select "wrap to morphed verts"

Remove the morph you created and the clothing should look right

Good Luck.
That's a shame, that tutorial was really useful to me when I started. I just figured out how to do it from daz for you without needing to use blender though.

1. Add a G2m model and set it to base resolution.

2. Pose the legs how you want, (The clothing will try to link to the nearest part of the model in VAM, that's why your pants looked like that. So make it so the right leg of the clothing isn't closer to the left leg of the model etc.)
With the model selected export an .obj (Remember where you save it).

I just raised one leg in this example, However that did lead to some crumpling in the final shorts I used. It maybe better to move both thigh bones side to side slightly.
I use Custom 1% Scale so I can make changes easily in blender. (Also, In future if you save an .obj without posing the model, this .obj can then be used to make any custom morphs to use in vam with blender after this step)


3. Reset the pose on the G2m, or load a new one. With it highlighted select the morph loader from the Edit>Figure menu


4. Set the scale to 10000% and click Choose Morph Files. Then select the obj you just exported. This will generate a morph for you.


5. You will see the new morph in the Parameters/Morphs/Morph Loader Tab on the Left hand side. Turn your morph to 100.
Save the Morph. Save As>Support Asset>Morph Asset

6. Choose a directory, Your Creator Name, and name the morph. Remember where you save this, we'll need it in a second. Then from the drop down menu select only your morph and click accept.

7. You need to open the folder you just saved to and find your morph. It will be a .dsf file. Then open your VAM Folder and open Custom>Atom>Person>Morphs>Male and copy the folder with your creator name with the morph in it to there.

8. Now you need the clothing. Add it to your model in daz, apply the morph and only selecting the clothing export the obj as we did in step 2 (Make sure write seperate objects and filter objects are ticked). Then delete everything in the scene and import it back in.
daz import options.jpg

Save it as a new Scene Subset.

9. Open VAM and load a male character. Turn off any plugins, Zero All Morphs. In the Control and Physics Tab select "freeze physics" and click "reset pose".

10. Now find the morph you added in male morphs and apply it a 100%

11. Open the clothing creator and select the scene subset you made. Select "wrap to morphed verts." and import.

12. Finally check that the clothing moves right by removing the morph and unselecting freeze physics, and save your item.

As you can see, the left leg is a little bunched up, I should have morphed both legs, but it worked.

Good Luck.
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Wow, thank you so much @Origin69! I can't wait to see if this works for me. Unfortunately I only got as far as Step 8:

8. Now you need the clothing. Add it to your model in daz, apply the morph and only selecting the clothing export the obj as we did in step 2

It's the "apply the morph" direction that stopped me. Sorry, I must be a total noob. I've used Daz casually and have never had to apply a morph. At first I assumed I'm supposed to use the Morph Loader Pro option but when selecting that and loading the G2M Legs Apart morph I created it tells me I can't load it because there is a file with that name. Since your directions didn't mention anything about that I assume there is another way to load a morph in Daz. A quick Google search didn't explain it so here I am.

Looking forward to going beyond step 8 so thanks again!
Wow, thank you so much @Origin69! I can't wait to see if this works for me. Unfortunately I only got as far as Step 8:

It's the "apply the morph" direction that stopped me. Sorry, I must be a total noob. I've used Daz casually and have never had to apply a morph. At first I assumed I'm supposed to use the Morph Loader Pro option but when selecting that and loading the G2M Legs Apart morph I created it tells me I can't load it because there is a file with that name. Since your directions didn't mention anything about that I assume there is another way to load a morph in Daz. A quick Google search didn't explain it so here I am.

Looking forward to going beyond step 8 so thanks again!

I could have made that more clear. I mean apply the morph you already made to the G2M model while it is wearing the clothing, like the first part of step 5 shown in the image. If the morph is still on the model from before and the clothing loads fine you can ignore this. If not...

Select the Genesis2 Model and add in the clothing (daz stuff should automatically fit to the model.) Then make sure the Genesis 2 model is still selected on the list on the left, and under that you will see the Parameters Tab. From there, select Morphs/Morph Loader and you will see the morph you made. Turn your morph to 100. Now select the clothing from the list on the left, (it maybe hidden by the drop down menu, click the little triangle next to Genesis 2 Male) and export the .obj using the settings in image 2. Now you can delete everything in the scene and import the .obj back in. Save as a scene subset and you should be done.
Eureka @Origin69 it worked! The pants are a little bumpy so I'll have to see if I can smooth them out (I did separate both legs not just one). But at least now they look like pants and not a weird 3D mistake. Thanks again!

Now that the pants are attaching to the right vertices, a sim texture should fix everything else.
a sim texture should fix everything else

Do you mean checking "Sim Enabled" under the Physics tab in Clothing Creator? I did that and nothing happened.

I also checked Wrap To Smooth Vertices under the Adjustments tab and that helped a little.
Sim textures are how vam does cloth physics when you click sim enabled and allows grabbing the cloth to undress. That's why some clothing stretches and flows more than others. You can start with uniform sim textures from the clothing creator or you can paint your own for more advanced clothing that wraps to certain areas. Its basically a black/red gradient image for the uv layout where more red sticks to the model and black flows freely. Don't go fully red or the clothing will not undress.

@atani created a great guide for them.

Fair warning, that the male model has fewer colliders than the female so really loose flowing clothes will sink into the model. There is also a plugin by urukyay to add supplementary colliders if this is an issue.

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