Is it possible to add Michael 4 template for next update? I tried to use V4 template in place of M4 textures but it just doesn't work. An M4 to G2M would be appreciated. Thanks
Video Credits: Scene, clothing and hair by @Prestigitis.
Added M4 as a source to allow conversion to G2F/M
No other changes made.
Hi,I noticed that edit mode select all of M4 (it all turns orange). That doesn't happen with other source figure.
Hi,?, Followed your step, I still can't get it to work. V4 to GF3 works fine though.
Hi,Is the guide/template strictly for Blender version 2.79 because something breaks in newer versions?
Only tried 2.79 and everything worked first try.
In fact it worked so good that I prefer this over my other method with DAZ map transfer.
(It's possible to convert textures in DAZ between G2F and G2M for example if the UV files are copied. More complicated and bad UI tho)
Excellent work @MrGiggly![]()
@MrGiggly Hi, just wondering (hoping) if you will be updating the template to convert G9 to G2, as there seems to be some really nice G9 skins appearing these days.
Added support for:
Refined clone for G8.1F to better align with G2 models
G9 uses separate meshes for Eyes, Mouth and Eyebrows which differ singnicantly from older variants.
As a result it is not possible to map these over onto G2.
Whilst it should not be an issue for eyes and mouth as many great textures already exist, you will need to add your own brows to final textures using a paint app unless original authors include them on G9 face textures.
hi thank you so much for the update but does it mean I have to do all the stages of the guide again from start?MrGiggly updated Guide and Blender template to convert V4, M4, G2/3/8/8.1F textures to G2F or G2M with a new update entry:
Updated template (v2.15)
Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi,hi thank you so much for the update but does it mean I have to do all the stages of the guide again from start?
sorry but I never really use blender unless I convert textures so I'm still new to it.
use the new version to convert G8.1m To G2M,Head and body texture is right but the limbs texture not right ,it only has part of texture like below.
anybody can help?
Another common mistake is setting up your G2F/M and forgetting to deselect each mate
I've just run a test to double check I hadn't messed up the release version somewhere. G8.1M to G2M is working ok for me.
Have you double checked that you've assigned the correct texture to both arms and legs on G8.1M and that you're using a Base G8.1M texture set as your source?
Another common mistake is setting up your G2F/M and forgetting to deselect each material slot (face, legs, etc) before choosing the next to assign your blank textures to.
I've just run a test to double check I hadn't messed up the release version somewhere. G8.1M to G2M is working ok for me.
Have you double checked that you've assigned the correct texture to both arms and legs on G8.1M and that you're using a Base G8.1M texture set as your source?
Another common mistake is setting up your G2F/M and forgetting to deselect each material slot (face, legs, etc) before choosing the next to assign your blank textures to.
thanks again,and may i ask that will you add the genital tex convert in the future version?