Assetbundle assets saved/loaded/merged into new scene?


Active member
Hey guys - I'm starting to work through my VAM wish list and one of the items is having the ability to:

- save off into a scene file or whatever only certain assets and then import/load/merge them into a new scene, such as, assetbundle clothes lying on the floor from a vam scene.

My thought is to create the sense of clothes discarded on the bed and floor in the hasty heart of passion, but I can't find a way to do it with assetbundle clothes.

I know the setup for this can be done with regular vam clothes on a person but not how to effectively save them for a merge load into a new scene since it would require a person these vam clothes are attached to, right?
Yes, clothes only load on people. They cant be saved in their detached state.
They also don't collide with themselves, so even if you remove them, they will kind of "puddle" flat on the floor rather than lying realistically.

I seem to remember seeing an assetbundle of a pile of clothes on the floor, but i can't seem to locate it now.

The closest you could do (and it's a pain) would be to have a scene where the clothing is worn, and make an animation that runs on scene load moving one or more clothGrabSpheres to the clothing, grabbing it, pulling it off, then moving it to the floor.
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