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Plugins + Scripts EmissiveClothingPlus


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
Blazedust submitted a new resource:

EmissiveClothingPlus - Emissive clothing - without force reload!

Emissive clothing without having to use force reload!

EmissiveClothingPlus - an overhaul of @immyneedscake emissive script

Thanks to immyneedscake and Alazi for their work on the emissive shader in the first place.
This script is based on the one found in https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/killision-subverse.6221/

This emissive script is re-built.
  • You do not have to worry about using force-reload.
  • You can change presets on clothing items while...

Read more about this resource...
I don't understand how you choose articles of clothing. I add the plugin to the person atom and some of the clothes I've tried it on don't work. Is there any way to know if a clothing item is likely to become emissive? Also, is it all of the clothes that are on at once or can you do one clothing item at a time?
I don't understand how you choose articles of clothing. I add the plugin to the person atom and some of the clothes I've tried it on don't work. Is there any way to know if a clothing item is likely to become emissive? Also, is it all of the clothes that are on at once or can you do one clothing item at a time?
I may be corrected.. But this is what I'm used to :
Any and all 'emissive' clothings will have EM in the texture filename. This is how the plugin knows what to make glow.
If the clothing textures don't have an EM, no glow.

Also, excellent work Blaze, was hoping someone would revise this plugin feature eventually.
I don't understand how you choose articles of clothing. I add the plugin to the person atom and some of the clothes I've tried it on don't work. Is there any way to know if a clothing item is likely to become emissive? Also, is it all of the clothes that are on at once or can you do one clothing item at a time?
I updated the description a bit to explain a bit what this plugin intends to do for users that have never used the original emissive shader.

Emissive clothing are clothing items with one or more materials with a name containing "(em)". These clothing items are designed to be lit up and be emissive using a script. This script is an updated version of the original emissive shader script to remove force reload and other quality of life improvements.

Using the filters (in this script) you can force the emissive effect on selected clothing materials.
Support varies on clothing items not designed to be emissive, depending on the source texture used in the material. Materials with a decal texture or alpha texture already set works pretty much out-of-the-box. Other materials might require a different source texture or a fixed white color set in order to actually start glowing.
Also, excellent work Blaze, was hoping someone would revise this plugin feature eventually.

I have some looks using emissive clothing in their arsenal but rarely used them due to the hassle of loading up the original emissive script. Now I can start using them in cool lit scenes with ease!
I have some looks using emissive clothing in their arsenal but rarely used them due to the hassle of loading up the original emissive script. Now I can start using them in cool lit scenes with ease!
It's definitely a game changer, hoping to see some more emissive stuff hit the hub.

Btw, is it difficult to add the emissive effect to other atoms?
Bunch of stuff has a textures tab that can have an emissive texture loaded.
It's definitely a game changer, hoping to see some more emissive stuff hit the hub.

Btw, is it difficult to add the emissive effect to other atoms?
Bunch of stuff has a textures tab that can have an emissive texture loaded.
What kind of atoms did you have in mind more specifically? I have no idea if it's possible depending on access to various features within VAM itself.

I have some vague ideas to investigate if it's possible to add the emissive effect to texture decals on a person directly (glowy decal tattoos) as a feature update to this plugin. Having the glowy effect on some other atoms too might be a nice feature update too.
What kind of atoms did you have in mind more specifically? I have no idea if it's possible depending on access to various features within VAM itself.

I have some vague ideas to investigate if it's possible to add the emissive effect to texture decals on a person directly (glowy decal tattoos) as a feature update to this plugin. Having the glowy effect on some other atoms too might be a nice feature update too.
Specifically, I've always wanted emissive dildos, for that extra magic floating dildo effect ya know
The dildo from meshed is the best "physics toy" atom or CUA that we have AFAIK
He recently added the ability to export the UV for it, so custom textures other than a solid color are possible
Blazedust updated EmissiveClothingPlus with a new update entry:

EmissiveClothingPlus license updated

EmissiveClothingPlus version 2

* Changed license from "CC BY-NC" to "CC BY". Many thanks to immyneedscake :)
* Unchecking "Live Rescan" option now works and disables the live rescan feature as intended.
* "Live Rescan" now checks after non-activated "(em)" clothing materials too after loading is detected, making the plugin easier to use when enabling clothing items with "(em)" materials.
* Original colors that are fully black from the clothing item's diffuse color will always use a white...

Read the rest of this update entry...
how do i make a clothing glow without a preset?
Add the plugin to a person atom. See first video in description.
Select "Filter Override" and select your clothing material you want to be emissive. See second video in description.
Clothing materials without the "(em)" part in the name might require additional tweaks in the settings, such as another texture source or uncheck "Use original color". Support varies for clothing items not designed to be emissive so you will have to play around in the settings.

Save the plugin as a preset as any other plugin preset you would save within VAM. I don't have a video of this so I might add one actually showcasing how to do it for easier reapplying the plugin.
Add the plugin to a person atom. See first video in description.
Select "Filter Override" and select your clothing material you want to be emissive. See second video in description.
Clothing materials without the "(em)" part in the name might require additional tweaks in the settings, such as another texture source or uncheck "Use original color". Support varies for clothing items not designed to be emissive so you will have to play around in the settings.

Save the plugin as a preset as any other plugin preset you would save within VAM. I don't have a video of this so I might add one actually showcasing how to do it for easier reapplying the plugin.
so following the steps, the emission can be enabled for any cloth and not just the ones in ur demos?
so following the steps, the emission can be enabled for any cloth and not just the ones in ur demos?
Yes. Any clothing item with amterials utilizing decals or alpha textures works the best. Otherwise tweak around with the texture source.
An upcoming feature to this plugin:
Clothing materials with a decal texture with a filename containing "(em)" will also be considered a glowing material by the plugin. This will make it easier to create dedicated emissive textures and apply to clothing items without the end users having to enable filters within the plugin. The emissive texture must be in the decal slot for this to work.

Also working on grabbing color data (and more settings) from the texture name itself. The goal is to make it easier for the intended emissive look to be defined in the name of the texture itself as intended by the creator. The end user just have to add the plugin and a clothing preset. More about that in the future update to come.
Last edited:
I just noticed I posted the last update Apr 1. I'm making progress when I have spare time, don't worry :)
Blazedust updated EmissiveClothingPlus with a new update entry:

EmissiveClothingPlus, session plugin and automatic settings for decal texture name

EmissiveClothingPlus version 4

Recommended to delete older versions of this plugin to reduce issues, if any.

* Feature update, plugin can now be run as a session plugin**. All "(em)" enabled clothing materials will be emissive during live rescan. This is for you who want to casually consume emissive clothing items without having to apply the script to each person atom all the time. Poke your favorite cloth creators that emissive clothing is easier than ever to create and share!

Read the rest of this update entry...
A few questions about the latest update:
1) When you output current settings, is the decal automatically made, or do you have to go and manually copy/rename the decal for it to work?
2) Can you rename the decal to just include (em) manually, or do you have to generate the proper string?
3) Is it possible to have a "universal" decal that is just a transparent .png to use for tattoos and other clothing items that don't always use main/decal images?

Thank you and keep up the great work!
A few questions about the latest update:

  1. Q: When you output current settings, is the decal automatically made, or do you have to go and manually copy/rename the decal for it to work?
    • Answer: You have to manually rename the decal texture name. Nothing is automatically generated from the script other than a suggested filename to the log containing the full settings.
  2. Q: Can you rename the decal to just include (em) manually, or do you have to generate the proper string?
    • A: You can just include the "(em)" part in the decal texture name for the plugin to register it as an emissive material. No full setting string required.
  3. Q: Is it possible to have a "universal" decal that is just a transparent .png to use for tattoos and other clothing items that don't always use main/decal images?
    • A: For the automatic settings to work the decal texture should always be the emissive texture. If you have an alpha texture for a tattoo, for example, you can also apply that alpha texture on the decal texture containing "(em)" in the name.
I have suggested Chokaphi- auther of the Decal maker plugin that he add a feature that allow export the decals as clothing items(like without sim). So we can find the exported decal clothings in the clothing tab, and this is especially useful for making eye glowing effects in a much easier way with the help of your plugin. I think you two great authors might as well work together to make any body parts glowing! This will be a way to achieve the above features you mentioned.
I have suggested Chokaphi- auther of the Decal maker plugin that he add a feature that allow export the decals as clothing items(like without sim). So we can find the exported decal clothings in the clothing tab, and this is especially useful for making eye glowing effects in a much easier way with the help of your plugin. I think you two great authors might as well work together to make any body parts glowing! This will be a way to achieve the above features you mentioned.
To enable emissive on person skin decals would probably require a lot of work for such a feature and perhaps another emissive shader. Time I don't have but perhaps someone else is willing to continue with this plugin and add such a feature.
You could just use a geoshell clothing item instead.

If you want to relay some more info my tips might be the following:

Export person decal textures and a clothing preset .json file directly utilizing a geoshell clothing item. Then the end user can select the clothing preset to apply the emissive effect.

It looks like this geoshell clothing item:
accepts person textures as-is (I tried it with a person decal tattoo, works great!). Just put it in the decal or alpha texture channel, name the textures with "(em)" and the plugin will grab the emissive effect. This would perhaps be the easiest conversion to a clothing item but one need to tinker with the Surface Offset and Thinkness properties to avoid clipping issues. This geoshell seem to have a nice license model to allow for a custom clothing item to be bundled with the Decal maker plugin perhaps.

Other geoshell clothing items with other properties:
but both would require some sort of UV transformation I guess for the exported textures but looks like the fit is much better with little to no clipping on the person's skin. These geoshells have different licensing.
Thanks! Your help much appreciated, I really did't know there are other workaounds. So you have made researches on the hub in order to contribute more to those resources needed most. Great and neat work of all you developers anyway!
I konw that...
One day...
Will make something like this...
For the basic shapes atoms...
And... a new VaM era will begun...
Love this plugin, just started using it. I have a bug where either during setup, meaning as soon as the plugin is added, or just out of nowhere after its been working fine for like 20 minutes, it will seemingly duplicate the item its active on, and will even have it slightly off, like its not wrapping to smooth verts. This usually also coincides with the whole item going semi transparent. I've had to reset vam to get it to behave, but it sometimes does this right off the bat, and once it happens, only a reset seems to help. Reloading the clothing, plugin or scene has no positive effect, and I tried each of those in every order possible. Also removing and resetting textures on the item.

I'm using Shader emissive mode which is maybe the problem, even though its not a sim item, because it was thje only setting that actually made the original texture show up. This is an item I ported for a scene I'm working on. Without shader Emissive mode on, the object simply become smooth and black but glows.

"Disabling Emissive" then leaves the object(s) doubled up, transparent, and even more offset from each other.

Here is the object reloaded without the plugin.

Now heres a quick video of it working after like 4 attempts.

Then literally 2 minutes later after making no changes to anything.

Would be amazing to figure this out, its such a cool idea. Appreciate any tips. Thanks!


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Would be amazing to figure this out, its such a cool idea. Appreciate any tips. Thanks!
Shader emissive mode on, if anything else within VaM updates or modifies any material shader on the clothing item during this time it will break down. If you're not using physics on your clothing item you should turn this off. This might be why it breaks down eventually, I haven't used sim mode much myself but on a few clothing items.

" I'm using Shader emissive mode which is maybe the problem, even though its not a sim item, because it was thje only setting that actually made the original texture show up. This is an item I ported for a scene I'm working on. Without shader Emissive mode on, the object simply become smooth and black but glows. "

As I can't see how the actual clothing item's materials are all set, render queue, name etc.. for each material I can't troubleshoot remote with the information given. It should be enough to have the main texture set and have another decal texture for your emissive channel (or leave it blank). Set all material's render queue to 2400 (default) before activating the plugin and see if it helps. Almost sounds like a z-order problem of sorts.
Plugin settings only need to be "Render original texture" On for the effect and all other options Off.

If you have the emissive plugin as a session plugin too, then try to disable it. It might interfere if any material name contains "(em)".
Shader emissive mode on, if anything else within VaM updates or modifies any material shader on the clothing item during this time it will break down. If you're not using physics on your clothing item you should turn this off. This might be why it breaks down eventually, I haven't used sim mode much myself but on a few clothing items.

" I'm using Shader emissive mode which is maybe the problem, even though its not a sim item, because it was thje only setting that actually made the original texture show up. This is an item I ported for a scene I'm working on. Without shader Emissive mode on, the object simply become smooth and black but glows. "

As I can't see how the actual clothing item's materials are all set, render queue, name etc.. for each material I can't troubleshoot remote with the information given. It should be enough to have the main texture set and have another decal texture for your emissive channel (or leave it blank). Set all material's render queue to 2400 (default) before activating the plugin and see if it helps. Almost sounds like a z-order problem of sorts.
Plugin settings only need to be "Render original texture" On for the effect and all other options Off.

If you have the emissive plugin as a session plugin too, then try to disable it. It might interfere if any material name contains "(em)".

Hey, thanks so much for the quick reply. The item only has a single material, and uses a diffuse, main texture.

Render queue is set to default 2400. I ported the horns and the material from TOTK using blender. I baked the texture and made a simplified material with only the main texture. I only have the Emissive plugin on the person. I did name the material with (em) in the name, but found the automatic nature more frustrating to troubleshoot so I reimported the .duf with combine materials checked to be able to activate manually.

When you say,

"Plugin settings only need to be "Render original texture" On for the effect and all other options Off."

Do you mean "Render Original Material". or "Use Original Color", because the descriptions make it sound like in order to see the original texture, being lit up, I need to have both. Either way, I've tried all the options, either on their own or in combos, and its the same result.

It's probably something I'm doing wrong when creating the item in blender or importing in daz. I can't seem to find any resources that talk about how to mkae emissive clothes. Its strange that it sort of works but then breaks almost immediately no matter what I do. I am surprised I don't see this being used more often, its a fantastic idea.

Thanks for the assistance, I'll have to hunt down info on how to make the item properly.


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