Somehow I started looking into creating some clothing for VAM, but although parts of the process are documented and I found various bits of information in different place, I am still not at a point where I would consider myself happy with the results...
My basic understanding so far is, that clothing is created with the internal clothing designer. It has to load a scene created by Daz3d for this. The scene should contain the clothing. So if you create something from scratch (for instance in Marvelous Deisgner) one would need to import it to DAZ first, save it as a scene and then import it into VAM. So far, so good.
However, I ran into a whole bunch of issues over the last couple of days:
* To design any kind of clothing with Marvelous Designer, you need to import an Avatar. Documentation mostly suggests to export the standard Genesis 2 female from DAZ and import it into MD. The model has a major problem, though: It is impossible to create a tight fitting garnet around the genital area with the Genesis 2 model in MD. The material is always drawn into the buttcrack and starts clipping out because it is too close to the skin on both sides... It is completely impossible to design anything decent this way. I had some success with exporting a model with some morphs already applied, but it still isn't a perfect solution. Is there really no other way that just works?
* When exporting, textures tend to get lost. This is because VAM expects the textures to be in a specific location, but the clothing creator doesn't copy them there from the absolute location in the duf. While it isn't a problem to copy the files over and they do get loaded correctly, after I figured out I had to edit the UV map manually in MD, I still end up with "Diffuse, Metalness, Normal, Opacity and Roughness from DM, while VAM wants "_MainTex, _SpecTex, _GlossTex, _AlphaTex, _BumpMap und _DecalTex". This is not only one more than I have - the only one I can assign with confidence is Alpha=Opacity - what would be the correct equivalent of the others?
* One of my first designs was a bikini which only consists of two plastic triangles (which are glued on). I was able to create something in MD by using the leather material, which gives it about the right stiffness when pinning it on the model. However - according to another forum posts VAM will _always_ wrap clothing. There is no option in the clothing creator to define a material is stiff/not wrappable.
I read that I would have to create an unity asset for "hard" objects. So I learned about importing stuff to unity and exporting it as an asset. Which somewhat worked, but only to create the next problem: The object cannot be grabbed and adjusted to the model in VR. If I have no mesh colloder in unity the hand goes right through it - no chance to grab. If I do add a mash collider my hand (and the model) do collide, but I still cannot grab and move the object. Just like it was pinned in the air (it isn't marked as static in unity). When I position on the model with the buttons/gimbal and pin it to nipple control everything basically works - except that the model is moving very strangly when animated, since it collides with the bra like a wall...
I also did notice that there are some Glasses from MeshedVR available as clothing, which behave exactly like I would my bra to behave - Unfortunately I couldn't find any hint/tutorial how these were made...
Also, compared with other clothing that is available my own stuff looks really bad
Especially the edges are just a complete mess - in MD/DAZ/Blender everything seems fine, though. Please see the comparison:
This is btw. the clipping in MD:
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with all this questions...
Somehow I started looking into creating some clothing for VAM, but although parts of the process are documented and I found various bits of information in different place, I am still not at a point where I would consider myself happy with the results...
My basic understanding so far is, that clothing is created with the internal clothing designer. It has to load a scene created by Daz3d for this. The scene should contain the clothing. So if you create something from scratch (for instance in Marvelous Deisgner) one would need to import it to DAZ first, save it as a scene and then import it into VAM. So far, so good.
However, I ran into a whole bunch of issues over the last couple of days:
* To design any kind of clothing with Marvelous Designer, you need to import an Avatar. Documentation mostly suggests to export the standard Genesis 2 female from DAZ and import it into MD. The model has a major problem, though: It is impossible to create a tight fitting garnet around the genital area with the Genesis 2 model in MD. The material is always drawn into the buttcrack and starts clipping out because it is too close to the skin on both sides... It is completely impossible to design anything decent this way. I had some success with exporting a model with some morphs already applied, but it still isn't a perfect solution. Is there really no other way that just works?
* When exporting, textures tend to get lost. This is because VAM expects the textures to be in a specific location, but the clothing creator doesn't copy them there from the absolute location in the duf. While it isn't a problem to copy the files over and they do get loaded correctly, after I figured out I had to edit the UV map manually in MD, I still end up with "Diffuse, Metalness, Normal, Opacity and Roughness from DM, while VAM wants "_MainTex, _SpecTex, _GlossTex, _AlphaTex, _BumpMap und _DecalTex". This is not only one more than I have - the only one I can assign with confidence is Alpha=Opacity - what would be the correct equivalent of the others?
* One of my first designs was a bikini which only consists of two plastic triangles (which are glued on). I was able to create something in MD by using the leather material, which gives it about the right stiffness when pinning it on the model. However - according to another forum posts VAM will _always_ wrap clothing. There is no option in the clothing creator to define a material is stiff/not wrappable.
I read that I would have to create an unity asset for "hard" objects. So I learned about importing stuff to unity and exporting it as an asset. Which somewhat worked, but only to create the next problem: The object cannot be grabbed and adjusted to the model in VR. If I have no mesh colloder in unity the hand goes right through it - no chance to grab. If I do add a mash collider my hand (and the model) do collide, but I still cannot grab and move the object. Just like it was pinned in the air (it isn't marked as static in unity). When I position on the model with the buttons/gimbal and pin it to nipple control everything basically works - except that the model is moving very strangly when animated, since it collides with the bra like a wall...
I also did notice that there are some Glasses from MeshedVR available as clothing, which behave exactly like I would my bra to behave - Unfortunately I couldn't find any hint/tutorial how these were made...
Also, compared with other clothing that is available my own stuff looks really bad
This is btw. the clipping in MD:
I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with all this questions...