Hey there, questions for 2 things I noticed when I am using this Plugin (version 71, with VAM version 1.22.03):
#1: Atom Person's eyes "reset" when going in Edit Mode.
This one is tricky to explain. Basically if I have two Atoms in a scene, for example (with animations), and the Girl Atom's Eye Control is set to Custom; then I specify Male Atom, 'look at' the Head (node) (so that the Girl's eyes constantly look at the Male Atom's Head node). It does works, unless I access Edit Mode again (basically I'd have to never go back into Edit Mode after I set the eyes control).
So when I go in any one of the Edit Mode's menu / tabs (if I click on the Plugins tab, or Clothing, or Hair... essentially any left-click I do on the menu, anywhere) will - weirdly enough - "reset" the Girl's eyes to look at nothing specific in the scene (I.E. she does not look at the Male's Head node anymore, the eyes "reset away" from whatever it is I indicated them to look at manually, and they just rotate in a random direction and 'stick' that way permanently until I re-manually adjust what I want the Eyes to look at again).
This weird Eye Control behavior 'conflict' happens if I do the following: 1) If I add the Plugin to the Girl Atom in a scene where, initially, the Plugin was not added to the Girl (once it is added and I then manually adjust the Eye Control, the issue starts happening), or if 2) I create a Plugins preset where this Plugin is part of the Preset, and if I then load that Preset for the Girl atom in a Scene, the issue starts happening.
The issue goes away if I simply do not use this Plugin at all.
By the way, it does not matter if I use the Plugin's own 'Pose Me' (Gazing) features. If I turn that portion of the Plugin Off, the issue persists. Additionally, the issue keeps happening if this Plugin is the only one present in the Plugins tab (of the Girl Atom, for example) which has the ability to control the Eyes. In other words, even if I am NOT using another Plugin like Real Gaze with just BodyLanguage present, then the problem keeps happening.
I want to reiterate that using manual Eye Controls (I.E. using 'Custom' nodes to make the eyes look at specific nodes on the Male Atom, for instance) does work WITH this Plugin... BUT the 'problem' is whenever I go back into Edit Mode for whatever the reason may be, then the Eyes on the Girl Atom just reset themselves from whatever it is I wanted them to do (which I do very often, since I am very much an editor more than a 'user' of VAM; so I constantly edit many things in pre-made scenes, or self-made scenes).
#2: Multiple Voice types play one after another when using ReadMyLips' own VAMMoan Voice feature.
So when using this Plugin's own VAMMoan feature (in ReadMyLips > Voice Tab > Voice Enabled) and NOT using any separate voice Plugins, then the Voice 'Girl' type I choose in the drop-down list does not 'stick' to that voice. If I select Ella, for example, then during a lewd animation it constantly "switches" between multiple voices. Basically it seems to cycle through all of them, and randomly selects voice samples according to what is happening).
Is this actually intended? I'm not sure. The thing is there is no separate check box for, say, something like "Randomly Switch Voices", which I would enable / disable whenever I feel like I want that, or not. But the reason why I even point at this in the first place is of course because I would prefer it if the Voice I choose remains in use all the time and does not randomly switch without my control over it.
If this is actually a bug then at least now you know (and sorry if this was mentioned before). But if it is actually intended then I would humbly recommend a small update at some point to add an option in order to disable this function, please.